EndHumanTrafficking2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dr Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association (SAMA): "So far the cases we are seeing are extremely mild."

Not just mild, but 'extremely mild'. An 'extremely mild' variant is good news.

Yet corrupt journalists push fear and panic. This is why the media are the enemy of the people. Again, an 'extremely mild' variant is good news, yet corrupt governments use it as an excuse to push more fascist measures.

EndHumanTrafficking2 11 points ago +11 / -0

Sorry, to clarify, I'm not the person in the video. I'm just reposting it.

But yes, let's hope she recovers. At least she has had to courage to publicly report on the side effects, which is likely the first step in her waking up.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

The screenshot is taken from an FDA livestream back in October 2020.

The slide lists the possible side effects from the WuFlu vaccine, including:

  • Deaths
  • Convulsions/seizures
  • Stroke
  • Vaccine enhanced disease
  • Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

The FDA knew back in Oct 2020 that the WuFlu vaccines were deadly to children, but China Joe promoted them for children anyway.

This is the link to the FDA livestream on YouTube. The slide listing the side effects appears for a fraction of a second, so you'll have to pause the video:


EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +3 / -1

To explain the calculation:

5,522 people died after receiving the vaccine versus 741 people died after catching the delta variant, so the ratio is:

5,522 / 741 = 7.45

However, the vaccine deaths relate to a 28 day period after receiving the vaccine, whereas the delta variant deaths relate to a 30 day period after testing positive for the delta variant. We must therefore adjust the figures to take into account the comparative periods for recording a death:

(5,522 / 741) x (30 / 28) = 7.98

However, the vaccine deaths relate to just Scotland, whereas the delta variant deaths relate to the entire UK. We must therefore adjust the figures to take into account the comparative populations:

(5,522 / 741) x (30 / 28) x (66,800,000 / 5,466,000) = 97.58

Finally, the total deaths in each case cover similar, but not identical, periods of time. The vaccine deaths occurred over 186 days, whereas the delta variant deaths occurred over 183 days. We must therefore adjust the figures to take into account the comparative periods over which the deaths occurred:

(5,522 / 741) x (30 / 28) x (66,800,000 / 5,466,000) x (183 / 186) = 96.00

EndHumanTrafficking2 5 points ago +5 / -0

On the flip side, according to the data, the fully vaccinated have less chance of catching the delta variant (47K cases versus 151K cases), but nevertheless, if you catch the delta variant, you are 5.1 times more likely to die if you are vaccinated, according to official NHS data.

We tried to warn them about antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), but they didn't listen.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most normies are so brainwashed that I want to be different from them. I would be offended if anyone thought I was dumb enough to go along with the establishment lies.

Thankfully there are millions of others that likewise don't want to go along with the establishment lies.

by BQnita
EndHumanTrafficking2 6 points ago +6 / -0

It still pretends the socialist authoritarian government in the story is 'far right'. Just like they relabel all socialist authoritarian governments throughout history as far right.

EndHumanTrafficking2 13 points ago +13 / -0

Worth posting this website which combines all the data from 60 Ivermectin studies:


To summarize, when Ivermectin is used as a prophylaxis, it reduces mortality by 96%. When used for early treatment, it reduces mortality by 64%.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those with the biggest egos are those with the most resistance to admitting they were wrong.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

To clarify, the '45,000 deaths within 3 days' means 45,000 people died within 3 days of getting the vaccine.

So when you factor in deaths within 4-30 days of getting the vaccine, the death total will be even higher. To be fair, from reading the reports on the VAERS website it seems that the majority of people who die have died within 3 days of getting the clot shot, but it's still worth pointing out that some people die more than 3 days after getting the clot shot, so the total death total will be even higher.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

President Trump has stated that children should not receive the vaccine. He has also stated all along that it should be the individual's choice. "This is America."

EndHumanTrafficking2 7 points ago +7 / -0

No children should get the clot shot.

And Big Pharma should lose their immunity from liability in respect of the 11,000 recorded deaths (so far) caused by the clot shot.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q has said that some vaccines are bad for health. He was very specific about 'some'.

But this is a unique situation. If we stayed in lockdowns indefinitely then that leads to widespread famine and mass starvation. Having to make a choice between tens of thousands of deaths, or millions of deaths is a horrible choice to have to make, but obviously it is better to take the route that leads to tens of thousands of deaths rather than millions pf deaths.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

President Trump has always said it is the individual's choice. He has always been against mandates. "This is America." He has also opposed vaccines for children.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is not how biology works. New mutations can not only affect vaccinated people, it affects them way more severely than unvaccinated people.

Read market-ticker.org for an explanation of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). He has lots of posts explaining it. I just linked one.

But the Tl;dr is that the sheep who got the vaccine have increased their chances of dying from future vaccines. We just don't know by how much yet.

"The poster child for ADE in coronaviruses was an attempted vaccine for a feline coronavirus that often made cats very sick. The vaccine killed every one of them in the test when they were later exposed, wildly potentiating the infection."

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anons have never taken everything President Trump says at face value. Most anons understood the nature of war even before Q came along and explained that some misinformation was necessary.

I can remember back on reddit when President Trump was first elected and he said something along the lines of, "In the interests of moving forward, I won't be pursuing Hillary's crimes."

The majority of anons reacted to this comment positively, and even celebratory in some cases. Obviously some anons were confused and asked why this was a good thing. It was explained to them that all warfare is deception. You never give an enemy advance warning of your attack. You always want your enemy to feel misleadingly comfortable.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would sum it up in six words:

President Trump won in a landslide.

EndHumanTrafficking2 6 points ago +6 / -0

This has been obvious since it was revealed that the owner donated to multiple democrats. He claimed it was because of a lost bet, but he made seven donations, so presumably he lost seven bets.

The only difference now is that now they are being more blatant about their wokeness. They are no longer trying to hide it.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

To say the cold doesn't exist during the summer is clearly false. However, the number of infections is massively higher during the winter.

I've read studies on the effect of vitamin D on infection rates by seasons, and although infections happen all year, they are massively higher during the winter.

EndHumanTrafficking2 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're absolutely right about the rhetoric. I've posted on that subreddit, and I just post statistics and leave it at that.

My comments have generally been downvoted (reddit users don't like facts and statistics), but even that in itself can help wake up normies who aren't entirely brainwashed yet, and help them realize that reddit has an anti-truth narrative.

EndHumanTrafficking2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just did the search you suggested. Wow! You are absolutely spot on. A long list of beers with 666 in their name. They're not even hiding their agenda.

EndHumanTrafficking2 39 points ago +39 / -0

I don't drink, so I can't boycott Heineken as I never drink it anyway.

But it's nice to read so many comments saying they will boycott Heineken from now on.

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