Francewhoa 6 points ago +6 / -0


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The video publisher's channel is called "99Percent"

Attribution to Benjamin for the link, 99Percent for publishing this video, and lithopedion for 2022 links

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0


Bangladesh has sent a formal application to join the BRICS alliance

Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen has since confirmed the move

Bangladesh certainly would be considered as an important member of BRICS because of its test book example of spectacular economic development.

The prospect of Bangladesh joining BRICS holds immense promises.

Bangladesh would be significantly benefited by infrastructure development, market expansion, Technological advancements and diplomatic influence.

global landscape shifts towards multipolarity

upcoming January 2024 parliamentary elections in Bangladesh are being closely monitored both regionally and globally due to the high stakes involved

The [Biden's administration] US is notably suspected of engineering an opposition victory to bring Dhaka back towards its orbit, similar to past “Color Revolutions” it orchestrated.








Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0


Bangladesh has sent a formal application to join the BRICS alliance

Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen has since confirmed the move

Bangladesh certainly would be considered as an important member of BRICS because of its test book example of spectacular economic development.

The prospect of Bangladesh joining BRICS holds immense promises.

Bangladesh would be significantly benefited by infrastructure development, market expansion, Technological advancements and diplomatic influence.

global landscape shifts towards multipolarity

upcoming January 2024 parliamentary elections in Bangladesh are being closely monitored both regionally and globally due to the high stakes involved

The US is notably suspected of engineering an opposition victory to bring Dhaka back towards its orbit, similar to past “Color Revolutions” it orchestrated.








Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0


Bangladesh has sent a formal application to join the BRICS alliance

Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen has since confirmed the move

Bangladesh certainly would be considered as an important member of BRICS because of its test book example of spectacular economic development.

The prospect of Bangladesh joining BRICS holds immense promises.

Bangladesh would be significantly benefited by infrastructure development, market expansion, Technological advancements and diplomatic influence.

global landscape shifts towards multipolarity

upcoming January 2024 parliamentary elections in Bangladesh are being closely monitored both regionally and globally due to the high stakes involved

The US is notably suspected of engineering an opposition victory to bring Dhaka back towards its orbit, similar to past “Color Revolutions” it orchestrated.








Francewhoa 5 points ago +5 / -0

40 seconds video reminder: In 2013, OBAMA CHANGED THE LAW TO ALLOW THE GOVERNMENT TO LIE TO YOU at https://greatawakening.win/p/17s5IDSHGV/

Source & related video in my 1st comment at the link above. How about alternative medias free from conflict of interest?

Francewhoa 5 points ago +5 / -0


On July 2, 2013, the implementation of the [Obama] reform marked an end to shielding Americans from government [propaganda]

"[propaganda] diarrhea that will pour forth from [the Obama and Biden's] administration like ejected vomit."

law he claims grants the federal government massive new powers to saturate Americans with domestic propaganda at U.S. taxpayer expense.

Obama will also sign a bill to make alternative media illegal






Related Video

Video https://vimeo.com/83453012

Is It Legal For The Government To Lie

This presentation was created because, at the time, all of the media's focus was on Obama's statement of "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan" and if the President lied or if he... This then made us stop and ask the general question of; Is It Legal for the Government in General to Lie? Many people have long known that the government is not always truthful but, are they allowed to outright lie to the public? When promises are made by our elected officials and are not kept or when questions are asked of our elected officials and are often never answered... When a citizen lies to the government they are punished; it's called perjury. But, what is it when the government lies to us? This question has been entertained before the Supreme Court on numerous occasions and our presentation tried to answer this question of what happens when the government lies?

Alternative Medias

Are those free from conflict of interest? Lower risk of government lying and pushing propaganda on you?

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Source and Backup Links





• This blog is about expressing my opinions, feelings, and thoughts. Nothing else. In other words, but not limited to, my blog is NOT a recommendation, NOT an advice, NOT a call for violence to self or others, NOT an endorsement. If you need recommendation of any kind, such as but not limited to, medical or legal recommendation, I suggest considering asking an appropriate professional to your liking. I suggest choosing one without conflict of interest.

• I am NOT affiliated with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog

• I do NOT have a conflict of interest with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog. I am not a sales representative of those.

• My opinions, feelings, thoughts expressed in this blog are my own. NOT those of a company.

Blog Number


Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jami.net has an alternative to Skype

Your benefits with Jami:

https://jami.net position itself as a free Skype replacement

• Free. No ads.

• Unlimited. Without restriction on file size, speed, bandwidth, features, number of accounts, storage or anything else.

• You can sign-in an unlimited amount of accounts at the same time on multiple devices. Then receive notification for all of them.

• Easy to use.

• Very strong security. Thanks to both its end-to-end encryption & peer-to-peer communications. Also complies with X.509 standard.

• Distributed. It works with or without internet connection. Users who are on the same local network can communicate with Jami even if they are disconnected from the internet. Which is very handy in case of real emergency or unlikely natural catastrophe affecting external communication networks. In other words, Jami does not require a server for relaying data between users.

• Multi-platform. Available on Linux, Android, AndroidTV, Windows, macOS and iOS.

• Optional SIP client account(s). Which allow you to answer & make VoIP telephone calls from anywhere in the world where you are connected to the internet.

• Multilingual

• Anonymous. This is optional. When you create your Jami account, no personal information needs to be provided.

• Libre Software (Open source). If you are not familiar with "Libre Software", it means this software has both stronger security & stronger privacy. Because its code is publicly available for review and contributions at https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux

• Attractive GNU General Public License version 3. This means the software code of this extension is owned and supported by a friendly not-for-profit community. Instead of a for-profit corporation. https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/ring-client-gnome/-/blob/master/COPYING

Show Your Support:

• If you enjoy Jami, show your support with any contributions to your liking. Such as:

___• Donation at https://jami.net/whydonate/#donation-faq

___• Forum support at https://forum.jami.net

___• Documentation at https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/ring-project/-/wikis/home

___• Patch at https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/

I do not have a financial conflict of interest with Jami

Source Skype going downhill fast

In March 2020, Microsoft said Skype had 40 million daily active users, a number that's since slipped to 36 million, according to a spokesperson. Microsoft's newer Teams communication app, by contrast, is growing in popularity, rising from nearly 250 million monthly users in July 2021 to a record of over 300 million in the first quarter.



Tor Browser http://archiveiya74codqgiixo33q62qlrqtkgmcitqx5u2oeqnmn5bpcbiyd.onion/v9EH6

Francewhoa 4 points ago +4 / -0


Polish model who was lured in 2014 with promises of career advancement, including involvement with the Gates Foundation.

Gates in a seemingly casual pose alongside a young Polish model identified as an accuser of Epstein, was reportedly taken at Gates’ office in Seattle in March 2014.

In 2017, long after the Polish model last communicated with Epstein, Elkholy reached out to her on Facebook. “Jeffrey is always asking about u, he thinks we are friends, lol,’ Elkholy wrote in a message.

More photos of this same young polish model with other famous people







Francewhoa 5 points ago +5 / -0

Shinzo Abe is the former Prime Minister. Who was connected to 4 ministers. Abe was assassinated a while ago.

For the present, it is Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida who is in hot water. His approval ratings have hit record lows. Same with Justin Trudeau right now.

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

qofficial.net is obviously a FAKE NEWS website. For those not familiar with Qanon. This is your reminder that:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: e0bc1f No.6658 📁 Jan 6 2018 13:08:49 (EST) IMPORTANT: NO comms w/ anyone privately. NO comms outside of this platform. Q

Source is Qanon's post at https://www.qanon.pub/#475

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0

qofficial.net is obviously a FAKE NEWS website. For those not familiar with Qanon. This is your reminder that:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: e0bc1f No.6658 📁 Jan 6 2018 13:08:49 (EST) IMPORTANT: NO comms w/ anyone privately. NO comms outside of this platform. Q

Source is Qanon's post at https://www.qanon.pub/#475

Francewhoa 2 points ago +2 / -0


[The present] Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s approval ratings have hit record lows.

The slush fund from the group once led by former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe might have totaled about ¥1 billion (US$7 million)

Kishida’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, Internal Affairs Minister Junji Suzuki and Agriculture Minister Ichiro Miyashita

receiving undeclared kickbacks.

accused of concealing income from fundraising events.






Thanks to Benjamin for the tip

Francewhoa 1 point ago +1 / -0

How a confidence vote works in Canada

If the Prime Minister wins a majority of the votes in the confidence motion, he or she continues to govern. If he or she loses the vote (which is called a vote of no confidence) the Prime Minister must resign, forcing the governing party out of power.


If the government loses a vote of confidence, two things can happen: a new election is called, or another party or coalition is given a chance to form the government. On the federal level, it is up to the Governor General to make this decision. On the provincial level, it’s up to the lieutenant governor.



Francewhoa 4 points ago +4 / -0

Deadline to sign is December 24th, 2023

This petition is published on an official Government of Canada's website.

336,000+ Canadian citizens have signed a petition on the House of Commons website. Calling for a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN JUSTIN TRUDEAU.

Express yourself before December 24th, 2023, at 3:09 p.m. (EDT) at:


Petition to the House of Commons


  • We the citizens of Canada have lost confidence in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition;
  • We call on the house for a vote of no confidence;
  • We ask for an election 45 days after the vote if won;
  • The current government elected is not acting in the best interest of all citizens;
  • The policies of this government aren't aligning with the crisis Canada is facing: housing costs, infringement of civil liberties, highest inflation in history, unbalanced immigration policies, taxation to the point of poverty, weakening of our economy by importing natural resources that Canada already has and under-utilizes; and
  • Based on the past eight years of this Prime Minister, Canadians do not have confidence in this Prime Minister, after five ethics investigations and Canada's reputation being tarnished on a global scale under his leadership. To the extent that Canada is being discluded from participating in statements regarding important geopolitical events.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call for a vote of no confidence and a federal election 45 days following the vote.

Thanks to Benjamin for the link

How a confidence vote works in Canada

If the Prime Minister wins a majority of the votes in the confidence motion, he or she continues to govern. If he or she loses the vote (which is called a vote of no confidence) the Prime Minister must resign, forcing the governing party out of power.


If the government loses a vote of confidence, two things can happen: a new election is called, or another party or coalition is given a chance to form the government. On the federal level, it is up to the Governor General to make this decision. On the provincial level, it’s up to the lieutenant governor.




With Tor Browser:

Francewhoa 3 points ago +3 / -0






Thanks to Benjamin for the link


• This blog is about expressing my opinions, feelings, and thoughts. Nothing else. In other words, but not limited to, my blog is NOT a recommendation, NOT an advice, NOT a call for violence to self or others, NOT an endorsement. If you need recommendation of any kind, such as but not limited to, medical or legal recommendation, I suggest considering asking an appropriate professional to your liking. I suggest choosing one without conflict of interest.

• I am NOT affiliated with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog

• I do NOT have a conflict of interest with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog. I am not a sales representative of those.

• My opinions, feelings, thoughts expressed in this blog are my own. NOT those of a company.

Francewhoa 22 points ago +22 / -0


  • Her name is Gale Macrae

  • the ICUs were not fuller than usual,

  • patients are terrified by the media,

  • the treatment of covid patients was illogical and harmful,

  • loved ones were not allowed to see their dying loved ones,

  • side effects were not allowed to be reported while they were a concern after the vaccination started,

  • criticism of the vaccines was not possible,

  • a third saw all this but did not dare to say it for fear of being fired,

  • manipulated the system for registering vaccination status in such a way that it appeared as if there were only unvaccinated people with Covid.

  • Nurse Gail Macrae began questioning the COVID protocols when she began having to refuse entry to family members of dying patients.

  • The administration of remdesivir and thwarting of alternative treatments further contributed to her skepticism.

  • when she confronted her hospital with these unethical actions, she was fired in October 2021.

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