I don’t know if he is or not, but his policies, who he is doing business with, pushing for AI, crypto, all the things talked about in revelation that could never have happened until this time. Satan wants you focused on the radical left and their pedophilia and their world domination WEF and NWO that’s why he’s exposing them so that he can bring his white false white light Donald Trump in to pave the way for his true system that he’s gonna set up on this earth
We are going to be saved from the Satanic Pedophilic NWO by the Luciferian Gnostic New “Golden” Age movement. We don’t realize we’re being set up to usher in the beast system, and frankly people don’t care. Satan has traumatized us with the radical left so we would embrace his false light Luciferian movement. You’ve been warned. I never thought I’d see the day where Christians would be so blinded, me being one of them. It’s time for the body of Christ to come out of this movement. Revelation 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Ch 1 was a general understanding of God creating man. Ch 2 goes into more detail, specially God there molding him from the dust, breathing life into him. Fellowshipping with him as he names the animals, then creates Eve out of his rib to be his helpmeet. And there were duties such as dressing the garden and keeping it As to keep guard over it, protect it. That’s where they lived and communed with God
You missed a lot of stuff including one of his greatest attributes, His HOLINESS. A holy just God deals with sin. Jesus will be fighting the world in Rev19, he will tread the fierceness and wrath of almighty God. He will have blood on His robes on His way for His second coming. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
How can telling the truth be dooming? The Golden Age that Trump is bringing in may be the death of WEF, WHO,NWO, etc but we have to see the other side of the coin, this Q movement. There’s a battle raging and it won’t be Klaus Schwab setting up the NWO, no it’ll be Trump, Vance, Elon, and the rest of the technocrat billionaires building that gnostic Golden Age, which may be great at first, but then the digital ids for safety, UBI because you lost your job to AI/robots, you’re already under surveillance 24/7 with starlink, might be time for you to join the hivemind with everyone else, with your neurolink brain implant and you’ll have to take the mark if you want your digital income to work or it’ll just get wiped out, heaving a mark on you that you’re a dissenter in Trumps Utopia
I forgot about Q referencing SpaceX. We are being played. When “the military is the only way” and martial law is passed, and digital IDs are needed to “keep us safe” I hope people on this board revolt. Don’t trust Elon, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I believe Trump is as well but he may be a pawn in this end times scenario. Nothing is going to stop the NWO, it’s in the Bible. There is no Golden Age that will be led by a man, only Christ can usher in such a thing. There is a massive deception going on, and if we are not vigilant, we are going to fall prey to it as well.
When did God ever say Trump is His David? And please don’t say Kim Clement. God may be using Trump, or He may be allowing him to pave the way for the prophecy to come in Revelation. Wondering if Q or Trump are Gods chosen vessels or if they are wolves in sheep’s clothing is not questioning God. Men have given Trump that title, not God, and if the same Holy Spirit revealed that to Kim Clement it should resonate in my spirit, as the Holy Spirir resides in me, but it doesn’t.
Well I am here if you need to talk. Christ will give us the faith to endure, my focus is now on Him and I have peace with whatever comes. It’s not going to be easy, that’s why we need those of like mind and kindred spirit to lean upon. Hang in there fren
You as well, and I can tell you I had no peace for several days, I was distraught, but now I have a new sense of purpose, and I have my eyes back on Jesus and spreading the gospel and teaching his word and I am OK no matter what happens because God is in control and I firmly believe that no matter what comes I can always count on Him
Yes, time is short and we need to be focused on Jesus and preaching the gospel and sharing our faith with those who are lost. It’s such a shame that there is so much distraction going on that we can’t focus on what truly matters.
No apology necessary. I completely understand that and that was my hope as well for my son who has walked away from the Lord and I know time is running out. I appreciate your heart and I will pray for your grandchildren and their future. If you will pray for my son, he desperately needs Jesus. I love you, sweet sister in Christ thank you.
Well I think questioning if Q is a psyop and has been fooling us for years is a Q topic. What are you so afraid of? For people thinking for themselves, to not allow themselves to be led as a sheep to slaughter? Trump is not God, he is fallible and can definitely be questioned. Q is…well we don’t know who Q is because they won’t tell us. How about we all expand our thinking, and if you don’t think that the information I put out is worthy of the “elite research board” then ignore it. However I will not be silent when I think we are reaching a precipice that we will not be able to escape from. Aren’t you tired of trying to jump through hoops to explain Trump’s actions and behavior by having to go through enormous hoops for it to make sense? Thanks for the advice but I’ll keep being a watchman on the wall, you go do your thing
I’ve been studying and teaching the Bible for 20 years, that is not what the word teaches. I search through the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to teach me and give me discernment because I don’t want to lead anyone astray when God has called me to teach His word, even if it means going against what mainstream churches say. Paul tells us to be Bereans, to search the scripture ourselves to see if these things be true.
Don’t blindly follow him is what I’m saying, don’t just go along with him because he is Trump and playing 5D chess, excusing his behavior, etc. I hope Christians use this time for revival and not put all of their hope in material gains. If you look at history revival normally happens during times of great persecution, not in times of plenty.
We keep our eyes open, trust in Jesus, hold Trump accountable, not make excuses for him, pray for discernment, warn people about the times we are living in, preach the gospel, and hold fast to Christ. I know it’s a scary thought but we are in this together, no one is coming to save us, especially those who are in power. They give us the illusion of choice. We need to be about the Father’s business, and be concerned for souls that are lost and going to hell. I pray God bring you peace and comfort.
Yes, there’s more to the story, Trump’s Golden Age is ushering in the beast system of Revelation. Luciferian new age Gnosticism will be the false light religion, and the whole world will be deceived by Satan, who is over both of these and the evil Satanic pedophile NWO network that he is exposing, so that can be destroyed and his ultimate plan can be implemented where we will all worship him. That about sums it up