Exactly. For some strange reason, some otherwise sane frogs appear to think that everything they see is exactly as it appears, and we are NOT, I repeat, NOT involved in a 5G war with a psychological aspect on a level never before seen in our recorded history.
The acrimony with which some people speak of Wray says to me instantly they are not thinking with their brain, but with something else.
Perhaps he always knew this was the plan, and he's like, "yep. Time to step aside. Mission completed."
I disagree, but dang, updoogle for the keks.
Yep. Zero surprises here at all.
And lol, some rando anti-Trumpian congressperson saying "He must be allowed to fulfill his entire 10 year appointment!"
yeah, not going to happen.
No guesses on future role in Trump Administration.
But at a minimum, Flynn will continue to speak out on the necessity of the people of the nation stepping up and taking responsibility for the country. Local action = national impact.
What caught me early on with Flynn, in 2018, was him highlighting how the People need to become actively involved in the self-governing process. Just voting is not enough.
To my mind, this issue is at the core of ALL the political and attendant ills in our 'Western' nations, certainly in my own.
Prosperity and affluence, along with a strong consistent brainwashing operation via the controlled media, has led many, many people to 'outsource' the well-being of the country and their lives to 'politicians'.
That's the fatal flaw. Too many people think that they can just get someone else to do it, and they can enjoy their 'good life'. What the past 4 years have exposed many too is that entrusting or outsourcing that responsibility to government, and the politicians and bureaucrats that populate it, results in one thing only: disaster.
Our Western nations have been walking towards that disaster for decades. Operation Biden was part of (I think) Operation Warpspeed. Accelerating the effects, making it apparent to even those that were not paying any attention.
"Sometimes, you have to show the people"
Flynn has consistently been travelling the country, working at the grassroots level to inspire, talk, explain and rally people to rise to their patriotic duties.
Whatever role destiny has for him, this one I expect to continue. If he gets an official public position that enhances that mission, all the better.
Conclusion: "No one is coming to save us. We have to save ourselves"
I suspect this is one reason why Flynn, originally and at first promoting the Q operation, made a calculated reorientation to squash the idea that Q will save us.
And he's right, anyway. Q's mission and purpose was to empower and energize us through trust and engagement. Waiting and thinking its all going to happen without my own efforts is not what Q was about, in my personal opinion.
In other words, there is a Plan, but that Plan also involves we, the People, waking up and stepping up.
Sometimes the sarc is to hard for some heads
See also:
For whole documentary (4 x 30mins) in one video
Curiously, this video and the Corbett Report were once banned on Yutub. Somehow, restored... (?)
See also: (For some comic light relief)
Interesting report from America's Voice, that potentially sheds some light on what was actually going on there.
Premise: The Pro-communist Leftists rigged the past election to gain control of their congress, and investigations in to election fraud stonewalled, so the 'coup' was in fact steps by the legit President to expose the fraud.
This premise coincides with other theories put out by various sources (including how the main thrust of the 'martial law' was in fact against the electoral commission).
Yes, me too.
I think it was a sort of "let's just see how crazy we can make all the cattle, hahahahahha" thing.
The idiotic nature of the situation smells like a tester for how far they could push the populations.
sarc marker omitted, obviously.
Sigh. Good times.
Thanks For sharing your faith, SOG.
I frequently enjoy reading your comments here in GAW. They are often in agreement with my own perspectives on things regarding the 5G war.
I think, however, matters of faith are different. As a general comment, so many folks here seem highly intent on stating their belief as if it is fact, rather than seeking to explore the faith related topics together with others. That is understandable; we are created to have conviction in our faith and to move based on those convictions.
However, when all we do is state our beliefs as facts, rejoicing when someone agrees with us, and ignoring when others do not agree, it becomes a dogma-fest (imo), and very little learning proceeds.
Consider "the church" today, the body of the church aka believers who profess faith in Christ, has never, ever been more fractured. How would this be possible? is there one true and perfect church (denomination, congregation, theological standpoint) and all others are mistaken and untrue? It's a laughable proposition, in my opinion.
So where does all this fracturing come from? How is it possible? In my view, the fracturing is possible because no one has the complete understanding. Christian theological thinking itself is fractured, and that is reflected in the reality of believers today. More than ever.
Then, how could Christian theological understanding be fractured? It is because it is incomplete. It's because we are still missing pieces of the puzzle.
Think about it. Even Paul who you reference here very plainly admitted:
"Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
So Paul who expounded on our faith and the nature of God, etc, was coming from a place of admittedly limited understanding, and limited perception of truth.
This obvious fact is very often ignored, and has been historically. Why? Because of the very fact that we (Christians since Paul) have been working with a limited understanding, and knowing the certainty of Christ in faith, faithful have tried to resolve the contradiction in a number of ways:
The first already we have seen: ignoring the fact that the Gospels and the education we receive through them is incomplete, and secondly, adding "its the word of God, so the incompleteness of the authors isn't a factor; God overrides their incompleteness."
You end up with every believer and his dog asserting on one hand, that we do understand and have understood the Gospels to the required extent (i.e. 'completely') and yet, at the same time, a fracturing in the body of Christ that completely contradicts that idea. The two are logically incompatible, and because of that, we have fracturing and instead of humility in searching for truth, a general attitude of appealing to authority to shore up our faith. Whether one assigns that 'authority' to the Pope, to the local Pastor, to the Presbytery, the head office, etc., or even the Bible itself, its the same thing.
Appeal to authority as a means to try to ignore or explain the gap between the reality and the belief.
And, at this juncture, I would normally remind myself and others of Jesus own words:
"I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come"
Again, the 'common' accepted interpretation for this is, oh, he's talking about the Holy Spirit. So, when we receive the Holy Spirit then we have access to the whole truth.
But this also doesn't make sense. Why? because if that were the case, if we have been acting and believing based on "All truth", then why the fracturing, the breakdown? Why is the Kingdom not here on Earth already?
Also, I would ask any person, WHAT are the things that Jesus could not share with his disciples and could not speak during his public ministry that you have personally gained through the Holy Spirit? What are those things, that the disciples "could not bear" that were subsequently revealed?
I find it hard to think of anything in common Christian thinking that is so hard to bear that Jesus could not share them, but which we now know.
I personally think an overhaul needs to take place. I consider the following analogy.
A child is born. He grows, from being a toddler, to being a young child, to being an adolescent. He recognizes his mum and dad as a toddler, comes to love them, accept them accept his relationship to them, and even as an adolescent, assuming the relationship is good, he still accepts them. BUT, his understanding of what it means to be a parent is necessarily limited.
This doesn't mean that everything he knows is wrong. It doesn't mean that everything he DOES know is wrong or incorrect. But some ideas he has about 'being a parent' may well be incorrect, while the core ideas are right. Incomplete simply means he doesn't have the whole picture.
It's a common human experience that a son or daughter comes to a very new appreciation of, and understanding of, their parents when they themselves have children. As children, or adolescents, or as single people, they don't know what they don't know.
This is something that all believers in Christ need to reflect on, imo. We don't know what we don't know. Because none of us have the whole picture. And why is this? It's because Jesus left before he could teach everything he had to teach, and after the cross, his disciples, including Paul, were left with a necessarily incomplete understanding, even while having to carry on the work of spreading the word and the kingdom.
What's the point I am seeking to make here? It is simply this: The reason why the body of Christ is so fractured, and in being fractured, so vulnerable to the satanic attacks of atheistic Marxist thought (manifesting today through neo-Marxism and 'wokeness') and moral corruption, is because our understanding of Christ is very incomplete, by its nature, and acting as if the understanding IS complete, we become unable to learn from either God or each other. We become indoctrinated in our own minds to what we believe, and this separates us as believers.
The only way to overcome this is to share, listen and learn. If none of us has the whole picture, then perhaps through learning from each other, the picture we have can be improved, built up and raised, to the extent humanly possible.
If we apply the principle that "when two or more are gathered in my name" there is a foundation for Christ to be present in the MIDST of that gathering, then the same should be true of how we improve or develop our understanding, and on that basis, improve our faith.
We won't get there by being cocksure of our own understanding and simply telling others what is right and correct. That's not gathering in his name.
In closing, I will say this: I think the scripture is very much like the Q board. The scripture contains deep truths, but our understanding of it is limited. And, I mean this not simply in an individualistic way, but collectively, historically. My own faith is that the Old Testament was a teaching for the Israelite to follow so that they could make the correct offering that would lay the foundation for God to send Christ at the designated time to a people prepared. Their offering was to keep the law, not only in practice, but in spirit. Paying attention to the heart of the law, and through that, building a relationship with God the creator. To prepare for the coming of his son.
But, the Israelites failed. The preparation was incomplete. They did not recognize Christ - their awaited Messiah - when he came. And this caused Jesus great sorrow.
To atone for their failure, Jesus made himself the sacrifice, the offering, by undergoing the crucifixion. They never made the correct offering of unity and faith in him, so he was compelled to become the offering in their place. Doing so, Christ won the victory over death, and made spiritual salvation possible to all who believe in him.
But, the necessity to make that offering meant that Jesus own life was cut short. Just as Moses fasted for 40 days to lay a foundation for the Israelites to receive the law, Christ, resurrected and victorious over death, gathered the disciples on earth for 40 days to lay a foundation for Christianity. The purpose of Christianity? Only one thing: For the gospels to be a teaching that would allow faithful Christians to make the correct offering so that when Christ returns, he can teach the final installment that illuminates and resolves all the fractures, the limited understanding and bring the whole salvation process to completion, in both spirit AND flesh.
That's my personal understanding. That the whole purpose of the gospels was to allow the development of a worldwide foundation of faith and civilization that Christ can then build his kingdom on earth on.
In that sense, I don't believe in the rapture or in a mystical supernatural 'magic' wand when Christ returns. Rather, the prophecies and understanding of the return of Christ were symbolic and in language understandable by men and women of 2000 years ago. But they do not paint the real picture. They are an image. Symbolic. Like so many things in the gospel. For example, fire symbolizing truth in numerous sayings by Christ.
Not literal fire. Truth. So the world "judged by fire" as expressed by the authors of the gospels (i.e. Peter), means a world judged by truth.
To put the pieces of the puzzle together, we MUST listen to each other, learn and grow together, and by offering humble unity accepting our limitations, devoted to Christ, we build the foundation he needs to return and complete the whole process of salvation, spiritual AND physical.
There are many,many contradictions in Christian theology that need to be resolved. Historically, faithful have attempted to resolve them by ignoring certain contradictions, focusing only on specific parts of the scripture as if those parts justify ignoring other parts. But the contradictions are there simply because we do not, and have not, seen the whole picture. We are working with an incomplete vantage point, and so we have not been able to correctly interpret the meaning or truth BEHIND the scriptures.
But that's MY understanding and faith. I'm not claiming that is "the Truth". I'm only sharing it because of my conviction that my own faith might shed some light, possibly light that others can see even if I cannot.
For some crazy reason, I've written all this because I think the points you raise in your comment would benefit from some extensive discussion, but I suspect that without some agreed on points, discussion might be fruitless.
Either way, I thank you for sharing your faith and your understanding.
Praise God.
Hi five!
You forgot "in his image".
Sex is not a construct, and God doesn't 'transcend' it. God is the origin.
Worth noting: The definition of 'male' in human beings is the union of Y and X chromosomes. In other words, male means carries both the male and female code. Females on have XX.
This is another way we can confirm that God is our Father. God is the origin of both male and female.
So, uh, as far as US Catholic Magazine is concerned, um, yes. Satan is their daddy.
I suspect that he has a new mission, totally planned.
Just as Nunes resigned, to support DJT and the very important mission of establishing Truth Social, an important base for DJT to launch the narrative push back against the DS propaganda, I wonder, and thinks its even likely, that Gaetz's nomination to Att Gen was a smoke screen to
a) accelerate attention on him in the public eye in preparation for
b) deployment to getting the disclosure information out there to the public.
Because the war against the propaganda is still ongoing, and its a critical war.
Imagine dropping out of congress to take up a media show position!??? It makes no sense in conventional thinking. Especially now with Trump coming back in to office.
Which to me suggests its a planned deployment in unconventional warfare. Calculated, strategized and planned.
That's trolling on an epic level never seen before by human eyes.
I mean, wow. So open, so brazen. He's totally mocking Trudea. Looks like DJT hasn't any more shits to give.
If there were ever gloves on, now they are off, and he's totally kicking Trudeau in the nuts.
Ok. I guess its debatable.
I mean it really, totally is a shitpost by the Troller in Chief! This is trolling to a totally new level.
Donald J Trump. Making Shitposts Great Again.
Yeah, I think you're not going to advance that objective. It's quite objectively unhealthy and hurts people.
BUT, there should be freedom and sovereignty. So there should be freedom for a restaurant to decide to be a Smoking Restaurant, if they want and if they want to cater to that clientele.
But normalize? Nah. It's not really a great thing.
Shamelessly hijacking the question re: original source of the images to once again point out that Ezra offers NO source or research or data, just some images.
Once people get in to the habit of accepting statements simply because fit one's biases or worldview or suspicions, the road to mob mentality and groupthink is not far behind.
I don't really doubt that either of these individuals are very likely guilty of some terrible crimes, but posting an image and making unsubstantiated claims is NOT Q posting. It's alt-media tabloid.
What larger conclusion can we draw from that, do you suppose? Are we the cure, or the disease?
The Q operation was a psyop to introduce on a large-scale patriotic and motivated intel-operative levels of thinking, analysis, investigation and amplification (of information).
One might think of it as an 'anti-virus', a potent and possible antidote to the brainwashing and 'trancification' (trace-ification) perpetrated on predominantly advanced (Western) populations over the past 7 or so decades via the propaganda media complex & DS.
I think the operation was very successful, but not without some failures. Millions and millions have been woken up worldwide, and many of the important topics that Q re-activated have seeped in to the mainstream consciousness by now. (E.g. Epstein didn't kills himself)
However, the antidote hasn't taken with everyone. We have a very large (and growing) world community of people awake to some extent of the lies of the past and the nature of the Cabal matrix. On a surface level.
But as the size of the "Truth Community" has increased, so has the number of people less aware of and/or concerned with the real lessons of the Q operation. Many have ended up switching one siloed matrix for another. For example, some who recognize the existence of the DS and the Cabal and the concept of an information war have exited from the MSM Propaganda silo but walked straight in to a different and new, exploitative and in many ways malignant (toxic) "alt-media" silo.
These are the people that clickbaiters and disinfo operatives exploit and target. These people are usually not very reflective internally, don't consider their own biases or how their emotions are reacting or responding to certain types of messaging.
Sadly, I think there is an argument to suggest that greatawakening.win may have once been a forum for "researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only" but these days is much more a "news" aggregation board for information that is active in the "truth community", including all the disinformation, psyop (good and bad), clickbait etc, that is a significant part of the Truth Sphere (ie. the sphere spear-headed and accelerated by the Great Awakening movement).
Q was very clear about their idea of freedom of thought:
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. The choice is yours, and yours alone.
The tendencies towards dogma, reliance on authority, 'tradition', etc, are not easily rooted out, and they are certainly present in our GAW community. To what extent? Debatable.
But to truly internalize the Great Awakening absolutely requires effort to undergo one's own 'internal' great awakening, regarding one's own ways of thinking, approaches to the world and life, including looking at and bravely confronting one's own internal 'matrix' of beliefs that may or may not be aligned with truth. Simply rejecting the MSM propaganda and adopting the new and popular narratives without critical thinking or self-reflection and intellectual honesty, this is not "the Great Awakening". It is an image of the great awakening, but not the substance.
In some ways, this path of evolution may have been inevitable, or at least, highly likely. There are many, many people now in the broader 'awake' community who perhaps are not as familiar with the first principles that Q was promoting. They know Epstein was a pedo, that the there is an ugly underbelly of control perpetrated by satanic, narcissistic corrupt layers, but they are not as familiar with a self-reflective critical approach that Q has promoted.
We can note here the contrast between indoctrination - teaching the children WHAT to think - versus education - teaching the children HOW to think. Some of the wider awakened community are still functioning on the WHAT to think level, rather than critically tackling the HOW to think approach that Q was so eager for us to understand.
The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment). When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
Group think is to the mind like communism is to the population. It involves unconscious avoidance of personal responsibility and self-reflection as a fundamental approach to becoming someone who contributes to the world.
It's not good when frogs engage with it. It's not helpful. But the hall marks are often obvious to those who do not indulge. As you have noticed, attack via emotionally charged language and rhetoric is often (but not always) a strong marker of someone in the grip of some form of 'group think'. We might say that group think is the collective force of unexamined uncritical self-thinking.
Are we the cure? GAW is a great place for some things, but it is NOT the cream of the crop, in my opinion. There are many very powerful thinkers, digital warriors and influencers advancing the Q agenda (or rather the agenda the Q operation was intended to spark and activate) out there, and I never hear them mention GAW.
So let's say, real anons, patriotic 'intel-operatives' researchers and analysers are the Cure. GAW is NOT the cure. We have a mix of some of those but also as a mixed community, we have some who are not.
Lord, oh Lord! The times I read a subject line on the board and think, goodness gracious, the OP could have done so much better than that with just a little effort!!! But is seems like copy/paste of headlines from other platforms has become the most popular form of posting here.
I do not mean to be negative. I'm still coming here regularly, and there are good reasons for that. But I also think its important to be self-critical of GAW, just as it is with one's own self.
I think the mod team makes a lot of effort to keep the place as healthy as possible, but of course, none of us are perfect.
To some extent, we all carry both the disease AND the cure. Our task, and individual responsibility, is to amplify the latter and diminish the former in ourselves as much as possible, and to do the same collectively here at GAW.
I'm just wondering why you posted this. It is almost 4 months old, which in today's political war, is ages ago. (So many things have changed.)
Also, it certainly is NOT "Breaking".
If you think it's relevant, perhaps some indication in the subject line as to WHY, and also an indicator that this is FOUR MONTHS old? (i.e. Put the DATE in the subject line)
You'll find quite a few examples here, with some minor variation (capitals, punctuation, etc)
Wow Deathray, You've received such a beating over this. A serious shame, and a blot on GAW when people applying critical thinking, discernment and calls for evidence are downvoted so much.
The people downvoting your comments are the shills. They want conformity, group think and to intimidate those that disagree with them.
Let's think about the net effects. Thanks to Wray in the FBI, Trump now has a massive public mandate to a) put in someone as hardcore as Patel. Mr "I've been on X22 Report dozens of times, and I'm in the drops" himself. and b) do a major overhaul and cleaning of the whole organization.
If Wray was DS, then he's done a LOT to advance the Trumplian agenda, and so the DS would want to fire him themselves, I reckon.
But me? I'm still going with Q from 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. I.e. "Trust Wray"
"Trust ....." was a marker for anons to dig deeper, think outside of group think, and understand how intel operations work.