EagleI 6 points ago +6 / -0

Proud of the truckers and that so many are standing out in that cold mist to cheer them on!

EagleI 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not saying the state of elections are great, but I don't think black pilling everyone on voting is the way to go. Do you see a difference in the way red states and blue states handled coronavirus lockdowns and riots? I do. Local and state elections still work in most places. Likewise, if elections were totally controlled, why would Trump have been allowed to get more votes than in 2016? They HATE that narrative. I think they cheated and can cheat, but not 100% and not everywhere...yet.

EagleI 66 points ago +66 / -0

Socialism is the problem. Not the answer.

EagleI 1 point ago +1 / -0

Better yet. Do what TheDonald does and fill out their forms and return them. I think my favorite was a donation slip marked with $0 dollars that read "TRAITORS GET NOTHING."

EagleI 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is amazing. Please crosspost to TheDonald.

EagleI 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump has been banned for the next 12 hours on Twitter. He will only be reinstated if he deletes his tweets. (He won't.) It's in the MSM now.