Ghostchasingfool 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so sad! This mother has to live with the fact that essentially she killed her own child! I am betting there are going to be mass suicides once this really comes out to those parents who are still asleep. It's stupidity on the parents part. Most of this generation are followers NOT Leaders! Remember..."The end won't be for everyone"

Ghostchasingfool 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a quantum computer just release call DURHAM

Ghostchasingfool 6 points ago +6 / -0

This theory came about giving the filings from the bankruptcy of the Corporation and the restoring of the Republic.

In my opinion the Fake Administration was never running the show period. Optics is everything even Pelosi agrees by denying Trumps request for the NG before the January 6th.

I am just enjoying the "greatest shit ?show on earth" and the evidence of stupidity! Patriots got his, The military got this and whether you believe or not Trump definitely has this! Trump is out of the limelight for a reason. Don't kid yourself those that Are in control have everything and when all this does drop..it's going to be amazing!

Ghostchasingfool 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must be from Chicago! Prickter...just signed that bill! All these Democratic politicians have to go!

Ghostchasingfool 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yes I had to play that back! And did you notice he stated that he "stuck it to Biden on the 21st". He was not taking about the vaccine. Biden got his 2nd dose on January 11th!

Ghostchasingfool 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great review Patriot! Been following Q drops since the beginning and just remember researching Alan so that one I remembered. Was pretty shocked yesterday when the ligh bulb when I. WWG1WGA ??

Ghostchasingfool 1 point ago +1 / -0

Likewise! The hunger for information and being able to search my digs grew! Once you started you could not stop

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