DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +2 / -1

Still waiting for the day when the LGBTQ+ community implodes from within because having that Q+ in there makes it a dogwhistle for Alt-Right-White-Supremacist Nazis or something.

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +3 / -2

Also what if that 1 person died then Q would have vanished.

Imagine if this actually turned out to be the reason Q vanished lmao.

DJT: Alright team. What's our next plan? And oh, by the way, why have our Q comms been so silent lately?

Team Member: (super nervous): Well, sir, it's just that, the guy who was posting those drops...? Well, he...er...he's dead.

DJT: Dafuq? What do you mean he's dead? And then, why hasn't anyone else taken over the account yet?

Team Member: (pissing his pants now): A...a...actually, sir, we don't have the login info for it.

DJT: That's it. You're fired. As a matter of fact, you're all fired.

Alright personal secretary #17. Time for you to take over this whole thing...and...get the new Q guy on Truth Social ASAP. Am I clear on this?

DJT's Personal Secretary #17: (now literally trembling): Y...y...yessir!!! I'll get Mr. Nunes on the line right away!

(P.S. The above d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ meme conversation is a work of fiction and is for entertainment purposes ONLY).

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yep. In short, and to keep it simple, this basically boils down to two very, VERY clear and distinct possibilities or SCENARIOS in here...

Scenario A: It's a fake Q account. And if it is, then how in the world would Truth Social (of ALL imaginable places) even as much as ALLOW IT to even exist?


Scenario B: It is the real Q. Which would then mean that the no outside comms rule has been permanently ditched or violated.

The question that remains now is, what exactly is the worst possible sin according to anons? Q violating their own sacred rule (i.e. Scenario B) OR the entire Great Awakening movement ITSELF being a massive, gigantic LARP full of malicious intent? (i.e. Scenario A).

Take your pick, my dearest anons.

DonSpectacularis 5 points ago +6 / -1

"The dangerous Russian misinformation agent LARPed their redpills towards them Q'ly, like a goddamned conspiracy theorist."

EDIT: I forgot to add alt-right, Nazi, white supremacist, KKK sympathizer, Fox News watcher, transphobic...those are all of the requisite buzzwords right? Or did I still miss any?

DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +3 / -1

Very well said. So even if this Q was indeed "fake" (i.e. NOT verified by the real Q), as long as they're dropping redpills...

... they're nevertheless doing their intended job.

That of making The Great Awakening happen for ONE and for ALL.


DonSpectacularis 41 points ago +42 / -1

The funny thing is, even if the (Truth Social version of) Q never confirms that this account is indeed them, [as they've already said "NO comms made outside this platform" (are to be considered legit) previously]...this STILL doesn't stop the owner of the account itself from redpilling and truth-bombing left, right, and center.

And if someone from the MSM openly calls out team Truth Social on giving the "dangerous QAnon" a platform, they can straight up call out their lie and link them to the comm made by Q which outright denies the legitimacy of any outside comms.

But alas, the MSM can't ask that question (and risk receiving that answer) because then, they would actually have to LINK PEOPLE to comms from their own biggest enemy, the notorious "QAnon."

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Plausible deniability 5D chess checkmate for the win.

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +7 / -4

I feel like at some point they would simply have to do it (regardless of how many truth bombs they're dropping each new day or how authentic they really are) or it will only create more confusion amongst Q's actual followers, who have been clearly told not to trust any outside comms.

Unless of course, that WAS the original plan all along; to keep all sorts of plausible deniability regarding whether this IS the real Q or ISN'T the real Q, and let the hype generate for itself as more and more normies get wind of the matter and there's all sorts of media debate and shit going down while the massive TRUTH BOMBS keep dropping on here with Each. Passing. Day!

As far as the awakened ones go, they are awakened enough already in any case so a non-confirmation of authenticity (from Q) does little to nothing for them, per se. And regardless of that, they'll REGARDLESS be getting access to (what I presume are) authentic Q comms anyways, so this is a win-win for ALL!

And, as far as the sleepers themselves are concerned, many of them have been awakened/awaken-ing lately to a LOT of the goings-on within our world, ESPECIALLY SO all of that rampant Censorship and Bannings and Cancel Culture shit...so I take it that MANY of them would be super-curious about the (in)famed "QAnon" and what all of this hype / hiding is even all about. So this account would be a good way for Q to finally start dropping some exclusive truth bombs, teach normies how to connect the dots and decode comms and so on and so forth...giving them all a glimpse into this whole wild ride of ours. And last (but by no means the least), the chans and the kuns are not everyone's cup of tea to understand / navigate / comprehend...so a more Twatter like feed will give the sleepers a more normie-fied version of the Great Awakening, so to speak.

All of the above is all conjecture of course, and Q may very well confirm the whole thang tomorrow making everything I wrote above pointless. But then again, such is life.

P.S. I'm 10000000000000000000000000000000% CERTAIN that Q (and even Q+) know about this platform and hang out on here in some capacity or the other at the very least, whether they communicate on here or not. Anything lesser sounds just VERY, very unlikely to me, given the circumstances.

DonSpectacularis 169 points ago +178 / -9

"Is this the real Q?"

The question you should instead be asking yourself is: Would a social media site built literally by Donald Motherfucking Trump, for the sharing of truths no less, featuring an IMPOSSIBLE-TO-GET single character username, that somehow just so happens to be the letter 'Q' (of all things), that then gets brought to people's attention NOT organically but by Devin Fucking Nunes (of all people), for an account that was created on a date -- the letters of which add up to 17 -- and that too PRIOR TO the creation of the account of the literal motherfucking owner of the said platform...
... do I even need to say anything more STILL???

How many "coincidences" before mathematically impossible?

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +1 / -2

Well it's a wave from Q and Q+. THE wave, if you will.

The Red Wave. The turning of the tide.

DonSpectacularis 32 points ago +32 / -0

Not a theory...it is what is going on.

The mere fact that 🅾🅿'🆂ㅤ🅰🅲🅲🅾🆄🅽🆃ㅤ🅶🅾🆃ㅤ🆂🆄🆂😳🅿🅴🅽🅳🅴🅳 should tell you everything there is to know!

EDIT: This whole post deserves to be stickied now that Twatter has confirmed its authenticity for us!

DonSpectacularis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you :) <3

It was indeed your inspiration after all so the honour is all mine!!! :) :) :)

DonSpectacularis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah well, while the redpilling itself is instant, explaining it here (in text) would without a doubt take a couple of paragraphs at least, which it indeed does. That being said, speech works way faster than reading, so what you see as five paragraphs in here, translates to basically two / three simple logical questions capable of redpilling most normies in less than 5 minutes flat.

Go try it out for yourself!! You'd be (pleasantly!) surprised at how very simple and quick and effective it is, and can even really BE!!! :)

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +3 / -0

All in good time fren. All in good time.

Justice will not be denied. Just a little more patience, and very, very shortly, ALL will reveal itself as what it always has been, and on a global scale at that.

We are all now almost there. So hang on to your hats, one and all. Hang on to your hats.

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't worry. They WILL NOT escape what they've put out, buying out judges and killing off witnesses can only buy them so much time before the inevitability of justice finally hits them.

And hit them it 10000% WILL. For such is indeed, destiny. One, that they've indeed created for themselves and by themselves no less.

DonSpectacularis 5 points ago +5 / -0

No amount of upvotes will do your perfect comment justice, fren. No amount of upvotes.

DonSpectacularis 6 points ago +6 / -0

A child can be made to believe anything.

By far the very simplest, and yet, the most profound of all statements indeed.

When will the rest of our world grasp this surprisingly simple and obvious FACT?

DonSpectacularis 6 points ago +8 / -2

And oh, by the way, this reminds me of a fun fact. Alas, I can neither call it fun nor fact, because it's ultimately fucked up as all hell and I have no real means to prove it in any case. Nevertheless, here goes nothing...

Speaking of predictive programming, there are certain beings (of the negative sort) that are capable of, well, time travel. So, they can simply go to a past time-point of their choosing, and say, plant a book in a specific location of their selection. Then, they come back to the present time, and "predict" that such and such book (from none other than GOD!) will be found in so and so place.

The "book" in question, then crowns them (the book-planters) as being such people as "God's chosen people" or whatever, and the book also contains an exhaustive list of God Given Commandments for Sin-Free Living. Commandments, which unsurprisingly contain every last rule IMAGINABLE that helps these deceptive ones maintain great control, power, and what-else-have-you by convincing their innocent / ignorant / asleep followers that they (the book planters) are God's chosen people of incomprehensible powers and strength.

Some of these "strengths" are of course advanced hologram projectors, and certain other powerful technologies that can convince many an asleep human of these ones' God-ness. Because obviously, someone with time travel tech at their disposal are going to have a lot of other advanced technologies at their disposal as well. And so, humanity's enslavement to various Gods and God-beings continues.

This (and similar time-travel related power-trippy shenanigans) have happened in more places and more times than it's even possible to count at this point in time.

Some folks on here (who have already dug deep enough into certain rabbit holes) can already guess as to which specific negative beings I'm ultimately referring to in here.

Yes, it's (mostly) always them; our usual suspects. R________ something something.

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ugh, i digress, as i could speak on this topic for quite some time.

Lmao, tell me about it. Or, in the immortal words of Captain America... "I could do this all day." 😂😂😂

DonSpectacularis 4 points ago +5 / -1

We are God's children. We all the have the same powers as Christ. We must spiritually evolve to that point first.

Perfectly put :) :)

DonSpectacularis 7 points ago +8 / -1


Nailed it. So, how the elite have programmed humanity (through deception-infused education, falsity-induced history, lie-infused religion, and what-else-have-you) is to use their inherent positive qualities against themselves.

Suppress your God-given and very natural and normal emotions because they make you look "weak". Suppress your innate sense of Self-Love because it's narcissistic and suppress your innate self of INFINITE Self-Worth (as a literal child of GOD) because it's boastful/bragful to even think about. Suppress true masculinity, suppress true femininity, and forever tell the literal children of the ONE INFINITE CREATOR that they are UNWORTHY, WEAK, SLAVE-BORN, "SINNERS" who have to pray to some power-tripping psychopath "God" or get thrown in a literal hell or purgatory for eternity otherwise.

What sort of an insane parent would damn their own beloved children (and that too, for eternity) because they did not fucking WORSHIP them? The fuck kind of weak, manipulative, deceitful and psychotic (caricature) of some make-believe "God" even IS that?

What people call God is the same thing as Unconditional LOVE. The creator of realities, the intelligence beyond all intelligences, the only true POWER in all of CREATION. To spread such dark lies and falsehoods about PURE LOVE and to literally program innocent children by filling them with pure HATRED against one another (under the guises of false "religious" teachings, racial differences, gender differences and what-else-have-you) literally under God's name brings folks EXTREME amounts of negative karmic burdens, and that's even besides what they are creating for themselves through their satanic ritual child abuses and such.

All karmic debts must ultimately be paid off by Divine LAW, and these ones will VERY SHORTLY be made to realize that as NO ONE THROUGHOUT EXISTENCE gets a free pass on hurting or defiling or desecrating another pure and innocent soul. As a matter of fact, many of these Tribunals are ALREADY underway even as we SPEAK. After all, NOTHING can stop what is COMING, and ESPECIALLY what is currently coming towards THEM.

EDIT: They've manipulated and distorted EVERYTHING that once stood for positivity, goodness, love, light, and all that is good. They used goddess ISIS' name for an organization dedicated towards ruthlessly killing and brainwashing innocents, they used the holy Swastika to represent mass genocide, and even used Corona (which represents our very LIFE-giving Sun) to make people think dis-ease every time they even as much as hear that word. NONE OF THIS has been forgotten, and ALL SHALL BE ACCOUNTED FOR in the due course of time. For such is indeed, their very own (self-generated and self-perpetuated) destiny now.

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