FuriousTortoise 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not gonna lie. I thought yesterday was THE day. But from watching what happened yesterday I also think THEY thought it was gonna happen too. That was not a happy bunch of people celebrating a historic win. They all seemed so nervous. On edge. Eyes darting everywhere.

So maybe we did our job.

FuriousTortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0


Wasn't there a Q drop that said the news ( all formats) is the key.

So does the date the news comes out correspond with previos posts? ?

FuriousTortoise 11 points ago +13 / -2

Ye. They all sat there waiting for it. Then started looking at each other when it didn't happen. Then moved on to his speech.

FuriousTortoise 38 points ago +40 / -2

I also noticed there was supposed to be a 21 gun salute before the traitor was sworn in and nothing happened.

A big F U by the military?

I don't know.

FuriousTortoise 14 points ago +14 / -0

Something tells me the satellites the Star Link mission is deploying today are important.

FuriousTortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

My guess would be:

1.) Ops we haven't heard about yet. We never hear about military ops until after the fact.

2.) Ops that haven't taken place yet. But have all the pieces in place ready to go.

3.) Strategically positioned assets ready to counter any efforts by the DS to interfere in what SecDef has planned.

FuriousTortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

"When does a bird sing"

At dawn.

FuriousTortoise 4 points ago +4 / -0

He needs to be arrested. 100% comprised. He's given speeches at the WEF. He's on board with the Great Re-set. Dirty, bought out shit bag.

FuriousTortoise 10 points ago +10 / -0

Change your post to " I've wasted everyone's time".

More accurate.

FuriousTortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will be cheering my brothers and sisters across the pond along as loud as I can. Aswell as redpilling as many of my fellow countrymen as possible. Here's to hoping the uk is the second domino :)

FuriousTortoise 4 points ago +5 / -1

Well this simply can't be how it is at all. We all know this train has no brakes so where did the train stops come from?

POTUS tells us never to give up. So we don't!

Navy Seals tell us " Your never out of the fight. Find a way to win". So that what we do!

This guy based his entire argument for dooming on the premise that Alex Jones doesn't like Q anymore. WTF!!

My response...... Don't be like this guy. Fight like a Flynn.

FuriousTortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0


I hope SecDef makes sure those ones conveniently don't have any ammo on the big day.

FuriousTortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bet his 10% for the big guy bullshit doesn't work out too well in there.

FuriousTortoise 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think this is a better theory than Q being a quantum computer. I like the hive mind idea.

FuriousTortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know but that may have been exactly how they looked at it too lol

FuriousTortoise 13 points ago +13 / -0

Good find on the 19 strong transition team.

FuriousTortoise 9 points ago +9 / -0

Checking the NSA website the General Counsel position had been vacant for a few month. My guess would be there was no stonewalling POTUS was just waiting until the last minute to get Ellis in to where he needed to be without revealing his hand.

Appear weak when you are strong.

FuriousTortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

4 chan is the same too.

Pretty much everywhere has gone down the same road. This place is the only one still ticking along nicely.

FuriousTortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Alex Stamos is gonna have a lot more to figure out in a few days ?

FuriousTortoise 1 point ago +2 / -1

Probably not in time. But eventually.

FuriousTortoise 7 points ago +7 / -0

After reading about Operation Trust this makes no sense to me as the 2 are clearly very different.

Operation Trust was a Bolsheviks Intelligence Op to lure in Monarchist sympathizers to then smuggle them into Russia where they were arrested and imprisoned. It even snagged a few Intelligence operatives from other nations.

So to compare that to Q we would have to assume that Q is luring in white hats on behalf of the deep state to then take them out of the game. Has this happened? NO! How many Pedo rings/ human trafficking gangs and drug busts have gone down during this presidency? LOTS! Q predicted lots of this. The comparison between the 2 just isn't there. I honestly don't know where they're coming from with this. It's completely incoherent babble coming from folks who have done no research on the Q drops other than to cherry pick for a narrative they want to create.

FuriousTortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is odd. According to the NSA website the position of General Counsel is currently vacant.

So what would be the reason for roadblocks for a position that has been vacant for a while. They've been trying to get Ellis in there since November.

FuriousTortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ha ha ha ?

An updoot and a round of applause for you.

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