
Pascal Najadi...

Burst on the Scene in late 2023, reportedly "son of WEF co-founder", "former Swiss Airforce Commander" and "investment Banker", Najadi has been saying a lot of things about certain people and making some big pronouncements and "disclosures".

Let's take a look at him from the angle of his own actions.

From his truth social account, he links to various stories quoting or publishing himself.

For example:



But who wrote' the article Under who's name is it published)?

Author: https://hindustanherald.com/author/heralddesk/

No name, no variable information or data. Curious.

Who is the Hindustan Herald? Part of the Mavilach Group, apparently.

https://hindustanherald.com/ (Bottom of page)

Who are the Mavilach Group?

Mavilach Group (https://mavilach.org/)

Let’s see. Who are they? Let's check out the About Us page.


Hmmm…. OK.

See All divisions >> https://mavilach.org/service/ >> https://mavilach.org/about-us/

Uh? Ok.

Mavilach Press (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service/ >> https://mavilach.org/about-us/


Mavilach Experience (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Connect (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Media (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Engage (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

In other words, nothing. All image, no substance. Every link on About us Leads to the same Service page, which leads back to the About Us page.

Keep this in mind.

But surely Najadi is legit. He's published in lots of different places. Like the New Jersey Times, as Najadi tells us:



New Jersey Times, a generic interest and news publication that suddenly promotes the most important, Breaking News!!! Disclosure by Najadi!!

Note: Popular “this week”: (Najadi article, Dec 11 aka 3 months old, but popular “This week”)


Author? “Little Mavilach”. https://newjerseytimes.us/author/little/

Profile? No data, no verifiable information. And… Mavilach Group.

Contact? Manage your subscription?

The best way to manage your New York Times subscription is online, by visiting newjerseytimes.us/myaccount.

Did Mavilach simply copy then forget to edit the NYT template?

What’s the bet that Mavilach runs a service that lets people pay him money to publish their thing in a seemingly legitimate publication?


Marketing Sales digital media

note: same articles on Hinidustan Herald and New Jersey Times

On his Rumble ABOUT page, Najadi links “The Prenuer Magazine”



An online magazine dealing with generic interest topics etc, all of a sudden posts the SAME article from Najadi but under someone else’s name….

Who are they?


No information, really. Except “We’re dedicated to providing you with…. “ and “I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you” but not even a name. Also, no address, no information whatsoever.

Let’s domain search:


Registrant: Swagger Deevs

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: Uttar Pradesh, India.

Hmmm…. Who/what is Swagger deevs? https://therealpreneur.com/business/introducing-swagger-deevs-elevating-your-digital-presence/

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead requires more than just a strategy — it demands a unique blend of creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking. This is where SWAGGER DEEVS steps in, a pioneering digital marketing agency founded by Divyam Agarwal

So, a digital marketing company. Do you think perhaps they post articles for money on their general interests and news publications website?

Do you think its possible that Najadi and Johnson have decided to pay marketing companies operating pseudo-news and general interest websites to generate the impression that they are legit and going viral? Is it possible? What other explanation could there be for these websites to publish that content and for Najadi to promote them via his Truth Social and Rumble Accounts? Do you really think that Q, DJT and the White Hats are going to ‘disclose’ all the top secret operations information in this manner? Really?

Let’s go on.

The Real Prenuer article:

Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss Air Force commander and investment banker, began with his disclosures, which include verified proof gathered from official United States Government and Military websites.

So, the Law of War Manual (dug into and investigated by MagicEyes) and Devolution Theory (dug into and investigated by Jon Herold, aka Patel Patriot) etc, etc, are all Najadi’s disclosures? Hmmmm…

The well-known American Military Veteran Derek Johnson, who is also a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn and other prominent US Military Commanders, has established an unhackable Disclosure www.thedocuments.info enabling the public the world over to check and verify that Donald J. Trump is not only the current Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States, These are the unmistakable components of Disclosure that will provide you with the clarity you deserve.

How many anons can verify or provide tangible evidence that Johnson is "well-known" & “a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn & other prominent US Military Commanders”? Trusted by who?

Who else is promoting Najadi’s narrative?

AMG (Feb 5, 2024)


Essentially a copy/paste of Najadi’s ‘statement of disclosure’

Who ‘wrote’ this? https://amg-news.com/author/medeea/

Blurb, zero concrete or verifiable details. Avatar from Gravata.com (https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d7521495d3fea0c6bd5178d6adb0cd17?s=95&d=mm&r=g) AMG is another clickbait fake site.

“Med beds” “QFS” All the executions!!!


Apparently its all been done folks! Hey, nothing like news that is real and raw (<ahem> Real Raw News!!!!)

UPDATE 30.12.2023

All Royalties Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World All Prime Ministers Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World Start Looking For An Honest Conservative To Elect Prime Minister In Your Country



Najadi also promoted this:


Apparently, “Jon s. Wilson” on Medium.com was happy to republish Najadi’s article in his own name…


Who is he?


Jon S. Wilson is an American Author working with more than 100+ News Organizations

15 followers, but he works with 100+ news orgs. Wow.

Najadi promotes his own article at Los Angeles Business on his Truth Social account


The article is now deleted but… archived:


So, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishes BREAKING Najadi disclosures!

Author: Morgan Skyler. Who is he?

Morgan Snyder is a highly respected senior correspondent for Los Angeles Magazine. With over 20 years of experience in the field of journalism, Morgan is known for his insightful reporting blah blah….

So, no verifiable details or information. But his avatar?

See also Allen Keen on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/stores/Allan-Keen/author/B09MGDK5KY); Sam Fitz on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/thedude5823912/).

Tineye reveals its a stock photo:


E.g. https://bespokeunit.com/grooming/hair/short-styles/

So what sort of magazine uses fake accounts to post generic interest news, and then a BREAKING! Big story like Pascal Najadi?

And why did Pascal Najadi link to it? Doesn’t HE know that it’s a bogus website? But, he’s the one who is disclosing all the top secret information, right?!?

Thanks to Najadi, we find another ‘article’ about him.




An online general interests and news publication (focused on music, entertainment, etc) suddenly posts BAM!!! Big Disclosure by ally of Commander In Chief Donald Trump!!!!

Who are they?


Vents Magazine is the premier online publication for music news, entertainment, movies....

But no address, not contact details, no verifiable information.

Who ‘wrote’ the article (always using the same photos that Najadi posts on his Truth Social account)?

Author: TEDFUEL.


No information, not a blurb, not even an avatar!

Najadi is even a member of General Flynn’s Locals!!! Yes! If that isn’t clear evidence that he is legitimate and is buddies with Gen Flynn, what is?



Huff mag also published Najadi’s big article:


Huffmag, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishing BREAKING news that is top secret!!!!! The ONE Opinion article they have and it’s THIS one. How about that?

Author: Jeff Curry


Mr Curry: Previous stories all fashion, models, artists, general affairs and BAM! Big Military Operation disclosure!!!

Avatar: https://huffmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/istockphoto-1286810719-170667a-96x96.jpg

istockphoto. They didn’t even bother to rename the file….

https://stock.adobe.com/images/Smiling-cheerful-young-adult-african-american-ethnicity-man-looking-at-camera-st/391347204 Huffmag. No address, not even an “About” tab. Oh, but

© 2024 Huffmag. Advertising Agency .

Hmmmm…. See a pattern here?

Najadi also linked to what is clearly a bogus fake news website, touting it as evidence that his stories are all true and now going global, because the news organization is a massive, mainstream news organization, namely CNBCUSA.com.

I personally checked this. Looks like now Najadi has removed the Truth Social post, but here is the link that he provided, archived:


Author: David Stevens.


So, previous articles are Arts, Talents, models, then BAM! Big Disclosure of Global Top Secret Operations!

Avatar: Stock photo. (courtesty of Tineyecom)


So, how is it that supposedly Super Intel knowing ‘Former Swiss Airforce Officer’ now ‘working with Space Force’ (Semper Supra, don’t you know?) is posting links to his information, articles, and photos on what are obviously fake and/or paid-for media online publications?

The CNBCUSA.com one is particularly interesting, as it is obviously an out and out fake website. (It was taken down sometime last month, possibly prompted by the actual CNBC.com folks found out about it when one of our own anons (u/winn) contacted them to let them know that their fake news was being faked by another fake, fake news website.)

But all the other sites are dodgy as heck. And yet, Najadi unabashedly uses them, or promotes them. How is that possible?

Some pedes will say “yes, its all a disclosure operation by the White Hats and Najadi is 100% legitimate (despite taking all the credit for the work of anons over the past 7 years) and these places are being used to disclose the real truth”. The same argument came out when Real Raw News operation started up. How did that one turn out?

The other explanation is that these websites were paid by Najadi (and his backers) to publish the content and make it appear something that it isn’t. To give it power and generate apparent legitimacy.

Look how many posts there have been at GAW on Najadi and his big disclosures!


Najadi has gotten himself invited onto a lot of Alt-media influencers, and has been retweeted and promoted by quite a few who I would consider legitimate anons and researchers. But have any of them really investigated into Najadi? Or do they simply take him at face value? Or are they happy themselves to promote clickable stuff?

What do you think, anon?

Here is a video Najadi posted on his Rumbel account, 3 months ago.


Apparently Derek Johnson is not only US Military veteran (the only one to have a hit billboard song in 2020! Which is obviously a really big deal (sarc)) , but he is also a “friend of US Wartime President and CIC Donald Trump”

Najadi uses a picture of Johnson standing next to Trump as the thumbnail for the video, obviously giving the impression that somehow a photo of Johnson with Trump shows he is a great friend of Trump and his ally, too!

The articles all use the same pictures. Big on Noise...

Grandiose claims, cut and paste content from OTHER anons passed off as his own? Or Super important secret disclosure operation by Q team using Najadi and Derek Johnson?

Think about it.



Understanding the Power of Impoundment is critical to anons grasping how Swamp's gained control over the POTUS position and what (possibly) Trump has been doing to reverse this. We should investigate this critical aspect, gain a deeper grasp of "The Plan" and activate the American People to support this key Policy via information and memetic warfare.


Today I watched a short video by Epoch Times "Facts Matter" Report on DJT's proposal to restore the Power of Impoundment.

You can watch this [15 min. video]((https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/trump-invokes-long-lost-executive-power-to-gut-administrative-state-facts-matter-5650876) if you have an Epoch Account, or you sign in with Google or input your email address.

Here is the report blurb:

In a campaign speech, former President Donald Trump gave the country a glimpse into the specific method that he’ll use to try and gut the administrative state—if he gets elected again. Essentially, President Trump proposed a new policy centered around a little-known executive power—a power that was used by presidents for over 150 years before being stripped about a half-century ago.

However, according to this new proposal, President Trump said that he would work to restore what’s known as the “power of impoundment.”

Below, I introduce some of the key points of the video and other related issues.

Trump's Proposal for Trump Administration 2.0

Today, I am proposing another new policy that will help us Drain the Swamp. To stop Biden’s wasteful spending and crippling inflation, I will fight to restore the president’s historic IMPOUNDMENT power. A lot of you don't know what that is. For 200 years, the president had the right to block unneeded spending and return the funds to the Treasury. They stopped that.

Congress unconstitutionally (probably) attacked the impoundment power in 1974, but it will come back. We're gonna bring it back, and we will squeeze the bloated federal bureaucracy, and instead of us just having to spend it, we're going to reduce our debt....

SAUCE: Trump Speech, New Hampshire June 27, 2023. Time Mark 53:55~

How Power of Impoundment was lost: The Clash Between Nixon and Congress

In the 70's, inflation was spiraling out of control. Nixon blamed Congressional Spending, and tried to impose a limit on spending.

President Nixon appealed to Congress today to protect the “economic interest of all American citizens” by enacting a $250‐billion spending ceiling, and threatened to veto any measure he deemed excessive.....

In his message to Congress, Mr. Nixon said that spending for the fiscal year 1973, which began July 1, was already nearly $7‐billion higher than he had planned in his budget.

“That figure by itself is bad enough,” the President said, but he noted that even more spending “appears to be on the way. The inevitable result,” he said, “would be higher taxes and more income‐eating inflation in the form of higher prices.” He added:

“I am convinced the American people do not want their family budgets wrecked by higher taxes and higher prices, and I will not stand by and permit such irresponsible action to undermine the clear progress we have made in getting America's workers off the inflation treadmill of the nineteen‐sixties.”

SAUCE: New York Times, July 27, 1972

Congress ignored Nixon, appropriated even more money, but then Nixon simply refused to spend it. This is the power of impoundment. Essentially, he impounded the money that was allocated by congress.

This power of impoundment was used by US presidents for more than 150 years, starting from the Jefferson administration.

The concept here is that the budget set by congress is the ceiling, the maximum that the executive can spend in that fiscal year. The budget from congress sets the limit, but it is still in the president's discretion whether his administration actually spends it or not.

However, Nixon was in a very tight spot, because of the Watergate situation, and when the Deep State pressured Nixon to comply with Congress, he signed the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

The Impact of Losing the Power of Impoundment

After this, instead of Congress setting the max ceiling the Administration can spend, it now sets the minimum floor that the administration must spend. The president has to spend it; he can no longer 'impound' that money.

Russ Vought, Trump’s last director of the Office of Management and Budget, calls the concession of impoundment power “the original sin” that ensured “the executive branch no longer plays a meaningful role” in the appropriations process. Vought told RCP in an interview that the power of the purse has become “caricature,” where rather than “setting ceilings,” Congress now sets “spending floors.”

Hence, Trump’s “unhappy” signature on multiple multi trillion-dollar spending bills.

Trump promised he would “never sign another bill like this again” before putting his signature on a “crazy” $1.3 trillion spending bill in 2018. Two years later, he signed another omnibus bill, this one worth $1.4 trillion, that he called “disgraceful.” Both times, Trump justified voting for the bloated bills conservatives loathed by pointing to increased military spending.

SAUCE: Trump Plan To Bypass Congress and Starve ‘The Deep State’; Real Clear Politics, June 28 2023

If the power of impoundment is restored, then this would give the POTUS the discretion how much his administration spends, instead of only having a veto power against congressional bills.

Trump Bumps Up Against the Power of Impoundment

In 2019, DJT's administration 'froze' the funds Congress had assigned to be given to Ukraine. Then, in his famous phone call with Zelensky, Trump discussed investigations in to the Biden corruption, and this triggered the impeachment proceedings in Jan 2020.

Here is how NPR spins it:

"A federal watchdog concluded that President Trump broke the law when he froze assistance funds for Ukraine last year, according to a report unveiled on Thursday.

The White House has said that it believed Trump was acting within his legal authority.

Trump's decision to freeze military aid appropriated by Congress is at the heart of impeachment proceedings against the president that are shifting venues this week from the Democrat-controlled House to the majority-Republican Senate.

Democratic lawmakers have accused Trump of abusing his office by withholding hundreds of millions in assistance in order to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals."


So Trump 'freezes the funds, triggering accusations that he violated the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, and sets up the perfect framework for raising the issue of quid-pro-quo which damns the Biden Crime family.

This was a double-whammy. One, Trump lured the Deep State into accusing him of the quid-pro-quo that he already knew Biden was 100% guilty of, and Two, he brought the issue of the Power of Impoundment into the fight, while remaining innocent, because they only 'froze' the funds and did not actually 'impound' the funds.

The Deep State could not resist the temptation, accused Trump of violating the Impoundment Control act of 1974 in order to 'illegally' pressure Zelensky to undermine/attack his political rival, Biden.

See also: how the Swamp spins this: Dispelling The Myth That President Trump’s Ukraine Aid Freeze Was Rooted In His Desire To Combat Corruption

Trump 2024 Campaign Video (4 minutes) on Restoring Impoundment

2024 Trump Platform - Restoring Impoundment to "Cut Waste, Stop Inflation" aka Crush the Deep State

Trump Statement Agenda 47 Video) - Using Impoundment to Cut Waste, Stop Inflation, and Crush the Deep State


  • Understanding how the president's impoundment powers were lost gives insight into the war that the Deep State was waging against Richard Nixon. Was Nixon taken down by the Deep State? Was Nixon the next domino in the Cabal destroying the American presidency, after Kennedy was assassinated?

  • Is it a coincidence that the Power of Impoundment issue was key to the Trump impeachment in 2020? Was the 'freezing' of the Ukraine funds and the then 'perfect phone call' with Zelensky part of DJT's plan to expose quid-pro-quo not only by Biden Crime Family, but by so many corrupt players in the Swamp?

  • Did Trump's 202 impeachment a) educate the American people on the concept of quid-pro-quo, advancing the foundation for awakening and b) public mandate for prosecution of the Swamp in Trump Administration 2.0?

  • Has the restoration of the Power of Impoundment been part of the White Hat plan all along to actually destroy and drain the swamp? Could this aspect of the Plan be advanced successfully without public mandate?

  • How important is the restoration of the Power of Impoundment?



I think that digging into this particular issue has helped me to gain insight into one aspect of the Plan by the White Hats to recover the Republic and has added to my perspective on the decades-long war against the American People that the Cabal (and Satan) has perpetrated by attacking and destroying the US Presidency.

Destroying the US Presidency: All the way from Assassination to the Manchurian Candidate

Eisenhower: Fired Warning Shots against the DS

Kennedy: Executed because he threatened the DS

Johnson: The Cabal replaces Kennedy, claims the Presidency

Nixon: White Hats fighting back, but power of Presidency already curtailed, prestige of Presidency decimated and Nixon removed

Ford, Carter - Consolidation of swamp power, advancing destruction of America

Reagan: White Hats attempting to fight back, but Presidency already irreversibly crippled

Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama: Cabal progressively entrenching power, destroying the American constitutional Republic

Trump #1: White Hats gain control of the Game Board, White Hats lay the foundation for restoration

Biden: Cabal cornered into exposing themselves, DS consistently being forced into moves that destroy them

Trump #2: Execution of Justice Phase and complete destruction of the DS and Cabal foundation, the starting point for truly restoring America

See also: "the 3-stage Plan" concept

Stage #1 : "The Sting": Trump Administration No. 1, laying the foundation, laying the traps, preparation phase

Stage #2 : "Disclosure and Exposure": Devolution Phase aka "sort of" Administration #2: Building the public mandate via awakening, exposing the reality of the Deep State and Swamp, red-pilling America

Stage #3 : "Justice And Execution": Trump Administration No. 2, implementation of justice, cleaning the swamp, reestablishment of rule of Law, restoring the republic

For Reference

VIDEO: What The Deep State Is - In 3 Minutes - Jacob Chansley with Tucker Carlson

Hat tip to Uber-Contributor u/purkiss80/ who posted on this topic 2 weeks ago: https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1fQlVrV/trump-statement-agenda-47--using/



The following is a complete and unedited statement from an attorney for Stephen K. Bannon, David Schoen, regarding the announcement from the Court of Appeals on May 10, 2024: READ IN BROWSER

The Court of Appeals panel held today that it does not have the authority to overrule the 1961 panel of the Court that issued the decision in the Licavoli case on the definition of the word "willfully" as used in the Contempt of Congress statute. Mr. Bannon will now seek redress before the full Court of Appeals, which has the authority to overrule Licavoli.

There are many fundamentally important constitutional issues at stake in this case. Today’s decision is wrong as a matter of law and it reflects a very dangerous view of the threshold for criminal liability for any defendant in our country and for future political abuses of the congressional hearing process.

The Department of Justice argued before the Court that this panel did not have the authority to overrule the Licavoli panel's decision - only the full Court sitting en banc can do that. The DOJ should support a petition for rehearing en banc to have the full court review this important issue of law. As the trial court judge wrote earlier in this case. The Court's definition in Licavoli is " not consistent with modern case law surrounding the use of that term, let alone the traditional definition of the word." The full Court of Appeals should make that clear and correct the Licavoli panel's error.

When Steve Bannon’s lawyer, Robert Costello, received a subpoena for Mr. Bannon to testify before the January 6 committee and he received a direction from President Trump that the he was invoking Executive Privilege with respect to the subpoena, Mr. Costello did two things:

He advised Mr. Bannon in no uncertain terms that he was not permitted as a matter of law to in any way respond to the subpoena - that executive privilege had been raised and that it was not his privilege to waive; and

Mr. Costello wrote to the committee and told them that Mr. Bannon would fully comply with the subpoena if the the committee worked out any privilege issues with President Trump or they took the matter before a court and the court ordered Mr. Bannon to comply. Mr. Bannon was charged with “willfully making default” in response to a congressional subpoena.

In America, we do not criminally prosecute, let alone convict and send to prison people who not only don't believe their conduct to be wrongful or in violation of the law, but, as in this case, people who follow the advice of their lawyers who tell them that the law does not permit them to comply with a congressional subpoena when Executive Privilege has been invoked. President Trump expressly confirmed to the trial court in writing that he had indeed invoked Executive Privilege with respect to the subpoena Mr. Bannon received.

For decades and, as reaffirmed in the last few years in decisions from the United States Supreme Court, a clear jurisprudential principle has been that “willfully” for purposes of criminal culpability requires a defendant to have acted in a manner he or she knew was wrong and violated the law. The Court of Appeals panel that issued this decision today found that it was bound by a 1961 decision called Licavoli which held that in the context of the congressional contempt statute “willfully” doesn’t require a belief that the conduct is wrong; rather all that matters is whether a subpoena was issued and the recipient complied with it. Licavoli did not involve executive privilege.

Long-standing constitutional principles, exhaustively recognized and identified by the Department of Justice for decades in binding opinions, make clear that any such definition when executive privilege has been invoked, violates the fundamental doctrine of separation of powers. It is the President’s or a former President’s prerogative to determine when and over what to invoke executive privilege and only a court, not a committee issuing the subpoena, can be the arbiter of whether executive privilege applies and how far its breadth extends.

Mr. Costello asked the committee to let a judge decide; they had no interest. The committee only wanted the political mileage it thought it would get for pursuing contempt.

It is unconscionable to hold a private citizen criminally liable for responding to a subpoena in the manner his lawyer told him is the only manner the law permits and especially when a constitutional principle like executive privilege is involved. The panel today held that it is bound by the 1961 Licavoli decision, notwithstanding the construction given to the word “willfully” in the criminal law context, which for decades clearly has required some determination that the defendant believed his conduct was wrong.

The trial judge in this case expressly wrote that the Licavoli definition cannot be reconciled with either the traditional or the modern definition of “willfully” but that his hands were tied by the precedent which he could not overrule. Similarly, this panel held, as the prosecution had argued, that it does not have the authority to overrule the Licavoli panel and is bound by it. That is why all parties should agree that the full Court of Appeals should hear this case sitting en banc.

The government convinced the trial court to bar Mr. Bannon from putting before the jury any evidence as to why he responded as he did to the committee subpoena. Interestingly, even in Licavoli, the jury was permitted to hear the Defendant's story. The jury in Mr. Bannon's case was prohibited from hearing that he followed his lawyer’s orders and what those orders were. He was barred from putting on any defense, while the prosecution was permitted to argue to the jury that Mr. Bannon simply ignored the subpoena because he thought he was above the law. They knew he had not ignored it and they knew his lawyer had told him the law didn’t permit him to comply; but the jury never knew either.

It also troubling that the Court endorsed the holding in this case that Mr. Bannon could not raise challenges to the multiple violations of the Rules of the House of Representatives from the formation of the 1/6 Committee through its decision to hold Mr. Bannon in contempt.

Every American subpoenaed to testify before Congress ought to be able to depend on a fair hearing before a fairly constituted body. Speaker Pelosi violated the House Rules and protocol and the trust of the American people when she formed the 1/6 committee as she did.

This was promised as an “investigative” committee into the events of 1/6; but she appointed as its Chair, Rep. Benny Thompson who filed a lawsuit alleging that he was personally injured by the events he was supposed to be investigating and placing blame for those events before any investigation even began.

The committee was filled with political partisans who regularly held press conferences announcing their opinions again without conducting any investigation. House Rules were unabashedly violated in the subpoena process all with impunity. The violations struck at the very heart of the integrity of the process as recent findings in the House have exposed; but this court has said it won’t consider any of these violation in connection with Mr. Bannon’s subpoena. The DOJ asked the court to decline to consider the violations and the court agreed. We believe a full review would have well served the country.

There are additional issues of constitutional dimension that were raised on appeal that we will also ask the En Banc Court to consider based on their direct conflict with other authority from this Court and the United States Supreme Court. That is the next step.

David I. Schoen

Attorney at Law

Saucy Sauce: https://warroom.org/stephen-k-bannons-attorney-statement-regarding-court-of-appeals-decision/


A recent post by u/brain_dead (New Hampshire the 2nd state to ban Chem Trail (www.eutimes.net)) provided an opportunity to do a little digging into some interesting sauces, both Bogus (aka clickbait, propaganda or disinfo) and Legit (aka based, patriotic, good practices).

I post the results of the dig here for my favorite frogs, ideally to provide some useful info and also some helpful hints for newbies on digging and tracking sauces.

Note: H/T to u/winn for the tip and inspiration to dig a little deeper. Upon digging into the article/sauce, a few things become immediately apparent.

The Good News

Firstly, the good news is that this content itself appears to be legitimate, even though the clickbait publishers fail in typical manner to give credit to the original source.

However, if one tracks: EU Times (100% copy/paste) >>> The People's Voice (86% copy/paste) >>> Granite Grok (Original - Steve MacDonald) one finds the original source and author, Steve MacDonald

Granite Grok is apparently an alt-media operation focused squarely on New Hampshire:

"Dominating the political bandwidth in New Hampshire"


Steve himself appears to be the key honcho at Granite Grok:

Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the Managing Editor and co-owner of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

An initial perusal through the website suggest they are every bit as legit as they present themselves to be.

They do not use ads (hence clickbait is not a likely driver) and rely on donations and support (emphasizing that they are interested in quality journalism that readers will wish to support).

Their Monday Memes feature sheds an indication of their tone and focus.


They seem pretty based to me. Even a reference to an X tweet by Jon Harold (Patel Patriot) - author of the Devolution theory series. https://substack.com/@patelpatriot

If you are a US, East Coast or New Hampshire anon, they might be a good site to bookmark.

The Bad News #1

Firstly, the European Union Times. These guys do not come off as anywhere even near legit as Granite Grok. Not by a mile.

Strike one: 100% copy/pasting an 'article' by The People's Voice, one of the most disreputable sheister disinfo operations this side of the Pecos.

Note that EU Times doesn't give actual credit to their source, merely adds a completely non-descriptive link [Source] at the bottom of the Copy/Pasta, which immediately obscures the fact that the sauce they are using is TPV. (Something OP appears to have deigned to investigate or research, and no doubt EU Times reason for disguising their source)

Strike two: They love the Ukraine (note flag colors) and come across as very anti-Russian, anti-Putin.


After Fooling the People to Reelect Putin, Russia now announces More Cannon Fodder Mobilizations

  • heavily slanted headline + derogatory terms

I don't think people need to necessarily be pro-Putin to be fully based. There is room for some diveristy of opinion in that area. But only the blind fail to recognize that the Globalists are using Ukraine as a proxy state and that the Russian initiatives are justified even from a self-defense posture, let alone from a humanitarian angle (to terminate the genocide happening to ethnic Russians in the Donbas, etc.) Not to mention denazification.

Strike three: Whiney McWhiney whine whine.

EU Times are shutting down. (no great loss, I suspect.) But read their article about the how and why. It's a riot.


We are shutting it down because of various reasons but the primary reason is the financial one. This small but yet grandiose project was ran by a small team which was very underfunded. Lack of funds. We don’t generate enough revenue from advertising anymore, people aren’t donating, they would donate to literally anything and anyone but except to keep their favorite news outlet alive…

I suspect that EU Times isn't anyone's "favorite news outlet".

People think that money come from the sky and that here on this website we don’t need their money because we somehow magically get money from the sky..... $5 a month through Patreon for lifetime… I dont think any of you would have become impoverished by subscribing to our Patreon with $5 a month! 100 such people and we would have received a mere minuscule $500 a month funding! You think that’s enough to keep a website alive? What’s $5 a month? If you are a smoker, you pay more than that on a pack of cigarettes every day, yet sponsoring your favorite news outlet is somehow excluded. We barely got any sponsorship, we all have lives and families to take care of. We can’t live without jobs, dedicating our time to this project while this project doesn’t put bread on the table.

Complaining to your readers that they aren't supporting you seems pretty narcissistic. I mean, if you created good content, people would support you.

Read through the whole article, if you dare, but even a cursory glance shows the myopic mentality of this operation. They think the European Union is a great idea, for Pete's sake.

They may not exactly be clickbait artists, despite their copy/pasting someone as disreputable as TPV, but at best they appear to be seriously ill-informed and functioning very much in the Matrix, aka useful idiots, for lack of a better term.

if they are indeed shutting down, then all they really do here is provide an example of Useful Idiocy thinking that they are somehow advancing Christianity and Peace in the world.

The Bad News #2

The other bad news here is The People's Voice (TPV). I mean, anywhere this operation rears its ugly head is bad news. See my other posts on TPV aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire (most of them easily found with a "clickbait" search in the GAW 'search community' box) if you need more info.

But as an update on TPV and Sean Adl-Tabatabai, TPV have now upgraded their [Fact Checked] designation that they put on EVERY article they post to [Fact checked by The People's Voice Community].

Sure, that community is going to be totally legit. /sarc/

Also, Mr. Adl-Tabatabai has now listed an intro blurb at the end of his articles, and cites 17674 Articles.

My, that's a few articles, isn't it, Sean? Let's break that down.

Your News Wire (which became NewsPunch which became The People's Voice) started full fledged operations around 2015. So let's give Mr TPV 9 years. 17674 articles in 9 years equals 1963 articles per year. 1963 divided by 52 weeks = 37 articles per week.

So on average, and assuming that Mr. Adl-Tabatabai works 7 days a week, 12 months a year, he's churning out 37 articles per week. If that doesn't tell you about the quality of his work, it should. No serious writer or journalist can produce that many articles unless he is copy/pasting and just churning out low quality tabloid content.

Ok, it's not a massive finding, but I thought it was interesting enough to note.

It's curious that in the case of the current article, the actual content is legitimate enough that TPV didn't have to fabricate sensationalist or disinfo headlines. Nonetheless, any deep dive in to TPV/NP/YNW suggests strongly that they are dubiously funded disinfo operation designed to exploit people beginning to wake up and inject garbage info in to the truth sphere in order to poison the well. At least, to me it does.

Silver Lining

The silver linings in this dig into EU Times / TPV include a) finding Granite Grok, which seems a very legitimate based patriotic alt-media operation, but also

b) final confirmation that Michael Baxter is in fact Baxter Dmitry from TPV, by him publishing a 100% copy paste version of the TPV article under his own name:


I tracked this down using a simple technique of taking a sample section of text (chosen for relevance and to an appropriate length i.e. between 7 and 20 words long) then searching for it in Google bookended by quote marks: e.g.

"One of the sponsors is a friend, so I’d expect them to offer some follow-up, but if I’m honest"

This forces the search Engine to seek that text strong as a whole unit.

The result can show many instances of where the source text has been copy/pasted or published across the net. In this case, it turned up both legitimate sources (those quoting Granite Grok and which are genuinely journalistic efforts) as well as scum sources (i.e. clickbait, disinfo, tabloid alt-media, etc)


Seeing the parallels and connections between Dmitry Baxter and Michael Baxter over the years (first observed in 2018), I have long held the view that they are one and the same person. This publication of the TPV article under the M. Baxter name all but clinches it.

And that's a nice find.


I suspect that if OP had taken the time to dig a little into the EU Times, he might have thought twice about posting them (and thereby promoting them as a legitimate source) instead of tracking the content to the actual source, which would have been a good find (Steve MacDonald at Grantie Grok). The connection with TPV should have been an instant red flag, but again, this was missed.

All this simply goes to prove the old adage:

All good dishes come with saucy sauce

But note: Saucy sauce is sauce that has been checked, identified, verified and simmered over a low flame for at least 3 or 4 levels of dig.

Carry on.



THE GREAT AWAKENING. You are the news now. Handle w/ care.


Video: Bill Barr Suddenly Reverses Course

EDIT: apologies. Apparently a free account is required to watch this clip in full. It's not a paid account, just a registered account with Epoch Times. (Imo, the ET is high-grade non-cabal media, so you might like to consider registering with them, unpaid.)

In a shocking twist of irony, former Attorney General Bill Barr came out Wednesday in support of former President Donald Trump—specifically, in support of him in both his New York criminal trial, and also of him for president.

If you’ve been following this developing saga between these two, this is quite a big deal, given the fact that after President Trump left office, Mr. Barr went on a campaign against him—appearing on many TV programs in order to rail against President Trump.

However, despite having lobbied all of that criticism for the past three years, Mr. Barr made an appearance on Fox News Wednesday where he appeared to change his tune, and said that he will be voting for President Trump in 2024. And what’s really interesting to note is that this change in attitude toward President Trump on the part of Mr. Barr appears to be echoed by the broader American electorate. In fact, according to polling, President Trump’s numbers went up after his criminal indictments.

Shocking twist of irony? Only if you have NOT been paying attention.

Question: Do you REALLY think that Donald Trump knows how to play 5D chess? Or is that just a fancy Q-type fiction?

Answer: Trump and his team KNOW how to play 5D chess, and they do.

Question: How do you get an entrenched, corrupted, old-guard deep state system to shoot themselves in the foot, pay your political campaign bills, promote your agenda by exposing themselves for what they are, to all the American people?

Answer: entice them, lure them, encourage them to create law cases they cannot win, to actively persecute your champion in public, and thereby make him the underdog and anti-establishment standard bearer by their own actions.

Question: How do you convince them that they actually have a shot at this, and to take up what is obviously a stupid and self-destructive series of attacks? Tot run at the matador's cloak? To throw Brer Rabbit into the briar patch?

Answer: have a high profile member of the champion's administrative team apparently turn on him, go on a campaign stating that he is a horrible leader and that there was NO election interference or election fraud, and that his efforts to expose that election fraud are probably even illegal and criminal. (They will lap it up.)


Using the concept of kayfabe as a framework for interpreting many of the narratives being generated by DJT and others around him yields some very interesting insights and/or interpretations of what is actually going on.

ICYMI, the idea of kayfabe is 'performed dramatic conflict' used as a mechanism to sow certain narratives. One purpose is to trick and lead your opponents in to places you WANT them to go, knowing that they will not be able to resist the temptation. In Pro Wrestling, for example, kayfabe was used to get the audience emotionally engaged, via the drama of conflict.

My personal conviction is that Barr's 'feud' with Trump since the end of the administration has been kayfabe for a very specific purpose: to lure and entice the Deep State to expose the 'two-tier justice system', thereby actually making Donald Trump more and more attractive to middle Americans who are getting sicker and sicker of the corruption and injustice and nonsense of the Deep State, currently 'fronted' by the Biden Administration.

Why do I see it that way?


a) Trump has been a long fan of Wrestling and fighting sports, and in American 'professional wrestling', kayfabe was a major part of the 'sport': one wrestler being a good guy, who everybody loves, and the other being a real bad, nasty guy, who everyone loves to hate. And have them perform the fight!

b) the Deep State have been using kayfabe on the American people for decades: "Democrats" vs. "Republicans" whereas in fact, both parties serve the Uniparty, NOT the American people. The Deeps state has used kayfabe to exploit and enslave the American people. Donald Trump and the White Hats have turned kayfabe back on the deep state and have been using it to expose and destroy the deep state, by luring them in to actions and spots that cause them to self-destruct.

b) Either Trump is a chump or he knew exactly what he was doing when he brought in people to his administration. he knew how to expose leakers, how to identify the enemy, and knows the power of deception in warfare, including information or narrative warfare. As soon as someone originally sided with Trump comes out in opposition or criticism to Trump, the Deep State machine falls in love with them, put them on their propaganda machine programs. In that position the so-called 'opponent' of trump becomes a darling of the Deep State minions and can lure them to do lots of stuff.

d) whether you love Barr or hate him, whether you buy in to the image and think he's a DS traitor, OR you consider the surface appearance as a play, a pantomime intended by Trump and Barr to manipulate the DS, the RESULTS of the actions of Barr are beneficial for Trump and for us. Art of War. Sun Tzu.

i.e. Once the election was stollen, and devolution was in place, it was helpful to have Barr say there was no election interference. Especially if the 4-year Biden horror show was planned as the most powerful redpill in history to wake up Americans and give overwhelming public support to the justice phase of the operation when DJT is returned to office.

The DS is predictable, and therefore exploitable. They cannot resist a Trump 'insider' turning on Trump. "Oooh, we've got him now!" And by Barr then going on the propaganda circuit, even saying there was no election fraud and saying Trump may be criminal for saying there way, it became an open invitation for the DS 'justice system' to impeach, to bring all this lawfare, which has only helped Trump in the eyes of the American Public and provided a brilliant contrast to how the System (establishment) treats one who attempts to stand up to them.

So, Barr comes out in support of DJT? Surprised? Not Surprised. If you know, you know.

Addendum: A lot of Q's training towards anons was to train autists and anons to see behind the surface layer, to not be led around by the narratives put out by the deep state, and to not be led by emotional reaction, but by critical thinking.

The object and target of many of the Trump Kayfabes is the American public and the Deep State. These ploys are designed to trigger emotional responses and reactions, because when people respond emotionally and reactively, they are easier to manipulate and lead.

If indeed it is kayfabe, then Bill Barr is deliberately behaving in a way that the Deep State will love, and that naturally Trump supporters will despise. But Anons are not normies, and I think Q expects or hopes that enough of us will see through the puppet play and see what is really going on.

Military planning at the highest precision. Fifth Generation Warfare. Deception targeted towards the enemy. Even sacrifice of reputation if that serves the ultimate goal. And the goal? The destruction of the 'old guard'.

FWIW, I think Bill Barr is a massive patriot, working hand in hand with DJT, together in the biggest operation in American history. And if he isn't, well, then he's more than just useful. His actions have helped the patriots and worked against the deep state.


Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

During and after the Q-posting part of the Q operation, the Q proofs were a critical tool for verifying and confirming the veracity of the Q operation and its connections with Q+ in particular. That was a clear and specific purpose. Moreover, the proofs were clear, concise and pretty obvious (imo). They served their purpose at that time by providing evidence for anyone asking: "hey, is this really legit?"

Part of the proofs were deltas - the time or period between point A and point B, such as the delta between a particular Q drop and some other event, such as POTUS making post on Twitter, etc. Especially, zero deltas or 1-minute deltas between A) when Q would post a drop and then B) POTUS would send out a particular tweet - these became important statistical evidence highlighting the legitimacy of Q and the cooperation with Potus.

These became "proofs" because they were evidence that statistically "proved" the validity of Q.

Other proofs became significant because they pointed to correlations that potentially shed light on to what the Q operation was talking about. In those cases, also, the purposes have been clear: to reveal some coherent theory or explanation of what the Plan is and or how it is unfolding. After all, some of the techniques that Q trained anons in were about taking various data points, digging deeper and then putting the pieces of the puzzle together to increase understanding or insight.

The original Q proofs had very clear and effective purposes. They were fact based, evidence based, and the context in which they arose lent confirmation to their validity.

However, today, three and a half years on from when Q halted posting (technically 1.6 years, but the main body of 3+ years of posting finished in Dec 2020), some anons, in developing their ideas about what is happening in the info war and psywar, have resorted to paying a lot of attention to "deltas" and to drawing correlations and even conclusions from those correlations, and then labelling them as proofs.

The question is, do (all) these correlations stack up as proofs? Are they evidence of something and if so, of what?

Does The Proof Go Poof?

Why are these questions important? Why is it important to examine HOW we deal with the information, and to check whether it is fact-based, evidence-based, logic-based, reason-based, emotion-based, belief-based, or bias-based, etc?

Because Q trained anons in a variety of techniques. Those techniques became powerful tools for making our way through the information war landscape, for discerning when narratives and propaganda were at work, for avoiding or mitigating the impacts of that propaganda on ourselves, and for verifying the reality behind the facade of propaganda.

But when we depart from those techniques, it is easy to slip into habits and perspectives that become vulnerable to more subtle attacks of disinformation, misinformation and mal-information. And, there is no question that the Cabal and their instruments would want to attack and undermine the truth movement, and the anons, and all the participants of the Great Awakening, and to hamper as much as possible the QUALITY of the ongoing awakening process.

We see plenty of examples of this in the snake oil (snake venom?) salesmen and clickbait merchants who have latched on to and taken great advantage of the burgeoning audience for new information and truth. People are hungry for truth, but also hungry for hope, for a sense of security, in a world that is increasingly chaotic and confusing, and in a war where even the most seasoned anons can be buffeted by black pills and exhausted by way of attrition.

The only real check we have against THAT form of attack, which seek to exploit potential vulnerabilities that anons, awakened people and searchers may have, is to apply the techniques of critical thinking, self-reflection, bias-checking and solid, hard-nosed evidence based research that Q inspired us to pursue.

"Question everything" is an important guideline in many, many cases, and THAT includes questioning our own attitudes, approaches, methods and thinking. We cannot afford to slip into patterns of believing things because they make us feel good, because they provide some false but comforting sensation ("hopium"), or because they alleviate some sense of anxiety or concern or need for a sense of security in our interpretation of things.

What's the old adage about sacrificing liberty for security? (Thank you Ben Franklin )

We can translate that adage into something about sacrificing tough, critical thinking for comfort (eke mental security).

So, we need to check ourselves.

And this leads to another question: as the movement has developed in the absence of Q posting, have we drifted from our original angle and methods? Are we on course in terms of HOW we practice our craft? Or if we have drifted off course, how?

Some might be inspired to immediately dismiss these questions. "Pooh, pooh!" They will declare. "We are anons! We don't make mistakes? We are invulnerable to the normal human foibles that drag ALL people into comfort zones unless they practice vigilance and harsh self-scrutiny!!! We are all about insight and seeing through the fog!!!! We have no blind spots at all!!!"


The Proof Of The Pudding

The inspiration for this post is the now current (Sticky at time of drafting) posting that is titled:

6 YEAR Q PROOF. To the exact day. Do you believe in coincidences?

I could point out how the Subject Title is merely a COPY/PASTE of the tweet that the OP is inspired to share with the board, and that there is sadly no level of analysis, or even hint of WHO stated this. That last part if unfortunate, in my opinion, because I am FAR more likely to give some credence to a post by a GAW member who has drawn their own conclusions than to some anon on the X who is NOT on GAW. Essentially, the OP merely offers the X post as its own headline. But let's put that aside.

Here's the post: https://greatawakening.win/p/17siXJK6yd/6-year-q-proof-to-the-exact-day-/c/

And here is the Tweet that the post is reproducing: https://twitter.com/EDranir/status/1775591029766262886

For me, however, the first question that arises is:

if this is a "Q proof" what is the purpose of the proof? What does it reveal?

Is it simply a proof that "the Pan is still operational and things are going our way"? Is it a proof that "Q definitely has Operation Looking Glass and the Q drops are predictions and records of future events that Q knew WOULD happen 5 years, 6 years earlier?" Or what? What is it a proof of? "That there are no coincidences?"

What is the practical EFFECT of this so-called proof?

Anyway, let's turn the soil on the X post and see what comes up.

6 YEAR PROOF. To the exact day. With a date mirror. How? Do you believe in coincidences?

H/T @ELMAGAIN for finding this first.

"The 6 year Proof"

The 'proof' draws these correlations:

  • 7.4 magnitude earthquake <> Q Drop 1067 date of April 7, 2018 (7.4, 4.7)

  • Date of X post by Insider Paper April 2, 2024 <> A day of the week referenced in Q drop 1120 - Tuesday and Q drop 1067 Tuesday (April 2, 2024 = Tuesday, Q drops both reference "Tuesday")

  • Name of road on street sign "Chongqing Rd" with name in Q drop 1120 and in Q drop 1067 (chongqing, chongqing, chongqing)

  • Date of Q drop 995 April 3, 2018 that includes content "Future Proves Past. Several today" + [1 day] * [A]pril. MOAB

The stated conclusion = 6 Year Proof

The Proof Of the Pudding is In The Eating

Personally, I have a few issues with this so-called Proof, none the least being thge question I have: "What does it actually prove?"


Chongqing was a significant data point during the drops drops 1067, 1120, 2516. I recall there being photos of, and allusion to activities of, specific persons in that city at that time. But it is also in other drops: 2517, 2516, posted in November 2018.

Q 1118 references chongqing indirectly, as an anon references the article Q linked in Q 1117, about China embracing foreign cars.

Q 1117 references Q 1116, in which Q writes: "Thank you Xi. Good Start. China/CQ cancel."

In this series of Q drops, Q talks about Chongqing, about cars, about imports, about Xi, and China.

10767, "China Chongqing Tuesday" This post was on Saturday April 7, 2018. The next Tuesday was April 10, when X gave a significant speech


One highlight was increasing imports and lowering tarrifs for vehicles.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday China will significantly lower the import tariffs for vehicles and reduce import tariffs for some other products this year.

Does it make sense that the Q drops were about Xi, POTUS's ongoing successful engagements with China, re: changing the trade dynamic (a BIG feature of the Trump administration #1)? Yes. That Xi's speech on April 10 indicated a "start"? Yes.

So what kind of connection might it have with an earthquake in April this year?

The photo presented in the X tweet in the OP is Chongqing rd, in the district of Hualien City in Taiwan.

But the Chingqing referenced in the Q drops appears to be the Chongqing district (Chongqing City) in China (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chongqing).

We can see some correlation between the photo here (on X) and the Q drops 1067 and 1120. That's because it's the same name. But just like in cities and countries all over the world, places in two different nations can share the same name. (Compare "Birmingham" (city) in the UK with "Birmingham Rd" elsewhere).

So is there a real connection here? In both Q1067 and Q 2516, Q specifically references China and the city of Chongqing in China (mainland). Not Taiwan.


The 'proof' here cites a correlation between the X post by "Insider Paper" (aka date April 2, 2024) and post 1067, but the actual earthquake event happened in Taiwan on April 3. It only appears as April 2 because the person using the X account is on the other side of the date line from Taiwan. The earthquake in question happened on April 3.


TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan was struck Wednesday by its most powerful earthquake in a quarter of a century. At least nine people were killed and hundreds injured, buildings and highways damaged and dozens of workers at quarries stranded.


Nine people are dead and more than 1,000 reported injured in Taiwan after the island nation was rocked by the strongest earthquake in a quarter-century Wednesday.

For someone using X in a different location, the date is April 3

So the connection between "Tuesday" and the chongqing rd photo aka Hualien City Earthquake, which happened on Wednesday, and posted by Insider Paper, is a false positive.

So, what is the proof?

There is no correlation between April 2 (Tuesday) and the Huelin city earthquake April 3 (Wednesday). (X shows date of viewer, not of actual incident)

There is no correlation between Chongqing in the Q drops and the road in Hualien Taiwan except that they share the same name. There is also a road of that name in Taipei, and possibly elsewhere.

"chongqing is a romanization of the Chinese word 重庆 (Simplified Chinese) aka 重慶 Traditional Chinese meaning literally "Double Celebration".

Is there a correlation between an earthquake of 7.4 on the Richter scale and a q drop posted on April 4, 2018? A numerical correlation, but is it meaningful?

Is there a correlation between Drop 995 with "future proves past, several today" "1 day" and "[A]pril MOAB." and the city and country of Hualien in Eastern Taiwan where the earthquake happened? Actually, both events (the drop and the earthquake) took place on the same day, BUT 995 does not reference Taiwan, Chongqing or China in any way. So is there are connection? If so, is it strong? Weak?

Also, the "proof" references "[1 day]" in Q995, I assume alluding to the 1 day difference between the earthquake in Eastern Taiwan and the drop itself Q995. But that's a false positive, because the earthquake did NOT take place on April 2, but April 3, Taiwan time.

To me, the correlations are tenuous at best. But the real kicker is this: What on earth does this 'proof' prove?

There is PLENTY of context in the Q drops themselves that give the actual drops significance : the relation between CCP China and the US, between POTUS and XI, between the trade imbalance that the globalists had been using to destroy America and which Trump reversed in cooperation with Xi. "Thank you Xi. Good Start".

If this is a Q proof, what does it prove? Does it prove that Q KNEW there would be an earthquake on April 3, 2024? How? The connection between drop 995 and the Hualien earthquake is tenuous at the very best. And the content of the Q drop could reasonably be stretched out to connect with dozens if not hundreds of other events over the years.

Does it prove that Q or Q operatives made the earthquake? In order to prove what? Only to prove the Q operation? Why would an earthquake be triggered in Taiwan? To disrupt the Semi-conductor industry? To spark a CCP Chinese invasion?

It's valid that anons try to draw connections, but those connections need to be tested and then critically reviewed, and pushed and pulled and tested again. They need to have some rational or reasonable purpose. Otherwise, we just become that guy. Drawing connections and getting excited, but less than careful about applying the very skills and techniques that Q trained and inspired us in.

And if we allow ourselves to be moved along by being less than self-critical, we do a disservice to our mission and increase the potential for bad actors to inject disinformation and misinformation into the truth sphere. To me, this is the real threat. We have learned to see through many of the enemy's lies, but have we learned to critique ourselves? For me, that a question.

Just Human talks about this danger in the recent episode of Defected. Worth a listen, for about 10, minutes. The link is time-stamped up, if you are interested.

https://rumble.com/v4ml6ok-defected-ep.-65-900-pm-et-.html?start=6686 (1:51:26)

Of especial note is what he says at 1:55:20.


On the tail of my post regarding Gen. Flynn as DJT's VP candidate and designated Next Act in the process of restoring America to her core values and freedoms, someone asked:

Is Vice President fagging a thing?

I had to conclude that yes, yes it is.

In the interests of building our collective rational and critical thinking capacities, and in the interests of tapping into the collective GAW mind to formulate and crystallize the issues around what being DJT's VP candidate actually means, I'm proposing a thought experiment.

To the best of your capacity, what do you consider to be the primary or core requirements that DJT's VP is going to have to fulfill?

What criteria might best be applied in order to realistically and effectively evaluate what the VP must, and must not, be like?

In this process, I suggest we consider what the implications of this or that VP pick might be for the Great Awakening and the making of America to be great again. This includes a sense of where this nation is headed, now and after the next 4 years (on the premise that DJT will be President come January 20, 2025.

What do you think? What would your list of criteria look like? What do you see as the most important qualities or capacities the next VP needs to have?

I encourage all anons to consider this question not only from the perspective of a citizen of America and/or the world, but also from the viewpoint of the White Hats and of DJT himself.

What if you were running the program for restoring America? What things would the White Hats and DJT most be thinking about? Try to put yourself in their shoes.

To get the ball rolling, I've made a list (as follows) of what I see as the several core requirements that should be fulfilled by the next VP (and potential successor to DJT).

CORE Requirements the Next Vice President Candidate Should Fulfill (My List)

A) Fully on board with MAGA

B) Fully on board with the Q operation (i.e. able to understand and be supportive of the objectives and methods of the Q operation, intel war) (aka awareness of and capacity to recognize the Cabal, the deep state and the ancient evil we are confronted with)

C) Ability (i.e. character and capacity) to follow up the next DJT term by leading America into the restoration of its core values and direction after the swamp is drained and destroyed - aka strength of character and personality

D) Trust and reliability with regards to DJT (i.e. trusted fully by DJT) (Includes whether DJT and the White Hats can rely on the VP to take the reins and execute DJT's plan for the next 4 years should DJT become incapacitated)

E) An adequate public profile (aka known by enough of the American people, has a certain level of name recognition)

F) Tested track record in terms of public service (whether in private sector, public sector, military, etc)

Do you think some of these are NOT necessary? Would you add other factors? Have I missed some, or do you agree or disagree with this list?

Asking for a fren......


(Kind of feel like a "VP Fagging" flair would be useful over the next few months....) u/catsfive


I'm calling it now. My expectation and conviction is that within the next few months, Donald Trump will announce Michael Flynn as his VP candidate.

Now I know that traditionally, the VP position is a bit of a lame duck, and, I can understand the argument that Flynn would be much better in a position in the administration where he can help take the Cabal Deep State apart, but....

  • I am confident at this point that the White Hats have even much more control of the game board than they did in 2017 or even 2021.

  • The requirements for taking down the Swamp structure have been planned and put in place for quite some time.

  • That the VP position CAN be critical and effectively wielded, as both a counsel to POTUS and as a free agent to run all sorts of operations.

  • The real KEY issue at this point in the game is what happens when DJT completes his 4 years as POTUS.

So while Flynn would be very powerful in a variety of roles, being backstop (should anything happen to DJT over the next 5 years) and being in position to step up to the position of POTUS following DJT - these things are critical.

Moreover, I also believe that DJT was in training to become POTUS for MANY years, decades operating as a white hat to take down certain parts of the criminal network in the US (i.e. Mafia). Which to me implies that the POTUS following DJT (very often the VP) has also been planned out for a LONG time.

Of course, there are always contingencies in good planning, but something as important as the followup to Trump is not something that would be decided haphazardly or even late in the game. If the Trump rise was planned for years before 2016, then also what follows Trump would also have been heavily gamed out.

The next Potus will need to be just as strong, just as ruthless (against the Deep State) and a man of steel, someone with the gravitas and skill knowledge set to continue the fight against the Cabal remnants AND also withstand anything they bring up.

Trump was/is a wartime president. I think Flynn would be the right man for the job. And a general as a President has a long set of precedents.

Other factors that have influenced my thought direction in this include:

Things DJT has said: "Michael Flynn, are you ready to serve again?" & "The VP is not important to the election; but it has to be someone you can rely on" etc.

Flynn's work over the past 4-6 years, working on the grassroots level and more recently amping up his public presence (films, books, etc).

But another big factor is my internal sense of things, formulated over years of engaging with the Great Awakening and beyond. That's a subjective feeling, but that's why I feel like I have to back it.

Lot's of other small things, such as Flynn's connections with anons and so forth.

So who knows? None of us actually knows, but I'm calling it now, after considering this for quite some time. I guess we'll see whether I'm right or not in the coming months.

I don't think I have any ego attachment to this belief; it's a belief and not something I know for a fact. But nonetheless, I'm willing at this point to be vocal about that belief.

Whatever the outcome, may God bless and protect the team that is chosen to take the banner forward.


Yesterday, someone asked: "Tell me what a "black pill" is...

Red Pill, Blue Pill, Black Pill, White Pill

(H/T to Dr. Zeus)

A black pill builds on the metaphor of the red pill and the blue pill in the film, The Matrix.

The red pill is the one that Neo must take in order to wake up from the Matrix. It carries a tracer program that finds him in the matrix hardware and disrupts his input/output connection. On the other hand, while never fully explained, the blue pill appears to have carried something that will allow Neo to forget what he knows, and to live life oblivious to the falseness of the Matrix.

Metaphorically, the Red Pill represents information that reveals some truth about the facade of lies that the Cabal and Deep State has built in order to keep us, the population, asleep and in trance. The Matrix itself is a metaphor for that Façade of Lies.

The Blue Pill metaphorically represents the fake propaganda information that the Deep State / Cabal disseminates via its propaganda machine, fake information that perpetuates the lies that people must believe in order to ‘not see’ the truth.

In this context, a "Black Pill" is thus a metaphor for information that triggers disbelief, doubt, despair, depressing feelings, discouragement, "dooming" etc. The information inspires the opposite of hope.

If you take a "black pill", it means you are accepting in to your mental framework information that causes loss of hope, loss of vision and loss of positive expectation.

But that "Black Pill" only has power when it is ingested. In other words, it is the attitude and heart with which you engage that information that activates its negative power. For others, the very same information may actually form a "white pill", one that inspires hope and encourages.

There are many "white pills" out there, as there are "black pills", "red pills" and "blue pills". Which pills you take, and which ones you digest and make use of, this is affected in a very big way by your intent and your character.

What Activates the Nature of the Pill (Information)?

What the metaphor of the "pill" shows us is that there is an element of intention that is necessary to activate the power of the information.

Information (pill) + Intent (attitude) = Effect

This is why some people can see X information and ignore it. It has no effect on them, because the intent to see the truth, the desire to find the truth is not there. If the person 'desires' comfort, staying asleep, then they will ignore the information, even if their unconscious mind realizes that they are lying to themselves. Some people will willingly choose a lie if it appears that it will make their lives comfortable.

With others, however, the intent, the desire to see the truth, even if it is painful, is present, and this activates the information and creates the "Red Pill" effect.

So while information is a thing in itself, it is only when it is coupled with the human element – intent or purpose - that it delivers it's effect. So how is the intent that triggers the power of the information activated? How is the effect of Truth triggered?

There is a part in every human being that desires truth, that resonates with truth. Let us call this the Original Human Element, the part of each person that comes from God and is rooted in God's own nature.

Historically, that part of us has been suppressed, oppressed and attacked by another part within us, a part that does not come from God but which derives its origins in the being or cause that Christian belief refers to as "Satan". This part of us is not original; it is foreign. It grows through sinful action, action that contradicts God's nature and which resonates and binds with Satan's nature. It engages with lies and half-truths and is activated by them.

Just as lies have a way of activating the false, foreign satanic element, the Truth has a way of activating this Original Human Element (the original human heart). Thus, the Deep State / Cabal tries to prevent the truth from being spoken about, talked about, shared, because it inherently has the effect of eliciting our original human impulse and inspires us to seek even greater truth.

The War Between Truth and Lies

The war between the Original Human Heart and the corrupted Satanic heart is a historical war, and Truth vs Lies is the nature of the battles.

God works in two ways: from within to trigger and elicit that desire for truth within us, and outside of “me”, to have more and more truth revealed externally. This forms a two-pronged attack: God working within our heart and mind, and Truth working outside our heart and mind, in the form of information and understanding.

By contrast, Evil seeks to set up shop and maintain its stronghold inside, us. Lies are what evil seeks to perpetuate inside, assisted by lies, half-truths, and other 'black pills' outside our heart and mind. So, when we say the information war is a spiritual war, this is what it means. That war is being waged within each and every human being. It is a war between Goodness & Truth on one hand, and Evil & Lies on the other.

The Two-Pronged dimension of the War for Truth

Evil has had the upper hand since the start of our history. That’s what all scriptures (not just the Biblical scripture) teach in some form or other. From this angle, the history of religion, for example, is one record of God's work to increasingly reveal the truth about the spiritual dimension and inner reality, albeit with evil seeking to undermine and corrupt that action. Philosophy and Science is another record, of the truth about the external world (material world) being increasingly revealed, and evil also attacks on this front, as seen to unprecedented levels during the Covid Scandemic.

But step by step, over time, God has increasingly revealed truth in all its forms, and today, the historical "upper hand" that Evil has had is about to collapse. Once people start to wake up to how evil has been running the world, this inherently helps create an environment that is conducive to a greater desire for, and corresponding revealing of, inner and outer truth.

Two Aspects of the Great Awakening

In this sense, the Great Awakening has two complementary aspects. One is the waking up to the mechanisms and systems that evil has been using to rule the world and maintain its control over humanity. The other is an internal waking up, to the inner mechanisms and thought systems within our own hearts that limit us, keep us in a comfort zone, and which limit our capacity to love and be loved.

In other words, from this angle, we could say that there is the external Great Awakening and the internal Great Awakening. One is a waking up to the reality of the world around "me", outside of "me", and the other is a waking up to the reality within "me".

These two aspects are complimentary. They can and should reinforce each other. They naturally do. As any anon knows, it takes internal fortitude and courage to digest certain 'red pills' along the path. Meanwhile, facing ourselves and deeply buried traits, faults, limitations of heart is at least equally as difficult, and often more so. It's often easier to see the evil outside us than it is to see the evil hiding away inside us, in the form of certain lies, untruths about ourselves or others that we hold on to, including the limitations of our hearts and the capacity to love and be loved.

And just a note on that point for fellow believers: Those who have faith are at a distinct advantage in the Great Awakening, but I would encourage all believers to contemplate the idea that Jesus is the START of waking up, not the END. Doctrine, personal or religious, is not the same as the Truth. One might even say that the Bible itself is not The Truth. The Truth is Jesus himself. Jesus is Truth Incarnate.

The Bible is true in the sense that it points us towards, and testifies to, Jesus. Truth then, is not mere knowledge. Ultimately, it is ONLY when we build and develop our capacity for relationship that Truth takes hold. And, ultimately, the basis for all enduring relationship centers on love. Aka our capacity to love unselfishly (including respecting others, having compassion, being just, etc) and receive love, too. That is where Truth truly takes hold within us.

Where Are We Headed?

Seen from this perspective, the overall objective of the Great Awakening is not merely or simply the realization of the Truth. It is a rebuilding and pioneering of the capacity for relationship (love) in the spirit of true freedom.

External freedom will liberate the capacity for us to engage with each other in a world and society not controlled or dominated by the lies of the Cabal. That external engagement may take many different forms: political, economic, social, cultural, academic, etc., and it will be governed by freedom: aka self-governance.

Internal freedom will liberate our capacity to love each other, unselfishly and with pure hearts, as individuals, families, communities, societies and nations.

If you think about the Great Awakening from this angle, I'd say that this constitutes a pretty big WHITE PILL.



Disclaimer: the ideas shared in this post are not intended to be doctrinal. They are simply one perspective, my own perspective, on the topics being discussed. I encourage frens to take the post in that spirit. If you find disagreement, then let that be, and share your own view. In my view, we find the Truth together, not in isolation.

Truth Vs Lies, Advanced Mental Slavery (media.greatawakening.win) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron
Truth vs Lies, The Internal War (media.greatawakening.win) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron
Logging In To GAW This Afternoon..... (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron

A modest proposal

With the Platform formerly know as Prince, I mean Twitter, heating up, we get a decent number of X posts (aka X links) on the board. Thanks to the .win coders (?), we can click on the subject, go to the post, see a preview of most of the content of the X post, all of it if it isn't too long, and even run a video or audio file from within GAW. It's pretty cool.

However, X posts aren't exactly news reports. Very often, they are simply opinion or interpretation. And even if they were news reports, from who?

Given that we can see the poster, the content, etc, once we click on the post, I would like to suggest that board pedes make it standard practice to NOT just copy/past the content of the X post as the subject line,but to ADD more Context.

Copy/Paste of the content of the X post as a subject line really gives the rest of us nothing to go on except that we click the post SUBJECT LINE to find out. The PURPOSE of the SUBJECT LINE is to inform the Board of what might be the content, value and relevance of the Post, so that Board members can choose: Should I click and look at this post, or ignore it?

Copy/paste of the X tweet in the subject line alone doesn't provide any serious context except: "This is an X post"

If you link to a twitter post, include in the subject line something like:

[Name of X Poster] : "blah, blah, blah (aka copy/past content of x post)

Or alternatively, give the name of the poster plus WHY it is significant in your view.

Of course, there are exceptions, but usually, more context is better.

NOT doing anything like tends to simply pepper the board with random X content, and means that the 1000s of board members who potentially could view your post HAVE no choice but to click on to FIND the context that makes it relevant, or just ignore it.

For Example, if an X link post to the board is:

"Trump is going to win by a landslide, but Ukraine needs to be won"

it might capture my attention. And I might click on the post, only to find out its posted by Dan Bongino, or Jack Posobiec. And, then, I might feel like I would NOT have clicked if I knew that.

Dan Bongino: "Trump is going to win by a landslide, but Ukraine needs to be won"

provides context and INFORMATION to the board. That small bit of information can translate to saved time or more effective and efficient use of time by board members.

E.g. If I think Bongino is worth my time, I can click on the post and check it out. OR, I can ignore it because the content might be interesting but I don't really think Bongino is worth my time.

In many cases, adding the Plus Alpha (your anon input) into a subject line makes things a lot smoother for the board as a whole.

It's ONLY a little effort on the part of the poster, but if you end up saving the board members even 10 seconds (if they do not want to invest time to find the poster/context), then multiple that 10 second by 500 and you have saved the board 1.5 man hours.

Post after post - 20 posts a day, and this all aggregates to a much more efficient and effective GAW.

The convenience of being able to make links themselves into posts and then copy/paste the content as the subject title is great. It's convenient and easy. But the question is, is this what defines high-quality, high effort posting?

GIVE board members more context.

Make it easier for them to make choices by taking a tiny bit more effort in how you Subject Line your posts. Particularly for random X posts, that are very often just some random person's opinion or view, and not necessarily fact.

Thus endeth the modest proposal.

Addendum; The same pertains to copy/pasting headlines into the Subject Line. Who's headline? Why significant? Read time? etc.


Pascal Najadi...

Burst on the Scene in late 2023, reportedly "son of WEF co-founder", "former Swiss Airforce Commander" and "investment Banker", Najadi has been saying a lot of things about certain people and making some big pronouncements and "disclosures".

Let's take a look at him from the angle of his own actions.

From his truth social account, he links to various stories quoting or publishing himself.

For example:



But who wrote' the article Under who's name is it published)?

Author: https://hindustanherald.com/author/heralddesk/

No name, no variable information or data. Curious.

Who is the Hindustan Herald? Part of the Mavilach Group, apparently.

https://hindustanherald.com/ (Bottom of page)

Who are the Mavilach Group?

Mavilach Group (https://mavilach.org/)

Let’s see. Who are they? Let's check out the About Us page.


Hmmm…. OK.

See All divisions >> https://mavilach.org/service/ >> https://mavilach.org/about-us/

Uh? Ok.

Mavilach Press (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service/ >> https://mavilach.org/about-us/


Mavilach Experience (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Connect (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Media (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

Mavilach Engage (Explore) >> https://mavilach.org/service

In other words, nothing. All image, no substance. Every link on About us Leads to the same Service page, which leads back to the About Us page.

Keep this in mind.

But surely Najadi is legit. He's published in lots of different places. Like the New Jersey Times, as Najadi tells us:



New Jersey Times, a generic interest and news publication that suddenly promotes the most important, Breaking News!!! Disclosure by Najadi!!

Note: Popular “this week”: (Najadi article, Dec 11 aka 3 months old, but popular “This week”)


Author? “Little Mavilach”. https://newjerseytimes.us/author/little/

Profile? No data, no verifiable information. And… Mavilach Group.

Contact? Manage your subscription?

The best way to manage your New York Times subscription is online, by visiting newjerseytimes.us/myaccount.

Did Mavilach simply copy then forget to edit the NYT template?

What’s the bet that Mavilach runs a service that lets people pay him money to publish their thing in a seemingly legitimate publication?


Marketing Sales digital media

note: same articles on Hinidustan Herald and New Jersey Times

On his Rumble ABOUT page, Najadi links “The Prenuer Magazine”



An online magazine dealing with generic interest topics etc, all of a sudden posts the SAME article from Najadi but under someone else’s name….

Who are they?


No information, really. Except “We’re dedicated to providing you with…. “ and “I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you” but not even a name. Also, no address, no information whatsoever.

Let’s domain search:


Registrant: Swagger Deevs

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: Uttar Pradesh, India.

Hmmm…. Who/what is Swagger deevs? https://therealpreneur.com/business/introducing-swagger-deevs-elevating-your-digital-presence/

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead requires more than just a strategy — it demands a unique blend of creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking. This is where SWAGGER DEEVS steps in, a pioneering digital marketing agency founded by Divyam Agarwal

So, a digital marketing company. Do you think perhaps they post articles for money on their general interests and news publications website?

Do you think its possible that Najadi and Johnson have decided to pay marketing companies operating pseudo-news and general interest websites to generate the impression that they are legit and going viral? Is it possible? What other explanation could there be for these websites to publish that content and for Najadi to promote them via his Truth Social and Rumble Accounts? Do you really think that Q, DJT and the White Hats are going to ‘disclose’ all the top secret operations information in this manner? Really?

Let’s go on.

The Real Prenuer article:

Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss Air Force commander and investment banker, began with his disclosures, which include verified proof gathered from official United States Government and Military websites.

So, the Law of War Manual (dug into and investigated by MagicEyes) and Devolution Theory (dug into and investigated by Jon Herold, aka Patel Patriot) etc, etc, are all Najadi’s disclosures? Hmmmm…

The well-known American Military Veteran Derek Johnson, who is also a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn and other prominent US Military Commanders, has established an unhackable Disclosure www.thedocuments.info enabling the public the world over to check and verify that Donald J. Trump is not only the current Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States, These are the unmistakable components of Disclosure that will provide you with the clarity you deserve.

How many anons can verify or provide tangible evidence that Johnson is "well-known" & “a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn & other prominent US Military Commanders”? Trusted by who?

Who else is promoting Najadi’s narrative?

AMG (Feb 5, 2024)


Essentially a copy/paste of Najadi’s ‘statement of disclosure’

Who ‘wrote’ this? https://amg-news.com/author/medeea/

Blurb, zero concrete or verifiable details. Avatar from Gravata.com (https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d7521495d3fea0c6bd5178d6adb0cd17?s=95&d=mm&r=g) AMG is another clickbait fake site.

“Med beds” “QFS” All the executions!!!


Apparently its all been done folks! Hey, nothing like news that is real and raw (<ahem> Real Raw News!!!!)

UPDATE 30.12.2023

All Royalties Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World All Prime Ministers Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World Start Looking For An Honest Conservative To Elect Prime Minister In Your Country



Najadi also promoted this:


Apparently, “Jon s. Wilson” on Medium.com was happy to republish Najadi’s article in his own name…


Who is he?


Jon S. Wilson is an American Author working with more than 100+ News Organizations

15 followers, but he works with 100+ news orgs. Wow.

Najadi promotes his own article at Los Angeles Business on his Truth Social account


The article is now deleted but… archived:


So, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishes BREAKING Najadi disclosures!

Author: Morgan Skyler. Who is he?

Morgan Snyder is a highly respected senior correspondent for Los Angeles Magazine. With over 20 years of experience in the field of journalism, Morgan is known for his insightful reporting blah blah….

So, no verifiable details or information. But his avatar?

See also Allen Keen on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/stores/Allan-Keen/author/B09MGDK5KY); Sam Fitz on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/thedude5823912/).

Tineye reveals its a stock photo:


E.g. https://bespokeunit.com/grooming/hair/short-styles/

So what sort of magazine uses fake accounts to post generic interest news, and then a BREAKING! Big story like Pascal Najadi?

And why did Pascal Najadi link to it? Doesn’t HE know that it’s a bogus website? But, he’s the one who is disclosing all the top secret information, right?!?

Thanks to Najadi, we find another ‘article’ about him.




An online general interests and news publication (focused on music, entertainment, etc) suddenly posts BAM!!! Big Disclosure by ally of Commander In Chief Donald Trump!!!!

Who are they?


Vents Magazine is the premier online publication for music news, entertainment, movies....

But no address, not contact details, no verifiable information.

Who ‘wrote’ the article (always using the same photos that Najadi posts on his Truth Social account)?

Author: TEDFUEL.


No information, not a blurb, not even an avatar!

Najadi is even a member of General Flynn’s Locals!!! Yes! If that isn’t clear evidence that he is legitimate and is buddies with Gen Flynn, what is?



Huff mag also published Najadi’s big article:


Huffmag, an online general interests and news publication suddenly publishing BREAKING news that is top secret!!!!! The ONE Opinion article they have and it’s THIS one. How about that?

Author: Jeff Curry


Mr Curry: Previous stories all fashion, models, artists, general affairs and BAM! Big Military Operation disclosure!!!

Avatar: https://huffmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/istockphoto-1286810719-170667a-96x96.jpg

istockphoto. They didn’t even bother to rename the file….

https://stock.adobe.com/images/Smiling-cheerful-young-adult-african-american-ethnicity-man-looking-at-camera-st/391347204 Huffmag. No address, not even an “About” tab. Oh, but

© 2024 Huffmag. Advertising Agency .

Hmmmm…. See a pattern here?

Najadi also linked to what is clearly a bogus fake news website, touting it as evidence that his stories are all true and now going global, because the news organization is a massive, mainstream news organization, namely CNBCUSA.com.

I personally checked this. Looks like now Najadi has removed the Truth Social post, but here is the link that he provided, archived:


Author: David Stevens.


So, previous articles are Arts, Talents, models, then BAM! Big Disclosure of Global Top Secret Operations!

Avatar: Stock photo. (courtesty of Tineyecom)


So, how is it that supposedly Super Intel knowing ‘Former Swiss Airforce Officer’ now ‘working with Space Force’ (Semper Supra, don’t you know?) is posting links to his information, articles, and photos on what are obviously fake and/or paid-for media online publications?

The CNBCUSA.com one is particularly interesting, as it is obviously an out and out fake website. (It was taken down sometime last month, possibly prompted by the actual CNBC.com folks found out about it when one of our own anons (u/winn) contacted them to let them know that their fake news was being faked by another fake, fake news website.)

But all the other sites are dodgy as heck. And yet, Najadi unabashedly uses them, or promotes them. How is that possible?

Some pedes will say “yes, its all a disclosure operation by the White Hats and Najadi is 100% legitimate (despite taking all the credit for the work of anons over the past 7 years) and these places are being used to disclose the real truth”. The same argument came out when Real Raw News operation started up. How did that one turn out?

The other explanation is that these websites were paid by Najadi (and his backers) to publish the content and make it appear something that it isn’t. To give it power and generate apparent legitimacy.

Look how many posts there have been at GAW on Najadi and his big disclosures!


Najadi has gotten himself invited onto a lot of Alt-media influencers, and has been retweeted and promoted by quite a few who I would consider legitimate anons and researchers. But have any of them really investigated into Najadi? Or do they simply take him at face value? Or are they happy themselves to promote clickable stuff?

What do you think, anon?

Here is a video Najadi posted on his Rumbel account, 3 months ago.


Apparently Derek Johnson is not only US Military veteran (the only one to have a hit billboard song in 2020! Which is obviously a really big deal (sarc)) , but he is also a “friend of US Wartime President and CIC Donald Trump”

Najadi uses a picture of Johnson standing next to Trump as the thumbnail for the video, obviously giving the impression that somehow a photo of Johnson with Trump shows he is a great friend of Trump and his ally, too!

The articles all use the same pictures. Big on Noise...

Grandiose claims, cut and paste content from OTHER anons passed off as his own? Or Super important secret disclosure operation by Q team using Najadi and Derek Johnson?

Think about it.

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