Our work just got starlink and we feel like total shit there everyday now. Confusion, dream like state, can't think clearly or rememeber anything, eyes heavy all day. We think it's that.
Our work just got starlink and we feel like total shit there everyday now. Confusion, dream like state, can't think clearly or rememeber anything, eyes heavy all day. We think it's that.
Send pics when it arrives. I gotta see if they are identical or not.
Did you receive yours?
Ya i have android through spectrum carrier. They removed the option on their phones.
No kiddin? That works huh? I'll take a look after work. Thanks.
New phones don't let you turn off the 5g. They literally took the setting off the phones. Maybe not all, but my new galaxy has the setting removed.
I use ethernet cords running all o er my home. I drill holes through flooring etc.
Ya, i can't even have wifi in my home. everything is hard wired.
103k? That's $49,000 today
Ot just 5g. All cell towers hurt you.
Im the same. It's terrible. What about starling? My work just got it and me and my sensitive friend feel it so badly. At least we think that's what it is.
Send me yours when you get it please. We gotta compare everything. If it's identical they are committing fraud. I personally talked to Lee greenwood on truth tonight. He said Trump spent hours signing these and they are 100% real. You can read it on his profile now, his answer.
Compare some of the markings on both D's
Ya, i wanna compare mine to yours. Placement, and everything. Shape of the signatures.
When you get yours, would you mind taking a picture and sending me a link to view and compare to mine?
Upload here and send me the link to the pic please. This is stressing me out.
Ya take a full picture of yours and send it to that link I sent you. I gotta compare everything to mine.
I hope mine isn't fake.
Yes those are all up close zoomed in shots. One of the links is the full signature. I think the 3rd or 4th one down.
I dont know how to dm on here. There is a way
I'm being told mine looks like real marker.
Send pics to this and then copy the link it gives you for you picture. Then reply and paste to me.
Everyone on this site are elon worshippers. They are blinded.