Food4theGorg 12 points ago +12 / -0

Senicide, or geronticide, is the killing of the elderly, or their abandonment to death. Vaccine's true intent to cull the population. Elderly are low hanging fruit to them. Just plain EVIL. The elderly account for most of the deaths from the vaccine.

Food4theGorg 3 points ago +3 / -0

https://archive.vn/82VVV "I will stand up" used in response to Trump's negative press.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVFEFE_Act Or the house bill proposed: The bill was intended to amend the Presidential Records Act to preserve Twitter posts and other social media interactions of the President of the United States, and requires the National Archives to store such items

Either uses of the term are viable in my opinion.

Food4theGorg 2 points ago +2 / -0

To kids they are though. That is the unfortunate reality. The solution is homeschooling which I did with both my kiddos.

Food4theGorg 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is in committee, we will see if it goes out for a general vote House and Senate. It is not much of a leap for New York to pass this considering their governor. They are power hungry bastards.

Food4theGorg 6 points ago +8 / -2

They want to insert nanoparticles into your brain (through Covid swab test and the vaccines themselves) in order to connect you to the cloud to track your movements and "force" you to create cryptocurrency through mandated physical actions. If you refuse, you are located and no credits are added to your account to buy things. The patents are real. This is scary crazy sci fi movie stuff. This video is long, but jam packed with real information that you should know.


Food4theGorg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Figured it out. NWO wants to connect you to the cloud and control your movements through bitcoin mining forced activities and social credits placed into your account. The patents discussed are real. This is fucking crazy scary!! This video is long, but it is jammed pack with information. If you got Covid tested with the long swab stick, you already have the inserted nano particles which have crossed into your brain permanently This is a video on steroids with such much information about what NWO has planned for us, their slaves.


Food4theGorg 9 points ago +10 / -1

Just another older woman trying to look edgy. Doesn't work for her age. Her stylist should be fired, very unbecoming. But she is a Biden, they have no sense of what is modest or in good taste, the whole lot of them.

Food4theGorg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Prepping the public for the switcheroo coming soon. I wonder if it will be 25th amendment because of dementia or some incurable disease will befall him. Would be interesting to know if he is getting paid money for this play acting role orchestrated by Obama and Co.

Food4theGorg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe the Judge has to issue a gag order to prevent them from publishing their names.

Food4theGorg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Always wondered why Trump wanted to rebuild the FBI headquarters. Even his words to describe the building were very cryptic in the last paragraph:

Trump Slams Republicans Who Oppose New FBI Building

July 29, 2020 at 12:36 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 167 Comments

President Trump said that Senate Republicans who oppose using the next coronavirus stimulus package to fund a new $1.75 billion headquarters for the FBI “should go back to school,” Axios reports.

Said Trump: “So the FBI building, they’ve been trying to build a new building for many years, many many years… It’s the best piece of property in Washington. I’m very good at real estate. So I said, ‘We’ll build a new FBI building, let’s build a new FBI building.’ So we have that in the bill…”

He added: “Those Republicans should go back to school and learn. You need a new building.** It’s a bad building, it’s a dangerous building … it’s not a good building from the inside, it’s a very expensive building.”**

Food4theGorg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes very weird I cannot find anything about his law firm. I know that is entering as pro hac vice for the Colorado case. But I cannot even find his law firm and the pleading is supposed to have a telephone number and his does not on the original complaint.

Pro hac vice, Latin: "for this occasion" or "for this event", is a legal term usually referring to a practice in common law jurisdictions, whereby a lawyer who has not been admitted to practice in a certain jurisdiction is allowed to participate in a particular case in that jurisdiction.

It looks like on the original complaint he practices in Michigan, but for this case his office is now in Colorado as shown on the motion to amend complaint.


Ernest J. Walker (MI P58635) ERNEST J.WALKER LAW OFFICE 1444 Stuart St.Denver, CO 80204 (720)306-0007 [email protected]

Any search of this information brings me back to the Dominion Class action lawsuit web page.

Food4theGorg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I do not remember seeing that link back then. Anyway the next big date on the docket is April 27, 2021. Defendants have a few motions to dismiss which is quite typical and Plaintiffs have a motion to amend their complaint (petition) which includes an additionally 150 named plaintiffs across the country to bolster their argument of federal jurisdiction. Defendants who are state officials are trying to say that they have sovereign immunity that is why Plaintiffs sued them as individuals as well which Defendants are saying is improper. It may never make it to the jury if the judge grants the motions to dismiss. But if the judge sees the variety and totality of class action plaintiffs across these United States, he may be "forced" to push the case forward into further litigation and that is when discovery is finally conducted.

Food4theGorg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here is the current summary of the docket on this case. Unfortunately, you have to pay to open the pdfs (need PACER acct), but it gives a general idea of where the case is currently at in the court. It gives you many of the pdfs at this link.


Food4theGorg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It names as defendants all the people we would love to see in prison like Zuckerberg and stretching Gretchen!

Food4theGorg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hopium maybe Durham Report Is coming out and they are here for the indictments.

Food4theGorg 7 points ago +7 / -0

I read about a mice study that all the mice died after second shot because of an overabundance of antibodies they produced which killed them. I will try to find it again. But the researchers said this is only happening to mice not humans, yeah right.

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