WE THE PEOPLE choose our reps. They don't get to name their own replacements. Same for senators and I wish we would go back to state legislatures choosing the Fed senators (unless the states someday get their own electoral colleges).
I didn't know until about an hour ago that the squirrel had about a million followers on the web. They said it was the most famous squirrel in the world and the owner used it to raise funds to feed his other animals. It was an indoor squirrel for over seven years. Certainly not a threat all that time until suddenly four agencies and a judge need to raid the guys house and seize a squirrel and a raccoon. Absolute madness.
Me too. I don't claim to know the interpretations of everything, especially Revelation, but when I saw this post this is what came to mind. Give life unto the image of the Beast, and it can talk. Not saying it will have to do with computers/AI, but I've got a smartphone that can do some of that now.
It's going to happen someday, right? Not saying, just sayin'.
"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
~ Revelation 13: 15-18
I don't trust any of them but don't go by a photo. There are bajillions of pics of everybody with everybody else at some event or another. Trump and Epstein and Trump and Hillary come to mind. Politicians and actors and rich people have pics taken all the time but without knowing the context it doesn't indicate anything.
There have been changes since 2020. Not as much as should have been, but some. People are more aware. Trump has us voting early and some of the cheating has been discovered already putting Trump's legal people in front of it. Some have even hit the courts already and we won a lot (sorry I'm short on specifics).
I think it looks good. I'm hoping all of the stuff we have been waiting for can finally happen now. Trump has posted or re-posted a sh!t ton of tweets and memes with Q related stuff. Too many times to think he didn't notice, including the one with him playing the violin. It was him saying 'I don't know what this means, but I like it' 'My next tune is called Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming' if I recall correctly. Plus the boss has lost over a billion dollars and taken a bullet for this. He works tirelessly for free. He faces the rest of his life in prison if he loses because I don't think they will quit trying to make an example of him to scare off any future outsider patriots. Yet he's calm, joking, and saying we won't let them win. He seems pretty confident so I'm confident too.
A few more days and we will be in the heart of election season and we'll know a lot more. I don't agree that we can't vote the crooks out. I just want them prosecuted after we do. Keep the faith pede.
I don't know what the deal is with Musk and X. He also has Space-X.
Q is a clearance level and why Q is called Q (someone will correct me if I'm wrong). Look at drops #34 and #48.
Not false if they meant legally and or politically. The problem is taking one phrase and turning it into a complete volume while ignoring other phrases or drops that suggest a different perspective. I'm certainly not saying you are wrong or I am right. I just try to keep a really open mind because I've seen a lot of disappointment over wrong interpretations.
Either way fren, may God bless us tomorrow with an election win for GEOTUS.