Frog44Man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Incredible that this is being censored like it is; for how much sauce this is about to squeeze.

Frog44Man 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have to say the same; I have looked for answers for myself. Tried to make it make sense. I’m not surprised Blackrock is running that role. They were hired to bring us out of shit in 08’ and since have absolutely dominated.

I love DJT, and I believe it’s ok to question it. This one threw me through a loop, more so than the pro vaccine stance in the beginning of it.

I’d like to get some speculation atleast because none of my own sits right and I cannot connect the dots.

Frog44Man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Been a packers fan my entire life; some of the biggest critics have been packer fans themselves. Most of my normie friends were saying “just move on from him, let’s rebuild and get it over with.” “Selfish”

How he stood up to the front office to & demanded respect of him; was a win for the working class. We want to be out in the workforce, in the trenches with our brothers. The ones we trust.

Then his stance on the protocols, and how he managed to use the right language. How he managed to use Rogan; an extremely neutral based journalist to highlight alternatives.

To now calling out Biden, and the swamp. I never took one day of having AR in my hometown for granted. I don’t usually gloat over super stars but damn I am proud of this man. As heartbreaking as it was; to not see him win a SB after this journey he signed himself up for. His strength alone for this nation means a ton more. AR12 you the man.

Frog44Man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Coercion has made a lot of “critical thinkers” leave certain areas of the work force. Think police; medical etc.

I agree and disagree.

If my based friend, doesn’t feel like he can teach true history via his history class by being on some social credit system then I don’t want it.

But at the same time I can see the argument too. This is a tough one.

Frog44Man 3 points ago +3 / -0

I knew it was a scam to a higher degree than I used to think I knew it as in the past; but watching this just made it hit different.

I’m going to go touch some grass and find my soul for a day.

Frog44Man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only for the first minute; lol. The rest of it, is Phillip speaking at a convention and sharing his story.

Frog44Man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it possible this website has anything to do with truth social? The layout change seems rather fitting

Frog44Man 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m with you every step of the way, how can we put something together to get this out there for the normies?

Frog44Man 4 points ago +4 / -0

I grew up in Waukesha. This is how it is every year. It’s a holiday parade, by December it’s 5 degrees and snow everywhere. This isn’t an unusual event. The date is always the same year to year. But definitely unusual this happened after rittenhouse.

Also, was there with family. 20 feet away. You can’t unsee or unhear it.

Frog44Man 6 points ago +6 / -0

U understood it, go back to bookface with these antics. Retard.

Frog44Man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please take a peak, pertaining to emergency broadcast alert today in Racine. US marshal shot, during a warrant search. Don’t know if there’s any sauce to it, but quite the multi enforcement response to this type of warrant.

Frog44Man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please take a peak, pertaining to emergency broadcast alert today in Racine. US marshal shot, during a warrant search. Don’t know if there’s any sauce to it, but quite the multi enforcement response to this type of warrant.

Frog44Man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite the presence for an aggravated assault and weapons charges warrant

Frog44Man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Racine police department posted the warrant. Cannot figure out how to post any more screenshots. Have a bunch relating.

Frog44Man 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got an emergency alert broadcast, don’t we think this is a little excessive for this type of warrant?

Frog44Man 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got any goods about Barrett suddenly taking ambassador in Luxembourg, and how he connects to all of this? Expose the root. I am part of the movement.

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