GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good for you Mary911, I healed myself a few times and it always worked out better than these big business Drs.

GodBlessAmerica58 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm OK with that for illegals but not for citizens. My wife supports a lot of Filipinos, mostly chi.dren. They aren't living a lux life

GodBlessAmerica58 7 points ago +7 / -0

My wife is a Filipino who has acquired her US citizenship, and the Philippines was once a part of the US, but yeah deport the illegals of any flavor. If they self-deport they might be making a smart move. Someone is going to be needed to fill the huge number of job openings. If Musk cuts 2 M of the Fed 3 M employees that still wont be enough people to work as office janitors and hotel housekeepers... Filipinos speak English and that's a bonus.

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

Contrast with my experience in the Philippines...

In 2020 I went to an internal Med. Dr. In the Philippines, I had health issues I wanted checked out. She sent me to the newer hospital where she also had an office since the one I saw her at was already not doing many tests. I had 4 blood tests including Hep B & C along with a full lower abdomen sonogram. Two copies were given to me within an hour, one for me and one for me to take back to the Dr. My problems were Kidney stones, a gallstone, fatty liver, and a swollen prostate. She gave me 2 prescriptions.

A week or so later my chest pains that I'd not told her about cropped up and I couldn't get an appointment with a Cardiologist due to COVID panic. I went to the Emergency room instead. That Dr. Gave me an EKG, a blood test for kidney failure, and a a blood test to see if I was having a current heart attack. He also told me to get an echocardiogram which I did the next day, I asked for a full chest x-ray as I was an ex-smoker., and I had all his results and the echocardiogram results to take back to my internal med Dr. The Emergency Dr. Prescribed another med, but also Nitrogliscerene. I took the results to my Dr. the following day. The results were heart remodeling from untreated high BP

The total bill was a bit over 400 bucks, that's for 3 Dr. Visits, an Emergency room visit, 6 blood tests, an EKG, an Echocardiogram, a Chest X-ray, and a full lower ab sonogram. Also included a month's supply of the Meds and 10 Nitro pills. I was seen quickly for all appointments which were basically walk-in or the next day. The results were given to me on the same day or on the next day when I had the test at closing time.

The Caveat is that you pay in cash before the tests. They don't bill insurance, nor do they treat you and wait to be paid. I'm sure the bill for all of this would have been 10K and I'd have to wait for all the appointments with the Dr. and the various tests. Would have been weeks or more too. I wouldn't want the Dr. there to operate, but the diagnostics were fine. Since I had my own copy of the results, I looked up all of my health issues myself.

Here just knocking on the Dr. door the first time is more costly than all of this I had done. My Dr. only saw a few patients a day since most people can't afford medical care.

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

NUrsing home Dr are the dregs, she doesn't like him either. IMHO medical is the greabiggest scam of all.

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! Her cousin made rice soup but she didn't eat any. I got her to eat a few grapes Friday and Saturday and she ate a few skyflake crackers yesterday. I work 12 hours sat and sun overnights, but will be off after that.

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thinking the same exact name for them...

GodBlessAmerica58 3 points ago +3 / -0

In my book the liberals need a good thinning out. Natural Selection or Act of God...

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

TY for comment and Prayers,

I'm a bit rough around the edges and can't quote very many bible verses. However my Baptist upbringing in a church where the pastor would sometimes preach for hours gave me a good grounding on how to treat people. I was astounded when I returned to the USA in fall of 2020 to see that few Christians were putting up a fight.

I didn't convey well in the original post, but I had a minor conflict with a Co-Worker of my wife, the Philippines has a saying "Bahala Na' what will be will be. Just pray, I on the other hand feel that the role models from the Bible prayed, but also took action. David slew Goliath, Sampson pushed the pillars down, Moses stood up to the Pharaoh, Jesus turned over the moneychangers tables.

Satan seems to have whispered in the ears like Grima Wormtongue to Theoden in Lord of the Rings. A few years ago, I'd had enough of this scammer preacher who preys upon my wife's cousin and family. He nor his wife work, in their 40's with 10 kids. A small congregation, and they were "Called" to move here from another state... There were quite a few ques aside from what I just wrote...

I used a randomizer app to select a Bible book and chapter to read and I got Thess. 2 Chapter 3, A week later I used the randomizer app again and got the same exact book and chapter. I calculated the odds of that to be around 1.4 million to 1... So I texted that pastor with my concerns and observations, and he shared it with my wife's cousin's husband. This ruined our friendship, and also with 2 other people. I have seen more scamming in various churches and I just can't sit by and let it happen if I can try to stop it I will.

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

A woman's right to make the bad choice of spreading her legs for a scoundrel that thinks from below the waist.

GodBlessAmerica58 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bravo that you admit your choice. I was never in that situation, but when I was young I didn't consider the issue that much. Now the evidence of how symbiotic the relationship is between the fetus and the mother is out there. Mother's have fetal cells from their children that try and preserve the mother's life. Probably where cravings for odd foods come from as well. Baby needs a certain vitamin or nutrient, and the mother has cravings for food that contain it.

I watched the Silent Scream documentary on YouTube a few decades ago. Its a 30 min. documentary that includes sonogram film footage of an abortion, and you can see that the fetus is afraid when the vacuum tube starts sucking the fluids out and tries to back away from it. Then the fetus is clearly in pain as it is literally ripped apart. The presenter doesn't say that he is the abortion Dr., but it seems obvious that he was. He states that the abortionist never did another abortion once he watched the film.

Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I don't support abortion under any circumstance. A life is a life...

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a bill that didn't pass that would pay women to have a tubal ligation. All the druggies would jump on the weekends worth of crack, and the few that weren't druggies that just wanted the money are probably few.

GodBlessAmerica58 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some Obgyn have stated they have never seen a case where an abortion was needed to save a mother's life. Must be rare and not a reason to justify legalized abortion. If the baby could live then the babies life has equal value to the mothers.

GodBlessAmerica58 1 point ago +1 / -0

As we as a nation turn back towards God, he will return our status to being blessed. Thank You Jesus!

GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you very good advice! I do the music thing for her playing Filipino music via YouTube, and also FB messenger video chat with family and friends when they have signal and load. Our Granddaughter is going to be three over in the Philippines and that's her focus in life.

I dislike Facebook, but that's the main way that Filipinos communicate since they can text via messenger for free. Of coarse anything but texting requires load...

GodBlessAmerica58 4 points ago +4 / -0

Her cousin has brought her Filipino comfort food to no avail, my success has been with Black grapes.

There they eat rice soup,eat skyflake crackers, and drink orange soda. Their equivalents of Chicken Soup, Saltines, and Ginger Ale.

Monday, I'm going to stay all day to see her Dr. if he comes in. BTW Nursing Home Dr.s tend to be bottom of the barrel. I'd rather I die early than live in Nursing home Hell. Yeah most people working in them are ok, even nice, but there are plenty of scoundrels too.

wat by Qtoad
GodBlessAmerica58 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some kind of Colab between MS and NBC at the beginning.

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