I was just clicking around on that site and found this countdown page. Anyone have any idea what it's about?
Constitution signed Sep 17, 1787. The question asks who was born Sep 18, many years later? The countdown ends Sep 24, 2021. EDIT: John McAfee was born Sep 18th.
I found the link on this page ... the letter 'd' on "Defend & Extend" has a hyperlink that took me there.
Their "history" page mentions the Great Awakening a number of times. https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/our-history/
EDIT: The history page also mentions "Plan for the New American Century", of which John Bolton was a director. Not sure what to make of this.
EDIT AGAIN: Ingersoll Lockwood is the author of the Barron Trump book. WTF. There's a reddit thread about this countdown with more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ob09om/hear_me_out_mcafee_countdown_maybe/
Even American Spirit is required by law to add FSC (fire standards compliant) chemicals to their pre-packaged cigarettes. The jury's still out on the safety of these chemicals. The only way to avoid this is to roll your own.
She resigned from working in the media months ago. I don't mean to be rude, but what's your point? She's running for governor and this is an active campaign ad.. what does it matter that she resigned from Fox several months ago?
I don't know a lot about freemasonry, all I know is every time this comes up in the context of Trump, the evidence of him being a mason is either very weak or non-existent. These Trump=mason people give me strong shill vibes
See also.. https://qalerts.app/?n=1631
This is terrible DD ................
Seriously.. that "triangle" on Trump Tower? HUGE stretch. Triangle hand symbols? A LOT of people put their hands like that.. I've done it myself more times than I care to count during meetings at work. It's a comfortable way to rest your hands.
The battle cry on the coat of arms means "Never give up". The history and meaning behind the logo/coat of arms can be found in this 2012 article. https://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2012/01/17/donald-trump-at-last-awarded-the-scottish-coat-of-arms/
Nothing about any of this points to Trump being a mason
The video says they're parked outside of a pharmaceutical building but that's not accurate.
That building the trucks are parked at is a Canadian company called INKAS that manufactures armored vehicles for every conceivable purpose (military, police, banks, etc). You can see the blue INKAS flag out front next to the Canadian flag.
Seeing armored UN trucks is always concerning, but since the company manufactures armored vehicles, it's not that crazy to see them there.
The trucks in question appear to the "INKAS Sentry Civilian" vehicles, which are heavily modified Ford F-550s https://inkasarmored.com/sentry-civilian/
Gmail storage is shared with Google Drive. The TOS does mention Drive, so I suppose they could use this to justify deleting mail attachments.
Every Google Account starts with 15 GB of free storage that’s shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. https://one.google.com/faq/storage
I have some AMC just in case it pops off, but to be honest, the hype and memes on the AMC reddit community feel inauthentic for some reason. The GME hype comes across as genuine to me, and there's loads of quality research being put into it.
I haven't paid terribly close attention. Just some casual observations.
I'll add a few:
Computing Forever: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/hybM74uIHJKf/
The Remnant: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRemnantvideo
The Highwire with Del Bigtree: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/okiFK5CwQrZS/
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: http://ae911truth.org/
Spiro Skouras: https://www.bitchute.com/profile/gFcrWj6nE0gq/