EndHumanTrafficking2 25 points ago +25 / -0

Never link to the Guardian. They are woke satanists. Always use archived links if you absolutely have to link to a Guardian story.

EndHumanTrafficking2 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are two photos of Pedo Joe doing that IIRC, i.e. on two different occasions.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 'surprise' isn't that the spike protein is toxic. They already knew that. The surprise is that they thought (or hoped) the spike protein would remain in the shoulder area where the vaccine was given. They now know that it enters the blood and circulates around the body.

They should have verified this before millions of people were used as guinea pigs.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

IIRC, two of the vaccines do use the toxic spike protein. Two others use the messenger RNA delivery system, i.e. they aren't actually vaccines, even though the media are calling them vaccines.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

President Trump acted surprised when he first tweeted that Obama had been spying on his campaign team. Of course he wasn't surprised. President Trump had known this for months before he tweeted about it. Sometimes you have to present something as a new 'surprise' as a way to get it into the news.

At the end of the day, the fact that the vaccines cause heart inflammation and blood clots is the important takeaway. In Byram Bridle's interviews he has acknowledged that the spike protein getting into the blood circulation was something he was previously concerned about, so again, the terminology he has used to get this into the news isn't important. What is important is that what was already known/suspected is now becoming more widely known.

EndHumanTrafficking2 3 points ago +3 / -0

The CDC / VAERS figures are only at 3.5K deaths from the WuFlu vaccine.

Admittedly the true figure will be higher than that, but 400K is inaccurate.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not just America. The entire West, pretty much.

EndHumanTrafficking2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not all. My cousin's teenage son went through a brainwashed stage (before his teens), but now he is incredibly based and redpilled.

Back in 2016 he was shocked when President Trump won, because his satanic teachers brainwashed him. However, as he hit his teens, the propaganda of his teachers seems to have backfired, and pushed him and his friends into rebelling against the propaganda.

EndHumanTrafficking2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't wear a mask because I have a medical exemption, but my local store are fine. Two of the staff there don't wear masks either.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Combine both the above comments. Support your local business owners who are patriots. Avoid your local businesses who are owned by brainwashed satanists.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

There isn't an app. Apple banned them from the iStore. Google banned them from the Android store.

Gab is a website.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gab is Christian run, but it's inaccurate to describe it as a staple of Christianity.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen multiple pro-Christian comments and scriptures shared by Torba. I've seen nothing anti-Christian shared by Torba.

May God continue to bless him.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

So in your eyes only certain forms of communication equate to a strong relationship?

My mother lives hundreds of miles away, so I speak to her on the phone several times a week. She also posts photos on facebook a couple of times a week which I check out and comment on. I'm grateful for the ability to do both.

I would prefer to use Gab for photo sharing, to support a Christian-run platform rather than a satanic-run one. But in terms of relationship, facebook is my only way to stay up to date with my mother's photos, and those photos are a positive part of our relationship, just as our phone calls are.

Hopefully in the long term more and more people will migrate to Gab, though.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's saying don't stay on facebook and twitter in the hopes of changing it.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

The existence of the vaccine destroys the left's argument for destroying the economy with lockdowns.

But any healthy people shouldn't take the vaccine. Elderly people with multiple health conditions are probably wise to weigh up the risks, but for the majority of people it's an easy decision.

And if the evil puppets of Big Pharma didn't have so much power, then much safer and more effective treatments like the HCQ triple therapy, and like Ivermectin, would be readily available, so elderly people with multiple health conditions wouldn't be forced to consider such a risky option as the vaccine.

EndHumanTrafficking2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Anyone who indulges their lusts is immoral. That applies to plenty of heterosexual people as well as homosexual people.

If a gay person doesn't indulge their lusts then they can live a moral life, just as heterosexual people who don't indulge their lusts can live a moral life.

EndHumanTrafficking2 3 points ago +3 / -0

No. The video is mocking racism, and mocking racists like Pedo Joe.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some do. Some don't.

This one has no logic to it though. When the time/numbers and the message match up, then yes, it's a message. When the messages are totally unrelated, then the time/number is just random.

EndHumanTrafficking2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. Came here to say this.

Life in prison, at the very least.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it is possible and desirable to change genders

It's not possible to change sex. When archaeologists dig up transgender skeletons in centuries time, they won't say, "Look at this skeleton of a man who became a woman." They'll say, "'Look at this skeleton of a man."

Only science deniers claim that sex changes are anything but cosmetic.

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