Eileensdaughter 13 points ago +13 / -0

Excellent find, Fringe! Have long-suspected there was a lot of plotting, scheming, and planning to make this BS occur. You found the proof. Well done!

My hope would be that Space Force would destroy all level 4 bio labs (world-wide) starting with the Army’s at Ft Detrick and the one in Wuhan that finished developing this horror.

Eileensdaughter 8 points ago +8 / -0

Initially, I was hopeful at Jones’ interest in running against Kemp and expressed my support to a work colleague. My colleague told me: not so fast. He said he has had personal dealings with Jones and said “Proceed with caution. He is not what he seems.” Bottom line: do your due diligence on this. And, yes, I am a Georgia resident.

Eileensdaughter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Two women in my neighborhood planted BLM signs in their front yards. Yup, they’re the stereotypic supporter: white, liberal, 30-something, college-educated (I use that term loosely), and live in the biggest, most expensive houses on the street. I just shake my head in wonder .... hope this coming out in the press wakes them up. But, it probably won’t. I think their husbands just allowed them to put up the signs; neither strike me as traditional “manly men.”

Eileensdaughter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think their plan is to trot out “new viruses” regularly — i.e., IMO, COVID-21 has been teed up for the fall. Then they’ll run us through their usual drill: lockdowns, face masks, closing businesses, etc. again. Hopefully this will push more people toward the Precipice so we can move apace toward our Great Awakening

by BQnita
Eileensdaughter 16 points ago +16 / -0

Right on schedule. These idiots are so predictable.

Eileensdaughter 3 points ago +3 / -0

These rifle teams are superb! Such precision — takes hours and hours of practice. Really a treat to watch. Highly recommend.

Also, very much appreciate the messages.

Eileensdaughter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not if the policy won’t pay out for losses due to rioting or acts of war, etc.

Eileensdaughter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not all insurance policies pay out for losses due to rioting, acts of war, etc. It may be that all of the damaged / destroyed businesses will have to eat their losses.

Eileensdaughter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Someone just posted a map of how big this thing is. I found it at www.great awakening report.com.
Here’s a link: https://greatawakeningreport.com/the-great-awakening-map/

Like you, I would have thought this was absurd a few months ago, and now I think you’re a spot-on.

Eileensdaughter 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a veteran, you can join Navy Federal Credit Union. They’ve always been great to work with and take all service members and veterans. They also have great online banking. Good luck!

Eileensdaughter 2 points ago +2 / -0

See if there’s a credit union nearby you can join. They are usually more customer-service oriented.

Eileensdaughter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Need some Tailhookers help here....the symbol NH indicates the aircraft are assigned to Carrier Air Wing Eleven, which embarks on USS Theodore Roosevelt. Don’t know what the placement of the word DIAMONDS means. Sorry, that’s all I can offer not having flown on a carrier.

Eileensdaughter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wasn’t sure how to do this on an iPad...thanks for the tutorial, fren!

Eileensdaughter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, his hair is a distraction; however, he did a brilliant job of connecting the dots.

Eileensdaughter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Amazing video. This guy did a superb job! Thanks for posting. Highly recommend.

Eileensdaughter 11 points ago +12 / -1

Yeah. My BS Meter’s been pegged for over a year now. No hope of resetting it.

Eileensdaughter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I suspect the DS is planning to trot out another “pandemic” in the late summer / early fall so they can institute another lock-down.

Eileensdaughter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Either Doug Collins or Vernon Jones ... would be happy with either as the next Governor.

Eileensdaughter 3 points ago +3 / -0

CDC is busy planning our demise and we’re paying them to do it! Check out the Johns Hopkins report: “SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028” (but it’s already being playing out now).

Eileensdaughter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wouldn’t be so quick to condemn OP’s source. This document does exist. You can do a search for it. AJ’s point is that although the document says this will occur in 2025-2028, it is actually occurring NOW. The dates should be 2020-2023 (disinformation, anyone?).

The plan, as you should be aware, for the DS is to reduce the population of the earth by 90-95%. This document “SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028” spells out how the DS will achieve this and we will be living in hell.

Your choice to read it and know, or just ignore it.

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