Let's hope not fren. Would prove the whole operation trust angle right all along.
One I remember seeing posts about changes they were making 1-2 years ago, but can't remember exactly.
But aside from that just from an anecdotal point I have noticed a degradation of search results quality over time. A lot of topics I used to easily find get shoved down now, and search results mainly point to the major "trusted sources".
Brave search has also been cucked now too.
Yet there are many more questionable figures attached to the movement, if this is the case we've got many small leaks to deal with.
This too many people here are way too certain about individuals of which they cannot objectively validate. So many of these people have major red flags and question marks, but that also doesn't mean they can't be utilized as assets.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone here!
Where are you reading anything about the prisoners, afaik this only applies to Trump himself.
That's great to hear, wishing her a speedy recovery!
No because he never posted it.. people need to do more double checking before they make posts here.
Trump never posted this..
Not the real DOGE account..
I'm really sorry she's going through this, will be praying for her total recovery.
Yes the Trump interview was supposed to be the marker for that happening.
This is the oldest reference I could find when searching Google for "Clif High Joe Rogan" with custom date ranges.
One thing I haven't seen anyone post about here on GW yet either, is him predicting the Trump/Rogan interview.
How do you feel know after the Trump/Rogan interview came to pass, especially since the prediction was made back in 09'.
Edit: Upon digging further, the furthest evidence I can find of this prediction was him talking about it in an interview in 2023.
As I said in the thread the other day, some of you are unwilling or incapable of recognizing nuance.
Just because AJ's strings are cut rn, doesn't mean he wasn't a Mossad asset in the past.
Not really. Still hold the same view of him.
This also goes to show that two things can be true at once, but a lot of people here are incapable or unwilling to entertain nuance.
What a smooth brain misrepresentation of the argument.
He was not right on 9/11, Bill Cooper whom he ripped the info from and took all the credit for was right about 9/11. And Bill Cooper was killed for it, meanwhile AJ went on to have a very lucrative career as the carnival barker.
Wtf are you on about? He is expressing his freedoms by disagreeing with you. Nowhere in his post did he say "shut him down" you fucking dolt.
Yeah one slap on the wrist decades later. Meanwhile Bill Cooper actually lost his life. None of us here know the level of which Alex Jones is personally taking a loss. They have publicly thrown their own under the buss repeatedly to maintain the illusion. That doesn't mean he is actually being punished.
Not only that, as I said in one of my other comments. I'm not saying AJ can't be on the right side right now. I believe there have been former puppets who have had their strings cut and are now cooperating with the right team. However, that doesn't rewrite his history or diminish his potential and likely role as a controlled opp agent.
Yes but context also matters. For pedes here who have been following things really close since 2017, we remember how a lot of these things played out. AJ tried to pretend he was in league with Q, then Q called his bullshit out.
After that AJ started trying to go to war with Q and claimed to know who was behind it. He then threatened them to iirc apologize or reveal themselves can't remember exactly. Or he would personally out them. He gave them a timeline. That is where the context of the Q post accusing him of being a mossad agent comes into play, and guess what AJ never carried through with his threats because he was grasping at straws.
It's crazy to me that on a Q board people don't know this and idolize the buffoon so much.
I won't say it with certainty, because it's been awhile since I've seen any of it. But I do remember seeing shady stuff about Frank and his satanic connections. So context does matter when it comes to lyrics, and I'd say if he was of the satanic crowd then that definitely plays a role in how these lyrics should be interpreted.