Not that I expect a cumbaya moment but I still would like to see it as two great Irish pubs in the same small town. If ya get my drift. You can see a lot of the same faces at both, but people have their favorites.
But we see more schoolyardisms.
Well I think the body of Christ is very fast approaching a time of rapid purification. You could say refining by fire. Hosea 2, a shadow of Rev 12, which both echo the Exodus. Before we enter His kingdom, we will spend some time in the wilderness - learning His law, His feast and His Sabbath - (Which we were commanded to remember). And meanwhile we will forget our former masters.
So keep asking questions like this and only accept truth that can be confirmed in the Word of God.
People who tickle our ears with "the spirit of christmas" and other such nonsense can not support their position with plain reading from the Word.
edit: I meant to answer your question a little more directly. ALL pagan, religious, satanic, and secular worship is of parts of creation or idols or self. The fallen angels taught mankind a vast variety of misdirected worship. Jesuits, Pharisees, the synagogue of Satan - (all part of the same beast - including those secret societies) have maliciously imbued misdirected worship into religion. - this is for progressing tyranny (Egypt) and depravity and idolatry (Sodom). ONLY Truth establishes your freedom.
So.... You're saying "bah humbug" then? I whole heartedly agree! I say let the nations have their saturnalia back. Christmas is just one of the worst of many horrible ideas to come out of the antichrist in Rome.
Sorry Catholics, get away from Rome! And hey Protestants, have ya noticed? ... You're not protesting anything - instead you're defending all the jesuit nonsense the Pope fed you.
oh I have no idea. My dad would suggest March 9th (I think) something about when the original inauguration day was before the U.S. Inc. establishment in 1871.
something along those lines. But I suppose it's also possible any time the 2020 election is officially rectified.
It's interesting, your point, that it is one or the other, not both. I might have to disagree. This is a logical trap we tend to set for ourselves. It's even called the "either or" fallacy.
The Word of God did not leave out this major event that is unfolding. But here's a sobering thought: how much of the Word of God has been censored?
The religious leadership has always been in the censorship game. They've added to and taken away. We each have a responsibility to test every doctrine. And we should not put our faith and trust in so-called scholars or political councils about what is or isn't valid "bible". The Bible is a library. The original Bible was a huge collection of scrolls.
We simply are not familiar with all of the prophecy. Look at the book of Jude. He calls Enoch a "Prophet of God, seventh from Adam" - yet we don't bother to read and understand his prophecy.
The information war began in the Garden.
well said. I have been asking this question: Why do people read the bible and either see the end as far in the future or unfolding before our eyes? On one hand it seems many signs are too massive and strange to happen any time soon. On another hand the Fourth Beast is clearly establishing its world dominance.
I think this is because most people are overlooking the wilderness period that is coming. Look at Hosea 2: The woman goes into the wilderness and is comforted by God for a time (3.5 years?) and during this time there is a purification that must occur. This is a reflection of the wilderness time of the Exodus.
That Fourth Beast is trampling people already. I'd say the Pale horse is already riding. Jesus talks about the tribulation time as a time like never before or ever will be again. Yet he also likens it to the "days of Noah" when people are living oblivious about the coming judgement.
Much of the world scale events described in Rev happen in a delusional clown world that is fully depending on the Beast - except for those who reject the Beast and flee into the wilderness.
We are in a time like never before. Think Tower of Babel. The language barrier is gone. All the past signs of the end times were valid (in the prophetic timeline of thousand year days) but the moment we are entering into is unlike any before.
Hard to say if it is the greatest, but it may be the most dangerous to the modern Western Christians in the end times. A fragile faith of one expecting it not to be tested won't bother putting one the full armor of God.
The spiritual battle ahead requires a lot more feeding on the Word daily than we see from most who have embraced this lie.
And we're reading the same Bible. Thesolonians tells us not to despise prophecy, yet here we are. When He returns will he find any Faith in mankind?
Speaking of reading the same Bible. Watching everything unfold the past few years found me researching the prophecies and noticing a peculiar gap (for lack of a better term). Searching for answers one night led me into Enoch, then to Jubilees.
The information war has been raging for millennia, since the garden. Much of the false doctrine of today would never have gotten any traction if we hadn't let Romans and "Jews" so-called - censor out huge portions of the Word.
If anyone doubts this happened, think about this. We want our names to be in the Book of Life. They replaced God's name YHWH with "Lord" in your Bible. Now read Hosea 2 again. The woman in the wilderness is a pattern we should pay attention to. It even refers to the Exodus.
There is a time between here and the Kingdom, in the wilderness.
I can tell we've been hearing from the same Holy Spirit. America is one of the prominent horns of that beast. And it gets subdued or plucked out.
I would say this is in progress. I've been keeping an eye on Z in Ukraine, seems to be playing the part of the little horn.
Q and Trump, you and me, every God fearing person on earth has an amazing opportunity to be part of God's army. Daniel 11:32 describes us.
Just curious, did you refer to my post on PDW?
Just wondering if others have said the same thing.
just came across this on BitChute. crazy. maybe this should be a separate post.
a lot of profaning God's word.
My only grandchild, my grand daughter is 2 now. I have never held her. A few weeks ago I was able to see her from a distance. This evening I might be able to hold her for the first time. I'm told she's jabbed :-(
the world has gone crazy.
Daniel 11:32-33
32 Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
33 And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering.
Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I think many will relate to your struggle.
I am zealous about the Word because as I've processed all the insanity going on in the world, what never fails to make sense of it all is what was written thousands of years ago. That fascinates me.
For example I came across Isaiah 2:6..., and got goose bumps. Then Daniel 11:32. Whoa. And I fell in love with prophecies. And God made me a pattern noticer. So I start reading Hosea and realize (what's this about corn, wine and oil that keeps showing up?), we can know what's ahead because He gave us his Word. The wilderness is ahead. We're in (spiritual) Egypt and Sodom.
Then I would share exciting things with other Christians. And discovered that the Body is in a coma, just like we're admonished not to be in Theolonians 5. Even my church doesn't pay much attention to prophecy.
Joel 2 is awesome. And there's this theme throughout the scripture about knowing Him. And there is just no substitute for reading His Word.
And I discovered a big reason the churches are sleeping or headed away from the kingdom is... No surprise, Satan's war on information plus bad shepherds. But this was also an awesome realization that there's so much more of Him to read. I dove into Enoch and Jubilees. And found great teachings on YouTube. I recommend "The God Culture" and "Parable of the Vineyard".
Neither seems to have every interpretation just right of course. We still must read and test. But so much more of the veil has been ripped away.
Then I discovered present day prophets. On Rumble "Elijah Streams".
I still love going to church of course, but my walk has become a daily adventure. I should also mention "the Bible project". Their short animated videos explaining every book of the Bible is a treasure.
I suggest you look for a Sabbath and biblical Feast observing congregation. Because there you'll find doctrine and gospel that is much less corrupted by Rome or Jewry. More aligned with what you read.
May God bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and give you peace.