Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

JFK was a Catholic.

Founders were Masons... who most know by know, worship Lucifer.

Q brings up Arch Bishp Vigano, who calls out Freemasons.

Freemasons bave been at war with Catholics for 300 years.

Q began dropping posts almost 500 years to the date of when Luther began the great Schism...

You see, I believe the Protestant spilt was a Deep state operation to weaken Christiandom. It feels very apropos that Q came onto the picture 500 years later... perhaps its a conicidence, perhaps not!

It would be epic if Q was a Catholic op to cleanse the Church & State & reunite it. Heaven is a Monarchy, not a Republic.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

I refuse to make false idols out of our Freemasonic founders. Jefferson was part of the French Revolution, Jefferson was the US Minister to France from 1785 to 1789 and witnessed the beginning of the French Revolution. He was initially taken aback by the events, but eventually became a supporter of the revolution. He allowed his home to be used as a meeting place for rebels, helped Lafayette draft the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and compared the deaths to war casualties. Lafayette proudly sent the keys of the Bastielle to President Washington. One key is at mount Vernon & the other is at the Masonic Museum in Alexandria, VA.

The French Revolution marked the beginning of the end for the old world order & the beginning of the New world order, Catholic France was doubled crossed by American Freemasons & yes,I believe many of our founding Fathers are burning in hell. There, I said it.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno man, the more I research the original church (and its foundational role in Western Civ) the more I can't help but to claim its the ONE Church (granted, she's currently being held hostage to Freemasons & Communists). Butnhere me out.. this is why I want to push this inner-faith dialogue to a broader Christian Crowd. I ask all that see our convo to dig, dig,dig...

▪️Catholics were hunting down the Illumanii (Lumbrosos) during the Spanish Inquisition. ▪️look up Saint Simon of Trent, Holy Child of Lagardia, Saint william of Norwich... then think of Epstein's island. ▪️look up all the 50 Papal bulls that banned Carholics from joining Freemasonry. ▪️Look up Catholic King Phillip the Fair, who arrested & executed the knights Templar for being Devil Worshipping bankers & mersenaries. Then look up Kamala Harris ties to the the Knights Templar. ▪️look up the Keys of the Bastielle hanging proudly in George Washingtons house. American Freemasons backstabbed their French Allies.

I bring all these obscure facts up to paint a broader picture; the Catholic Church has been fighting the NWO for centuries. If we truely want reconquer the World for Christ... dare I say, we must save his Church.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jefferson was a Diest Freemason that is likely burning in hell,along with HellFire club member & fellow Freemason, Ben Franklin,to be frank. I see the new age as another plank of Freemasonry, the end goal is to subvert Christianity; yoga, Terot cards, astrology, diviniation, astrol projection... notice how all these things are trendy in these modern days? The following letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley:

"this was the real ground of all the attacks on you: those who live by mystery & charlatanerie, fearing you would render them useless by simplifying the Christian philosophy, the most sublime & benevolent, but most perverted system that ever shone on man, endeavored to crush your well earnt, & well deserved fame." - Jefferson to Priestley, March 21, 1801

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree fren, I dont want division. But for those that want a deeper understanding of the bible, they will eventually come across the fact that Catholic bibles have more books; it then begins to make one ask more & more questions. Call me an idealist, but if we are to beat the NWO, we have to unit. Unity & reconcilliation can only come by arriving & agreeing on the truth.

Can you imagine a world where the East & West unite. Division only serves to weaken us; we inherited a mess & while the divison servee to strengthen the NWO (e.g.Protestants that worship Israel to their own deperment). Can you imagine a world where Christinity is united? It would likely be something similar to what the Western world was like 500 years ago; Moreso over 1,000 years ago before the East split.

One can dream.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +2 / -1

She also brought on Freemason Charlottons like Zachariah Stichen onto her show; most famous with interpreting the dead sea scrolls & pushing the alien agenda.these people are New Agers.

I dont trust Elizabeth Prophet. I dont trust Freemason Stichen. I don't trust Flynn.

Dues_Vult_1492 2 points ago +4 / -2

Hilter was a homosexual Jew who dabbled in paganism & was funded by American Freemasons & British Masonic Royal family.

He was a Judus goat meant to kill off the Alpha males of the West; his role as controlled opposition killed the idea of Christian Nationalism; meanwhile Communism continued to spread. It was as if Hilter was the boogy man who set the stage for the people we aren't allowed to mention.

Dues_Vult_1492 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you know that Catholics have been fighting the Illumaniti since the Spanish Inquisition?

Catholics can't be Freemasons, and it's been that way since 1738?

Ever heard of Saint Simon of Trent?

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?'" Matthew 7:22

You wont be able to say you never heard the truth on your day of Judgement. Just say'n.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, so you're not even a Christian and you're talking on Christian theology? your opinion means even less to me now 🤣

Dues_Vult_1492 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are either a Catholic who is church begin and 33 A.D. or an Orthodox who is church split and a 10th century or you belong to one of the 45,000 man-made denominations they came into existence after Martin Luther is revolt in the 16th century,

You're a real embarrassment to yourself if you don't understand Christian history and yet you call yourself a Christian it's laughable, if it wasn't so tragic.

Who is your pastor,Joel Osteen?

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

You obviously don't know your Christian history, because you obviously deny the church established by Jesus and his apostles. Your heretically believe that Christianity began when a overweight Catholic monk who dabbled in the Kabbalah and Rosicrucianism in the 16th century. The Bible, you're holding your hand likely has seven missing books, and words added to it,

Your pride blinds you and prevents you from accepting the reality of the Catholic Church is the original church founded by Jesus and his apostles, and has been around for over 2000 years I hope you can overcome your pride and see the truth for what it is.

Dues_Vult_1492 0 points ago +1 / -1

I find it very interesting that Q began to post almost exactly 500 years to the date in which the Rosicrucian gnostic known as Martin Luther began his revolution. The Catholic Church was hunting down the Illumaniti in the 15th century, long before any protestant denominations even existed!!!! Luther's mission was to divide Jesus's original church.

Furthermore, what I find really interesting is that Q brings up ArchBishop vegan know who is very vocal about Freemasonry; archBishop Vigano wrote a letter to Trump back in 2020 and in that letter he calls out the freemasons; Trump re-tweeted the letter from the Archbishop. For those that don't know freemasonry is banned in the Catholic Church however, it's fully embraced in the protestant heretical sects.

I believe that part of Q's mission is to reconcile western civilization and return it back to it authentic Christian roots.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was no church the first 300 years? Man, prots of really lost the plot. No wonder the world is in the state that it's in you prideful people believe that you can take the Bible and interpret it yourself and you all believe that you're 45,000 denominations is going to save you but unfortunately I do not believe the same I believe all protestants that are Apostates will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Jesus and the apostles establish simply one Church not 45,000 man-made denominations.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

▪️Simon changed his name to Peter, meaning "Rock". Saint Peter is literally burried at the Vatican. Fact.

▪️There was ONE Apostolic Church for 1,500 years until a german Catholic monk rebelled & edited the bible & introduced apostacy. Fact.

▪️The Catholic Church assembled the bible. Fact.

▪️There are now over 45,000 protestant sects. Fact.

I believe Satan & his children were behind the split. I believe Luther was influenced by the Jews & when he attempted to Judisiase Christiaity, Jews didnt convert, he wrote the book "the Jews and their lies".

Simple question for you. Do you think the world is MORE Christ centered now? Or when we had ONE Church, ONE Bible, ONE (original) authority & the Church & State backed each other up? Yeah, ofcoarse the Illumaniti had to break up Christianity in order to establish their Satanic Empire, you're choice, city of Man or the City of God.

Dues_Vult_1492 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do Protestant WASP Freemasons Larp as Catholic Knights templars? Look up the Knights Templar chapel in Alexandria, VA. The Templars were an honorable order until it was subverted by Gnostics.

Who executed the Templars? That's right, the Catholic Church. Who kicked out the Jew Bankers from France? Yup, Catholics.

Look up Knight Kadosh Masonic rite. They stab the Tripple Tiara (Pope) in effigy? Why? Because the Catholic Church the TRUE & ORIGINAL their enemy. The Pope Clement had them dead to rites in 1738 & banned Catholics from joining. Can you show me where your personal church has ever banned Masonry? Please provide proof.

The Judeo-masons were behind the "reformation" movement, Luther himself was influenced by the Kabbalah.

Look up the Keys of the Bastielle hanging in George Washington's house. The Satanic Freemasons double crossed the French Monarchy & Masons overthrew the Christian mobarch.

It would appear to be in the Catholic Church, is the only real church that the freemasons fear. Protestant WASP were okay being in bed with Judeo-Masons,kicking off revolutions around the world against Catholic lands but it would appear to me that Protestants have outlasted their usefulness & now the Jews are fooding your WASP countries, sending you guys off to war...again. Wasps must have never gotten the memo.

Dues_Vult_1492 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Latin Mass is what UNITED societies around world and Christians shared in the sacred language. The enscription on the Cross above our Lord, it was written in Hebrew, Latin & Greek. There's a reason it matters, the language is timeless & uncorrupted; unlike the bastardized,always changing, English language.

There's a reason that the Communist Freemason Larping as a Pope is attempting to Ban the Latin Mass from the people. There's a reason why Demons hate prayers in Latin during exorcisms. There's a reason why Lucifarians, like Jimmy Savile, immitated the Holy Latin Mass during their Satanic Black Masses; the Devil knows how powerful it is & is attempting to keep you from it.

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