So where is the original video that proves your point?
Before someone asks the same dumb question I was going to -
No, this picture was not taken today. No masks and tineye shows it’s from 2019 (at least)
Proof it was canceled :
She's not. Check out the Majority Leader's calendar :
I don't know if it means anything, but they did cancel next weeks schedule.
Thanks for the update! Interesting...
Doesn't that link show that next week is "in session"? What am I missing?
Here is a better quality video. Start at 3:30:00 if my link doesn't work.
Non-handshake here reporting the same. I landed on this video : and was all set to download it and mess with the brightness to see if I could see text. Not needed. Even at the default 720p there is absolutely text there shown at 1:30 when he first opens it.
Pushing easily disproven stuff like this is dumb.
Cyberpunk 2077 has better NPCs than the shills I’ve seen lately.
A reporter asked a valid question. Why wasn’t Biden and his family following the EO he just signed? Do you have an answer?
You know there is a thumbnail right dipshit?
If something happens, you will know.
I never understood why people take the time to setup an account on a message board just to blow their load with a post like this.
I’m still very hopeful that Trump hands control of the country to the military tomorrow. But if Biden is inaugurated I don’t see how that is part of the plan. I’m a hopium addict, so if you can explain how Biden sitting in the whitehouse leaves us with a path to draining the swamp, I’m all ears.
That sounds like a plan that Biden would cook up. That would be a really shitty plan.
My first thought as well. Are the marines typically present at an inauguration?
I stand corrected, thanks for following up.
That’s fair.
I’ve seen so many posts talking about “don’t lose hope even if Biden is inaugurated” that I jumped the gun.
My point stands though.
So a video you can’t find spoken in a language you don’t understand?
Have you looked around? The demoralization is already here. The crime has already been committed. It’s not like we have to wait until Biden is sitting in the Oval Office to “catch” him. If there isn’t military action tomorrow, it’s over.
E- I took “winner” as Biden being inaugurated.
It’s a low energy troll posted by some cuck while his wife is getting plowed in the other room.
Do you literarily have any proof of this?
We should be way past playing nice.