GetsTheNogginJoggin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is there, though?

Like Feinstein basically being out of commission, I haven’t heard anything about Mitch since he was hospitalized after he reportedly « took a fall » at home.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q said Mueller will face his own charges Re: Uranium One, no?

So he may be cooperating, but not necessarily a white hat.

There’s pages on pages of Mueller files in the FBI vault, frens. Far too many redactions, but answers are clearly there

GetsTheNogginJoggin 10 points ago +10 / -0

Same here. My immediate thought. Especially since they were claiming they needed to wait for a storm to pass.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 13 points ago +13 / -0

I find the timing with this disappearance and the Durham hearing sus from a comms perspective (Durham testifying—>sinking the ship), but I have no direct clues for that link.

That aside, the Pakistani businessman, Shahzada Dawood, who is missing with his son has some interesting connections and appointments. NYPost article with in depth analysis.

He sits on the SETI Institute board (searching for intelligent alien life).

He sits on the board of King Charles III’s Prince’s Trust International.

His family company, Dawood Hercules Corporation Limited, is a public investment holding company that focuses on agriculture, industries, and the health sector.

The Dawood Foundation apparently runs a ~family educational outreach~ program. We all know those are never covers for bad things.

I haven’t taken a deep dive into the Billionaire British explorer, Harnish Harding, yet. But, putting the submarine and Red October (missing sub) comms aside, those that are missing are very well connected.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 9 points ago +9 / -0

Much like the American Malpractice Association, most fitness industry professionals believe every person’s body reacts the same to every food source.

That simply isn’t true. I need far more protein than my sister in law, and she is totally fine with carbs/a vegetarian diet. I believe the Blood Type diet was written off too quickly by mainstream scientists.

Some people can handle fruit. Others need lower carb to maintain blood sugar balance. No one is the same.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Avian Flu « vaccine » was also covered by the countermeasures program, not the VICP. The list of covered claims should terrify anyone with two brain cells left to rub together

GetsTheNogginJoggin 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have had my account locked for « suspicious activity » because I was posting FBI Vault files.

Don’t think Twitter is totally in the clear.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is reassuring, thank you. After the Delta 9 THC reactions I’ve seen in friends, and knowing people who got vape pens from smoke shops that wound up in the hospital because they were laced with multiple other drug contaminants, I stopped going to dispensaries. I’m moving to a recreational state soon, so I’m not sure if I’ll still need a medical card.

I used to only buy CBD from Charlotte’s Web before I went to RSOs.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Please come and visit Kensington in Philadelphia, where people are literally losing limbs due to continually shooting up at and around the open-air drug market.

Then tell me we should legalize all recreational drugs.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +3 / -1

I used to use medical marijuana from a licensed dispensary in a blue state. I appreciated how knowledgeable the dispensary was about the different terpenes we currently know of in cannabis; I believe it did help my issues.

I stopped using medical marijuana when I noticed that the states that had legalized were, until Missouri, largely the same states that Q mentioned governors were murdering nursing home residents during COVID.

I still think cannabis is helpful and medicinal; I no longer trust that what we get from licensed dispensaries in blue states isn’t messed with in a malicious manner

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thought he’s had the ankle monitor ever since he violated bail by leaving his house?

GetsTheNogginJoggin 9 points ago +9 / -0

Fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

Have you noticed that all of the « biologics » and new drugs that treat things like Crohn’s, arthritis, and even the new cream that supposedly restore pigment lost to vitiligo all list « decreased ability to fight off infections » as side effects? Clearly immune systems in hyperdrive are a large source of our current diseases. Cytokine storms would fall into that category as well.

They have weaponized our own bodies against us

GetsTheNogginJoggin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nearly three months after New Jersey's campaign finance watchdog commissioners resigned in protest over a money-in-politics overhaul bill, Gov. Phil Murphy appointed two Democrats and two Republicans to the Election Law Enforcement Commission on Thursday.

Murphy tapped former Assemblyman Ryan Peters, R-Burlington; Jon-Henry Barr, the Clark municipal prosecutor; Norma Evans, a former senior deputy attorney general who would be the first Black woman to serve as ELEC commissioner; and Thomas Prol, the first openly-gay president of the New Jersey Bar Association.

Murphy took advantage of a provision inserted last-minute in the recently passed overhaul law that allows him to circumvent Senate approval during a 90-day period that would expire in July.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ask your OB if they believe they are up to date on the causes of VKDB. Then, show your OB this article if they claim they are up to date on research.

Highlight this part:

In most cases, the vitamin K deficiency bleeding is secondary, implying that the newborn has an underlying bleeding disorder which is exacerbated by vitamin K deficiency, or the baby was born to a mother who was taking drugs that inhibit vitamin K, such as antiepileptic drugs, blood thinners like warfarin, and some antibiotics.

I don’t know your medical history, but if you’re not on any of these drugs, remind your OB that your risk factors are low given the most recent research.

And then find a new OB.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

No worries. I also thought she was going to be there today until the news reported otherwise.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 13 points ago +13 / -0

I thought a Magistrate led the proceedings today and not Cannon…?

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I’m especially mad about that since it was declassified in full by someone (who is also redacted) March 23, 2023.

The financials are definitely about Manafort

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