The Great Awakening means shedding illusions. Live every day for Christ, not just December 25.
Well she’s a piss poor writer, but good grammar must be ThE pATriArChy. She’s also wearing a KMFDM tee-shirt, just like the Columbine boys. Anyone bother to tell her the group is mostly dudes?
This time of year, I get off work and it’s dark. Fuck that shit. No.
Yeah, hopefully they get that straight before they doom us all to late afternoon darkness, permanently.
Grok’s tarded af 😂
Bottom line: when our elections are rigged (and these assholes know they are), answering to the will of the voters is the LEAST of their concerns. Fix our elections, save America. As much as we all love DJT, executive orders are temporary and can be reversed by the next illegitimate administration. Biden was our example of this.
Well stated @Trump4evergirl. Everyone here has had to wake up and eat some humble pie to some degree, at some point or another. I welcome basically anyone who wants to MAGA with us.
A movie with real world consequences, in certain cases. His spouting off about vaccine mandates cost my wife her job, at least. Perhaps there was a way to successfully navigate that scenario, but she wasn’t law savvy enough to thread that needle. I’m sure that whole mandate ordeal had its role in disclosing the dictatorship loving tendencies of the left and waking up some normies in the process, but my opinion is that these narratives have felt too subtle to jar some people awake. I feel like we needed Biden to pull some shit that the commoners on the left would really hate, and push some of his support away more overtly. In the end, I’m no ghost in the machine, so I trust the methods deployed were the correct ones— just wishing that more of the normies in my life had to see the enemy for what they really are, and adjust accordingly.
It was rumored for years that old abandoned Walmart stores were planned to use as FEMA camps, particularly looking at the nearby railroad tracks and barbed wire fences positioned inwards, as if to prevent someone from climbing out rather than in.
I have rewarded this observation with an updoot
Maybe I’m just being nitpicky here, but I’d rather see MAGA folks go after the whole uniparty including RINOs, Neocons, and ConInc influencers who spend all their time on trannies in women’s sports — rather than acting as if “democrats” are our final boss. If the goal is to “wake up the normies” then we can do better!
I hear ya, fren. He’s an okay intro-level awakening resource, but people need to graduate past him or else they’ll just become doomers. That must be his role, along with the rest of ConInc— to keep folks from waking up all the way.
I was thinking the same thing. This “sex strike” only started within the last week, since Trump won. Seems awful fast for their child murdering organ harvesting industry to dry up already…
Gotta admit, I looked for the bee too, fren
He needs to be boosted until he can’t be boosted anymore.
We really need an audit, and massive election reform. I strongly believe that the globalists are using this to restore belief (consent of the people) in all their controlled and rigged systems. If the cabal are anything, they’re patient— just look at all the decades they spent infiltrating America, stealing down ballot elections to install their bureaucracy. That is why 2020 was allowed to happen and the fake Biden administration was never proven illegitimate and ejected from office— if the elections are rigged and the media is controlled, then our votes are illusions and the “winners” don’t answer to the people. / This is only any different if there were deals made behind the scenes to change the system for us, while normies continue sleeping. This lacks long term benefit unless we can use this narrative win to actually fix the system.
James Woods
Wow, yes, well stated. It’s almost as if God woke us up for a reason 😉 I’m here for it.
Very wise, @TaQo. My sister is a hardcore leftist and posted pics of herself going to vote, wearing some ridiculous “Vote Like Ruth (Bader Ginsburg) Sent You” tshirt. While I’m overjoyed and relieved with the election results, I just feel sorry for my sister. Whatever brainwashing she endured as a political science major at a liberal arts college really poisoned her mind. I love her and wish I could help but I’m at a loss because there’s no way to reach her and deprogram that nonsense. At least my family doesn’t hate each other over politics, so maybe there will be hope for her someday.
Ooh, just landed the 17th updoot 😜☝️ He could be…
Came here to echo this sentiment. Prayers for everyone in this storm’s path.
They’ll still “blame Trump” same as the SCOTUS decision on Roe v Wade. The main difference is Trump “owned” that decision after it was made, and he doesn’t have to here if he really wants to credit others.
Depends if Trump was sincere on the Rogan podcast where they were discussing the “lock her up” sentiment at his rallies, and Trump kinda deflected it as something you don’t mess with because she’s the “wife of a President.” By that logic, Barry was a President himself, and thus untouchable for his crimes.
Was that just lip service for normies, or will Trump and his allies cast a blind eye to the regime’s executive perpetrators?
Voted last week in FL. Brought the wife along, who was hesitant but the MAHA factor tipped her back into the “oh, all riiiight” frame of mind.
This will be when even the paid guards can’t stand them enough to protect them anymore, and join in with the angry peasants.