This video was the white pill I needed, for sure. My early awakening days (nearly 20 years ago now, which is crazy) were definitely manipulated in this way, and it was AJ and Icke running the scene back then for the most part. Doomers to the core, both of them, and I remember the depression I felt by following their work, and how it made me disengage during the Obama years, and how I felt hopeless during the 2016 campaign because I was so sure the witch was going to win. But then…
Same with Bannon, who has often referred to AJ as “The Great Alex Jones,” at least a few years back.
His “Wind of Change” video on election night was fantastic. I saw it first thing the next morning— it’s how I found out that Trump won. There’s a haunting quality to that song, at least in my opinion, and the relief of good news damn near brought tears to my eyes.
I had heard (somewhere, maybe here but I can’t recall) over the last couple years that JFK Jr was treated poorly by his mom and avoided being around her… something to that effect. I don’t have the sauce because I took it as potential hearsay at the time.
Not only assassinated, but had his head blown to bits right next to her. At this point, I take her reaction as “ew gross!”
Just popped in to say LBJ should never be forgotten as a traitor. We have a duty to make sure that shit becomes common knowledge, and all honor removed from his name and likeness.
2015 was the year “Caitlyn” Jenner went mainstream and we had male media figures gushing over how gorgeous “she” was. That same year, the TLC show “I Am Jazz” promoted a family who ran a similar LARP on their young son. The progressive commies far and wide took the bait, and now a decade later some of them are starting to understand the lives they have participated in destroying under the guise of being “caring and accepting.”
If you d-don’t want the rest of your hopium, I c-can help you f-f-finish it off!
It’s a bummer how Pizzagate research quickly got dumped into the more obscure corners of the internet. Not sure what happened to many of the people who covered the topic on YouTube but I just remember coming home from the in-laws’ for Thanksgiving in 2016 and my YouTube was suggesting all sorts of Pizzagate videos. So I looked into it out of curiosity and got flushed down that rabbit hole for several months. Then we got the Ben Swan segment and soon after, everyone was running cover for Alefantis like that Megyn Kelly interview, and I realized how badly entrenched in evil this world really is.
That would be the ultimate Q proof, especially if done in such a way that the 11.3 part made obvious sense.
I like him, at least what I have seen so far… but we as an overall community have been duped and burned by people saying all the right things and then turning on us or betraying us when it has mattered. So I learned my lesson and no longer hop aboard the ol’ cult of personality train. I can appreciate what they do right, but they’re not going to lead me astray if they are indeed some kind of plant.
A Merry Christmas to you
Very few, if any, of our “elected officials” were really chosen by the people. Hence, so many of them tend to obstruct anything good from happening. How many of them give us “based and redpilled” lip service, only to vote against us when our backs are turned?
Might not be a bad thing to expose 2020 for the sham it was. Consider if Biden was no longer recognized as ever being a President… all those pardons…
Wow, didn’t see this one coming, but I love it!
So many awful things could have happened there that we may never know about. Didn’t Epstein fill his tunnel system with concrete? Wasn’t Ghislaine qualified to pilot submarines? I question how many other operators of similar rings are still operating under the radar. Diddy, for example. There have to be more.
I remember this from VOAT, yes. But the difference I recall is that there were snorkeling expeditions at Little Saint James, from Disney Cruise Lines. I’m not sure if there was anything nefarious going on beyond simply the association between Disney and Epstein, but who knows. It’s creepy, and I suppose that’s enough.
Ooh, and we could get DraftKings or FanDuel to start up a dead pool based on all the names we expect to see 😉
BuT wE hAVe To prOtECt oUr NUmBEr onE ALLy!
My biggest question is about the timing. Wouldn’t their potential for destruction of innocent lives be greater over time, than the “rip off the bandaid” method? I mean, certain aspects become clearer over time, like their lack of ability to pull off another Covid because the public has largely wised up to that scheme. But it took 5 years to get to this point, and there are so many other tools these criminals can and do use. At this rate, by the time Joe Normie wakes up to everything, the cabal as we know them will be dead from old age and replaced by new baddies. It feels to me like the longer we have to wait for justice, the longer these criminals can walk free and cook up other shitty plans to devastate and end innocent lives. Are we being dog-walked into the Great Reset? How many precipices do we need to reach? How many dark nights of our souls do we need to experience before we actually achieve the Golden Age we were promised? Can’t say I’m a doomer, but I’m not white pilled either. I need some tangible evidence that justice will be done, rather than the typical “it’s all habbening in 2 weeks!”
Oh, I see. You’re the big brain. Still sounds like a theory to me.
That’s a “plot twist” opinion, M. Night. The first arrest will verify action— how did Trump’s arrest verify anything to Anons other than the cabal needs him stopped?
It’s the “I’ve gotta take a huge dump” emoji. We need it for practical purposes 😁
I felt that “mansplaining” Covid would be appropriate for this thread 😂
Almost sounds like she’s saying “trance,” which would be fitting