Out of curiosity, how exactly did you find/discover this specific website? I'm assuming Google would be hiding it in search results and such (it definitely DID back when I discovered it a long time back (through a link someone posted on Reddit).
No need to be embarrassed fren. We've ALL been there, at a point where we thought we knew-it-all, only to be proven OH.SO.WRONG.
And don't get me wrong, we'll continue to be proven both wrong as well as right from time to time, it's just how it all works. But yes, this thing you said...
But I knew there was truth in it - I could feel it.
...THAT is something that I believe EVERY LAST ONE OF US can relate to a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.
P.S. Also, we now have our first confirmed truther-converted Bernie Bro! Or are there even more???
Just playin', lol.
A question for all those who were alive during the JFK assassination: Did that seem suspicious to any of you at that time? Or to your parents? Or to anyone else in your close circles at all?
I understand that digging deep into it all wasn't too much of a possibility for any of ya'll during the pre-internet era, but did that incident itself just kind-of kickstart an awakening (or at least a questioning) within any of you all who were perhaps youngsters then?
I do know for a fact that Princess Diana's death did cause plenty of "conspiracy theories" to come about (and it was still the pre-internet era then), but I have no idea as to where such theories were even really discussed apart from one-to-one conversations between close friends or whatever.
So, this is like recruitments for the armed forces, but in a way that hints that enlisters don't necessarily have to fight in REAL WARS unless absolutely necessary, am I getting this somewhat right?
This one's an unusual one. What exactly is selective service?
I've not read this book/research. Is it at all possible to TL;DR that one?
Speaking of which, the horror that is MKULTRA is yet another one of the monstrosities that rattled me the most. Also the Guantanamo Bay prisoner abuse situation, although I haven't researched the actual tortures they did here in depth or anything.
Now that you mention it, I remember the whole Wikileaks deal too. But at that time, I just thought, "oh look, corrupt governments doing corrupt government things" and dismissed it at that. Was also quite young back then to even recognize as to how deep this whole mess could possibly go.
Now that I think about it, that whole expose should have been a clue...
based family!
and women hating
You've hit the nail on the head here coz this REALLY needs to stop. If we copy the same tendencies that we criticize feminism for, then we have no rights left to call THEM out on THEIR man-hate-fuelled cult shit.
And that's a fantastic list right there, point #4 being the most underrated!
THIS is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL comment right here ❤️❤️❤️
It starts with a trickle.
As much as I appreciate Trump for taking on the cabal more than words can even convey, but even I'm under no delusion that he's a saint, or someone without a past.
And I'll leave it at that.
By the way, and just to be very, very clear, I do NOT agree with them spending billions and trillions of dollars to fund wars (and the Military Industrial Complex) either. Nor do I support these ones that the WH Twitter has (rightly) exposed today.
I'm against all spending that enriches the dark ones, and for all spending that assists the downtrodden. And this should ideally be every HUMAN'S approach to this, in any case.
If calling out millionaire crooks who've abused the system's loopholes to get rich (as they shout and scream against poor students working 3 jobs just to find a decent education) makes me a shill, then I'll proudly put on my shill hat. Hell, if you're a mod reading this, give me my shilliest shill flair already, please.
Any person with a shred of humanity, hell, even basic morality within them would call this BS out for what it is rather than seeing it as some "our side right" "your side wrong" madness. These tweets by WH today were the libs' equivalent of @DefiantL tweets, but hey, they're just way too inconvenient for us, apparently.
If they're gonna bitch and cry and scream about the "unjustness" of people "mis-spending"* taxpayer funds then they should grow a spine - AND a pair - and lead by EXAMPLE because that's what LEADERS DO.
Last I checked, leading by example was a thing, and a very, VERY respectable thing at that.
But naah, they're just gonna piss in their golden toilet bowls tonight while feeling happy that they got their nation's citizens riled up against * checks notes *, poor little students working 3 jobs to make ends meet.
I don't know if you have a moral compass (or even a humanity compass) beyond supporting every evil that capitalism does, but in case you do, I'd suggest that you attempt using it once. Cheers.
There you go!
No and I would have still listened to them if only they'd had any actual integrity left in them to to pay off said loans (now that they very well are rich enough to), before bitching and crying this much about literal poor students.
I don't care who's running the White House account right now, but today, I'm a one hundred percent on their side. Heck, I don't even care if it was the cabal that did it (out of fear or desperation or whatever). Exposure is exposure. Light is light. Truth is truth, no matter where it comes from.
Exactly. Besides, I'm sure that these ones can now actually pay off said loans, if they had even a shred of integrity left. In fact, if they had done that before calling out these student loan forgivings, I would have likely taken their words more seriously.
But when was the last time a career politician had any integrity in them lol.
do we really need to go line by line to identify every individual who exploited it
That line of which you speak looks rather short, and the exploiting individuals in question rather huge (not to mention, a tad bit too loud mouthed and arrogant AF about it all)
The thing is, these ones (who already hold great power and prosperity, and can likely pay off their forgiven loans even today) had millions of dollars worth of their debts forgiven. And yet, when someone else, such as students, get what is less than 0.1% the said amount, they all bitch and cry from their high horses.
Of course they need to be named, shamed, called out, exposed, and dragged out of their respective thrones.
The ones who offer the money and the ones who (are even given the opportunities to) take up the said offer are the same criminals. It's like that Spiderman pointing to Spiderman meme. Or that Office meme which says "they're the same picture" (Corporate wants you to tell the difference between these two images).
Rightly said!
What's even worse is that these numbers are in literal million dollars. The audacity these ones have to compare themselves to students whose amounts come down to a meager $10,000 dollars, as also the likelihood that those who've already paid off their loans aren't even going to get any rebates themselves. And yet, these rich, filthy bastards wanting to "lead us" are okay leeching off millions of taxpayer dollars themselves, but God forbid some poor student struggling with three jobs just to get educated gets like, 0.1% or lesser of the money.
Fuck that noise.
Yep. Describes me to a T. I was exactly like the highlighted part when I first heard about "a group of evil people plotting world domination". Sounded just WAY too cartoonish / Hollywood-movie-ish for me to be believable at all lol.
So when the TRUTH of it all finally hit me, it hit me like a jet on 9/11.