It seems he went quiet since Biden was sworn in... Is... Is he the one playing Biden? He ripped into him HARD during the campaign... But has since been... Where? Shouldn't he have been shitposting this entire time?
I hope you all are well or are at least of sound and rational mind when you read this post. This post WILL feel accusatory.
I get it. Lizard people makes a lot of sense. Because how could a human be so depraved? It's gotta be aliens or something else right? Because you would NEVER do such a thing, right?
Wrong. So... so very wrong. You are just as capable of being the best our species has to offer as you are the worst. Just because you have yourself convinced you could never fall to the depths of a child trafficker, doesn't mean you can't or won't. Life has a funny way of taking "I could never" and proving you wrong. I told myself I would never become a religious extremist... I ended up coming dangerously close.
The truth is, that is so very hard to accept, is that all of us, even on this site are capable of anything.
What you HAVE done is you have CHOSEN not to embark on that path. You have DECIDED based in the information available and experiences of others to not become someone so evil and disgusting. And that I commend you for.
But the reason vigilante justice is often frowned upon is because while you choose to be an upstanding citizen, you are capable of being set on a path in life that can lead you to such horrible choices. The reason it's so easy to be a saint is because life never gave you any such trails or opportunity. Or maybe it did and you had the sense to not go down that road early on. Either way, you were presented with a choice. Same as everyone else.
If you are anticipating a hanging tree for everyone who so much as looked at a child with ill intent, prepare for maximum disappointment. The ugly truth is some will "get away with it". Not because they outsmarted Q or anything, but because they cooperated. And if those people hadn't made the choices they did, they wouldn't be in a position to turn on the other evil bastards who WILL face the noose. A necessary evil? Perhaps. But if we go back on any deal we promised them, we're no different in the end. We then just become another faction dictating morality like all the others who claim to be the correct and true path in life only to really be a human driven agenda. Justice will have to be accepted on many forms.
This isn't just introspective. It's to point out the fact that just because we squash the rings, doesn't mean the concept of pedophilia goes away. In fact, I fear once the heads do start rolling a lot of people with the affliction may choose not to come forward and seek help out of fear and we don't want that either least we seed yet another child trafficking ring. We want people who may feel that affliction to come forward and seek help because in the end that is probably all they will need.
Even when we do eradicate the current trafficking rings, we need to make sure this never happens again and to do so it means accepting reality: any human is capable of anything. Unless someone is going out of their way to defame you, never take personally someone's open skepticism or distrust. You don't need trust to be a good person. Just simply choose to to good things regardless.
When will this end? In the grand scheme, probably never. Even in the after-life or whatever comes next, there probably is no definitive end to the war against evil. And we can say with certainty in this existence that is to be the case. Even when this war is over... another will try to start and that is why I am posting this, to help mitigate. To put emphasis on what "Do not judge least ye be judged" is ACTUALLY implying and yes... it is that simple and also that deep of a cut. Celebrate justice because children are no longer in harms way. But to dance on the grave of a foe is to dance on yourself and also... do you really want to give them the satisfaction of an acknowledgement? These people are sick. They don't care if you hate them. Only that you know they exist. And when they stop existing, you should forget who exactly they were and only remember what they did to encourage future generations to choose better.
Guys... here's how Bernie can still win:
Hope this brought a laugh.
I have no idea how any of this plays out. And I am okay with that. This is the ultimate and final test of our resolve. If they can't bait us into anything, then they know they are screwed and could very likely give up then and there.
But it is imperative that we stay calm and we stay focused. We are free Americans first and foremost. We are kings and queens of our respective lands. We don't need a President or any over bloated government entity. We are strong. We are independent. We are now and forever free.
If Trump's life becomes compromised, game on. Gloves off, go nuts, do what needs to be done. But ONLY if he is taken out. Otherwise, if you wanna J6 yourselves, you're on your own. We didn't come this far, put up with this much to get stupid and fuck it all up. We came this far to maintain order during the final days of the evil cabal.
So again, unless something catastrophic happens to Trump, and Christ Willing nothing will, stay legal and peaceful and enjoy the show.
I don't know how long this will last. I don't know if this is a permanent life change, though I do want it to be. But here are the results after a few weeks:
Testosterone: through the fucking roof
Confidence: at an all time high
Self respect: highest it has ever been
Bedroom performance: also really high
How did I achieve this? I will tell you right now, religious fundamentalism, aggressive prayer and fighting my desires was NOT the way. If beating yourself over the head with a Bible or whatever religious text you prefer helps you to walk the straight and narrow, fine. Far be it from me to criticize if that is what you want for yourself. It simply did not work for me. I lived a lot of my life as a pious pretender. When I stopped caring so much and just lived as an honest degenerate, life began to change for the better. I am considerably less insecure these days. I don't live in fear of something because someone said so in a book. I don't choose this out of obligation. I choose it because I want it.
I decided a few years ago to just follow Christ. I acknowledge the additional context, but following His example, loving your enemies treating others the way you want to be treated, loving my neighbors, all the golden rule stuff, that I placed above EVERYTHING else. And the results... speak for themselves.
Faith is a personal journey. Religious fundamentalists have failed to understand this because they think because they found the answers for themselves that they magically have all the answers for everyone else. You do not. Jesus is the authority. And while I am likely to consider the ideas of those Christians who actually have sold their possessions and picked up their cross, they too are still just mortal flawed men.
The dangers of porn are very real, but not impossible to overcome. Shaming people will not help. In fact, if anything humans have a tendency to over indulge when being shamed. Who are you to tell me or anyone for that matter how they need to live their life? Exactly. If Jesus comes back tomorrow, we'll figure out the rest from there. Though a lot of you are gonna be pissed when he starts forgiving people you thought FOR SURE were going to hell. Aside from the pedo elites, no one is worthy of damnation. If anything, you are for thinking someone else was for daring to live their lives as they saw fit. The only aggressors that deserve punishment are those who violate consent and that includes spiritual consent. If someone does not want to hear you, you don't get to force your opinion on them just because you think you are right. Consent is the only real rule and ultimate morality in this life. And just because you choose to consent to additional rules does not mean you are better than those of us who do not.
And that's how I made this happen. I found my own way. And that's what you, a struggling porn addict need to understand. If the shame tactics and accountabilibuddy systems aren't working, then you need to find something else. Overindulgence may be your salvation as it was mine. And no... I didn't get desensitized to sex. It doesn't work that way at least for me.
Good luck and don't feel bad if you fail. You're only human.
Such an ambiguous Q post. But tomorrow marks 10 days until the 20th at which point President Trump can legally hold office for the remaining two years and be eligible to run again in 24. Will he be back? Are we about to enter a period of blackout? I have no clue.
But I figured some would appreciate this does of hopium that after noon on the 20th, Trump can assume the Presidency and still be eligible to be reelected.
Why would Trump endorse a swamp creature? Why would he cause a civil war to break out in the GOP? Why does it seem like this shitshow is getting worse instead of better?
Because none of it fucking matters. It's theater for the normies. It's to soften the blow when the big reveal happens. It's all meant to misdirect confuse and give the media talking points. It's all... part of the plan.
No, you aren't required to like it. No, it's not required to actually make sense and no it's probably not over just yet. I do believe that legally Trump CAN assume office by the 20th and still run in 24. If that isn't the plan, then he fucked up by broadcasting his intent to go after Big Tech and the media IN TWO YEARS. How is he going to get back to the Presidency? I have no clue. Could be a Supreme Court ruling. Could be something that happens in Arizona, I really have no idea. All I know is that this Speaker thing is a distraction. From what? Who really cares at this point? I mean honestly, we know how bad things are and what needs to be done. We know it will eventually happen, praying for sooner rather than later. So don't read too much into this. Trump knows what he's doing. The Q-team know what they are doing. We all individually should know what we're doing. Stay safe and stay strong, frens... I'm tired too, but also grateful. These last two years have helped me embrace the idea of what it truly means to be a Sovereign Citizen. I don't care who is in office. I am ungovernable. And you all should be too.
I know date fag is gonna date fag. Oh well. I don't know if Kari Lakes lawsuit will be the domino or what pieces exactly will play out, but one thing is for certain, normietard media is gonna insist this term counts if Trump is declared the rightful winner.
But let's make sure we are on the same page. Trump's actual special message:
Inauguration? Planning to slap down Big Tech? If he's talking about 25, he just gave the cabal all the time they need to stop him and vindicated all the doomers.
No. If he's talking about 25, he's a dumb ass. Plain and simple. But if he's a very stable genius, then he is simply telling us what is about to happen and that it's gonna happen very very soon.
This of course will cause the normietards to spew crap like "well if he was elected then that counts and he can't run in 24". This is where they are wrong and why Trump couldn't come back in 21 like people thought or in March like the original Constitution suggests. Trump unfortunately doesn't talk about dismantling all the three letter boi agencies. Instead he wants to clean house. Theoretically they can function to serve the will of the people, but I personally would rather see them all dissolved. But again, why give to cabal two more years to counter move? I certainly accept that I could be wrong, but if he's not coming back next month, then this message is stupider than the NFTs (which actually kinda weren't stupid, but still). It doesn't matter what the normies say. Legally Trump CAN still run in 24 after he is restored for the next two years. He didn't serve those first two years, Biden did.
Does this mean he hasn't been secret President this whole time? Yes. He hasn't. Grenell or whomever was placed in charge to keep things from spinning out of control. Biden may technically have been the President, but the white hats did not give him the authority of Commander in Chief. This is why the House and Congress could still pass legislation. Biden does have authority regarding executive orders. The Devolution theory oversold the "playing house" aspect. They weren't playing house, they were in actual office. This is necessary in order to charge them with crimes.
We have also theorized that the economy needs to collapse under Biden and there is still time for that. At the same time, Trump and friends probably already have a new currency ready to go. So yes, while the Federal Reserve needs to be decimated, that can happen under either of them.
Finally, this feels like date fagging for several reasons, I know. But at the same time, this part of the movie is gonna happen FAST and it needs to. The enemy can't be given time to mobilize, let alone two fuckin years. Things may get chaotic after Christmas. We'll see. One thing is for certain... Nothing... can stop... what is coming.
This woke shit in all actuality is a response to when the Christian Right had influence in this country. Now you probably think, "what's wrong with that?" to which I will answer, it's just another form of tyranny. The Founding Fathers didn't give us a Christian nation. They gave us a FREE nation. A FREE nation where you can choose Christendom or NOT. A free nation where you can live as you choose as long as you remain within the confines of the law.
Fundamentalists took advantage of this and used it to their advantage to seize power. Similarly to how the cabal manipulated the churches to overstep their influence thus leading to the woke cancel culture of today. Don't agree? I still have the emails circulated from fundamentalist types demanding Seth McFarlane be canceled for making Jesus jokes even though he was well within his first amendment rights to do so. Do I agree with his jokes. Actually, in a way, I do. It's his honest expression of his discontent. It's his TRUE feelings. And in the end, his issues are between him and Jesus. All I can do is pray for the man and others like him who are simply misguided.
And that is what fundamentalist need to do. Stop seeking power. Stop trying to control people, respect the Constitution and more importantly, respect the rights of others to exist and have ideas. Jesus said very clearly "treat others the way you want to be treated" and before you respond with the "muh context" fallacy, no. There is no context. I know this because I used to play the bluff when called out on my piss poor treatment of others. Context when referring to Jesus is ALWAYS used to justify shitty behavior. No. More. If you are treating someone like shit, then I will treat YOU like shit. I understand most everyone is passionate and hyper insecure when it comes to faith and salvation. But you HAVE to respect the free choices of others. If you can't respect the choices and beliefs of others then why should anyone respect you?
A lot of you accuse me of things. And you're off base. You do not know who I am. And ultimately, you don't get to decide my fate. That is between Jesus and I. As it is between Jesus and the remaining billions of people alive now and before. If you actually give a shit about the souls of the lost, you will be the most supportive and helpful friend you can WITHOUT expecting anything in return. You wanna debate me on this topic, read Mathew 25, specifically the Final Judgement VERY closely before coming to the table. Jesus is VERY clear about His warning to people who claim to follow him and it's got NOTHING to do with rituals about accepting people in their hearts or being specially chosen based on just cause. No... His warning is for EVERYONE and His choices and decisions are HIS to make. Not yours. So stop making claims about people and where you think they are going, because the truth is you don't fucking know anything. Mind the log in YOUR eye. I will mind mine.
I rail hard against Christian fundamentalism and really at this point I call out all religious fundamentalism because a lot of the attitudes have poisoned the well and turned people from God. We are supposed to represent hope, patience, forgiveness and whatever else we might be personally called to and that's really what needs to be understood is that faith is a PERSONAL journey and a PERSONAL choice and YOU are expected to respect that. Jesus did not give us authority over anyone. And neither does the Constitution.
People like to tout how The Constitution limits governments power. That's true. But they also seem to forget that it limits power on ALL branches including the 4th: We The People. Your freedom and dominion ends where another begins. You have authority over exactly yourself and ONLY yourself. You have the freedom to scream about Jesus from the tops of the hills and in the public square. But you do not have the freedom to be heard. I say this because it applies universally to ALL ideologies. No one religion or ideology gets to dictate policy. It's pretty fuckin clear in the First Amendment. And if you think your religious beliefs trump that, then you're an un-American freedom liability.
What I have said, truly applies universally. Replace "Christian" with any other religion or even non-religious ideology you start to recognize as our Founders did why no faith can rule. And even Jesus didn't want that for His followers. He even said, "Give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar". He even said to sell all your possessions, pick up your cross and follow me. No, I don't do that. I admit I am a hypocrite and am not brave enough to leave my creature comforts and fully commit to walking in Faith to that extreme. However, those who do are arguably the only legitimate spiritual authority to speak on Jesus with affirmation and virtue. If you're reading this, prepping your response in the warm comfort of your home, you're no different than me.
I served this country honorably and I take my oath to the Constitution VERY seriously. I have also taken the Jefferson Oath in recent years: "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny upon the mind of man." Every. Form. Of tyranny. Including religious fundamentalist tyranny.
It is not now nor will it ever be anyone's place to decide what is best for everyone. If Jesus comes back, we'll have those discussions. But until such time, the morally just route is to restore the Republic and the Constitution and to let everyone live their lives in peace. At the end of the day, that's all most any of us want.
If you really care and love the lost then you'll let them have the freedom to choose their lives for themselves. Anything more than that is simply wrong. If our words and our actions turn people from Christ, then we're the problem and we're responsible. I don't know what dumb ass actually thinks Jesus is proud when you treat other people like shit, because from what I could tell, the religious oligarchs of the time thought for sure they had it all figured out and knew all the answers only to be challenged at every turn... if Jesus were to walk the Earth today as He did back then, you'd put Him on the cross again. Live YOUR life to YOUR standards. And pray and try to love the ones who disagree with you... I know it's hard... but man... the fruits of loving your enemies is the sweetest... okay at least for me. Maybe you are called to something different. Just live honestly. If God really is the biggest bestest God ever then He will protect you ESPECIALLY if you choose to meet the lost where they are and PROVE your way of life with genuine love and compassion. Relinquish scorn and judgment and you will find and understand peace.
God, bless, God forgive and may God share wisdom that you need.
As stated in his Truth post, the cards start at $99. $99 for a fucking NFT... I won't even pay 99 cents for that. BUT... take a look at Q post 99:
"US assets.
Who was arrested in SA?
Who was killed in SA?
Who fired?
Who really fired?
Why would we fire?
Follow the money.
Who pulls the strings?
Strings detached.
Open season on puppets.
Who are the puppets?
Where are the puppets?
Secret agents.
A. Cooper family background?
Why is this relevant?
There is admittedly a lot that can be derived from this, however if we're talking about "open season on puppets" and "they will be gone very soon" then, uh... I would appreciate further interpretations.
To us, it seems to be taking too long. To us in the know, we hate the longer it takes, because we know the truth. We are powerless to pull the plug on the Biden Administration and can't figure out why the good guys haven't...
Yet... To the normies and NPCs... The fake president is their real president. And the fake money is still their real money. They are still being shown.
If things were actually under cabal control, would we still have power? Internet? Food? Our lives? This site? Probably not.
But also, we're at war. They're still making moves and we're fighting back.
This is about more than elections. It has always been about the children. And that's why this is taking so long. It's about forcing their hand. Getting them to show us all the horrible shit they want to normalize that is beyond degenerate and straight up evil.
THAT is why the show must go on. Don't like it? Then go save all the children.
If you are in Arizona and are convinced that Katie Hobbs stole the election, then you need to gather the rest of your friends and acquaintances who feel the same and arrest Katie Hobbs for treason. Trump isn't swooping in to save you with the military. In fact, I am convinced especially now after two stolen elections in a row that the devolution thing is a literal doomsday scenario which we have maybe touched a couple times, but obviously didn't hit it enough to complete the operation. Basically, if you are putting hope and faith into Devolution, you are putting hope and faith into a contingency that is not the intended route unless the derp state pushes too hard. On top of that, there isn't much the federal government can do in this instance. I know MTG has said she wants to do a federal investigation and maybe that will materialize into something... all while Katie Hobbs is insulated in the governor's office.
If you are convinced of the evidence, if you are convinced she committed treason and if you are willing to do what it takes then it's time to step up and do what needs to be done for your state. If you are afraid of being labeled an insurrectionist, congratulations you already lost. If you are afraid of media narratives, you've already lost. If you're afraid of what fake friends and family might think, again you have already lost. Afraid of ending up like a J6 political prisoner, yep, you lost.
This can ABSOLUTELY be done legally and peacefully. And arguably you want to remain legal and peaceful while carrying out your citizen's arrest.
The Sheriff isn't going to do it for you. Neither are your neighbors. I'm not going to come do it for you either. In fact, this post is the most I will make. I am not organizing anything nor am I coming to Arizona. Not my state, not my problem. And I expect nothing less were I the one in the position you are in. In fact, when we do finally drain the swamp, it's gonna be high time we reestablish some boundaries between the states that have since been glossed over by too many idiots believing we're a federalist society when we most certainly are not.
If you choose to wait for the courts, again, that is your choice, but by the time anything can be done, Katie will crown herself queen of Arizona, come up with a fake crisis and insulate herself with emergency powers. This may come as a shock, but the governors are actually more powerful than the President. There's a lot more open ends with that office hence why they all got away with the fake Covid lockdowns.
The first thing you will want to do is gather your numbers. Then, en mass, you will want to detain and impression her AFTER you have read her her rights and the charges she is facing. The media will begin their campaigns of "muh kidnapping" "muh insurrection" and all the usual media vomit. This can basically countered by livestreaming all your actions on Rumble and Twitter. You will then want to organize a transparent civilian court to go over the evidence, select a jury and if convicted well... there's only one punishment for treason. But here's the truth: every citizen has the power to arrest anyone provided they can prove their cause. The evidence is easy to get ahold of. Charges are very easy to file. This delusion that you need a badge to enforce the law is completely untrue. It's a fiction designed by the cabal to slowly establish their police state. Notice how the Sheriffs aren't arresting her for treason? They aren't going to. And I wouldn't put ANY faith in the Maricopa County Courthouse to actually uphold the law, but hey, if you wanna try that route, I can't and won't discourage you.
I won't lie, you will be taking a huge risk. There's no right answer for this. As of now you folks are basically in a modern day 1776 moment. If you are waiting for someone to save you, then you've already lost. It is up to YOU the people to stand up and take control of the situation. There's no simple answer or easy path. In fact, all the easy paths lead to bad roads. But ultimately, the choice is yours.
I'll conclude with a disclaimer for the fedboi derp state faggot shills: this post is sharing an idea that is within the confines of the Constitution and within the rights of the citizens of Arizona based on the available evidence that CLEARLY points to obvious election fraud. I am NOT responsible for any actions others choose to take of their own free will. This is not a formal declaration of anything or any call to action. It's simply a reminder of the rights and powers that We The People hold OVER you, the public SERVANTS.
Welp... my hiatus is going about as well as my New Years Resolution is going to. Oh well. Such is life.
While I am certainly going to be watching all this closely, a realization comes back to me and I feel it's time to start saying it again: I simply don't care any more. I don't care what they are going to do in response. I don't care what they are going to threaten. I don't care if they refuse to believe the truth. I don't care if they want to try and riot. I don't care if they'll be shaking uncontrollably. I don't care about the mainstream narratives that they will try to push. They have no real power, never had and it's long passed time we started putting our feet down and actually taking this country back.
The normies have had ample time to seek the truth and decide for themselves. They have been presented with evidence and from this day on, any claims of "fabrication" are simply going to be viewed as denial by me. If they don't want to accept it, I don't care. I am free to exist and have ideas and I will go on existing and having ideas regardless of what a bunch of sensitive children scream and cry about. I just don't care.
I am tired of this false government. I am tired of this false reality. I am tired of my hard work being devalued every day and I am fucking tired of paying 4 fucking dollars a gallon for gas. If ending the game tomorrow means a bunch of normies lose their shit, I. Don't. CARE.
Maybe if you all feel similarly and maybe if the Q team sees that most of the country is indeed behind them and ready for the movie to end then MAYBE we can accelerate this and actually live out the rest of our days in peace sooner rather than later. I know a lot of you believe that "God has a plan" and all, but one must wonder if that is actually true or programative language to compel compliance and complacency. If we do have free will, then it means we DO have control over what happens...
I'm ready. I'm ready for devolution to be revealed. I'm ready for all of this to be unfucked. I'm ready for traitors to hang. And the kicking and screaming of normie faggots be damned. It's time for America to be greater than it ever was and that starts by removing and destroying this evil. NOW.
Like many of you am NOT happy with the results of 2022. No need to state much more beyond that as I think enough has been said and the mods were smart enough to host venting posts and ease the rules for a few days. That time has since passed so we must look forward as it is the only direction we go.
As it stands the Pubs are gonna take back the House. Woo. And maybe the Senate. Everything is gonna be razor thin margins and it's gonna look super close... yet again. This is why I return to 40,000 feet. This is all theater. This is to keep the normies pacified. This is to maintain the status quo for the time being.
But not to despair. While I was less enthusiastic about Trump's announcement for 24, I found reasons to have hope.
Will I be voting in 24? Unknown at this time. And that there is the key: time. There is still time to fix 2020 and 2022. There is still plenty of time for things to be righted and that is why we need to stay legal and peaceful. Yes, I have my provisions in the event worst case scenario materializes. I am ready to bring this fight to these evil bastards right now. But I also refuse to give the cabal the soundbite they are ravished for. I will NOT be the MAGA terrorist narrative and neither should you. Unless they are kicking down your door, it is imperative to remain on the defensive.
But... you can peaceably fight back. You CAN become ungovernable. You CAN get involved locally and you CAN do more than just clean your guns. I want the easy answer, end all the tyranny right now and begin the best years on Earth as much as anyone else. I wanna just get the hard part over with... but I am only one of 8 billion. And what I want, might not be best for the rest of us...
We have done all we can and what minimum was expected of us. And so while I do believe there is reason to keep hope, I also realize that I need to be spending less time here. While I will check and lurk often, I also need to spending time on other projects in my life that are my contribution to helping shape a better world. As much as I enjoy the debate and engaging here with ideas and arguments, I also see that GAW is become and addiction and not always in a good way. So part of the new way forward for me, is to be less involved here. I appreciate everyone, yes even the haters and losers who have engaged with me and I hope you all find hobbies and interests outside of this and start enjoying life. I feel strongly that part of a better way forward is making politics take a back seat. I don't need more than a couple of months to figure out who I am voting for. I don't need politics in my life 24/7. If the system is corrupt and broken, then it needs to be fixed. But following political sensationalism isn't going to fix it. Being informed on everything isn't some magical power that influences outcomes. If anything it just consumes valuable time... and sadly for me, interacting as often as I have has consumed too much of mine.
Thank you to the mods who keep this place safe and informative with raw information. And thanks to everyone who has taken the time to listen to me. I'm not fully going away or deleting my account. I just won't be commenting as much. Nothing has been able to stop things like Roe v Wade being overturned and Florida slapping the stupid out of itself. So yeah... nothing will stop the evil cabal's inevitable demise. If necessary, Jesus will see to that. But I think He's gonna let us take care of this one too. I guess we'll see.
That fuckin shit soured HARD. As anyone reposted that to his Twatter yet?
It was so obvious...
I am not for overthrow at all. However the federal government very quickly and painfully needs to have its balls ripped off. Regardless of how you vote or who you vote for, you should never leave an election fearing for the end of the world. You should shrug your shoulders and say "eh, maybe next time" and go on with your life for the next two years uncaring what the government does because it isn't supposed to have any relevance in our lives. If you're a "law abiding citizen" you recognize that your personal safety is your responsibility and that anything your government does should be available for immediate auditing.
And so... not shifting goal posts or trying to bullshit anyone into submission, I submit to you that the system is so fucking broken that it needs a reset. Not the globohomo type, but the "Get the fucking government off my lawn" type. Is this really going to happen in a mid term? Fucking lol. No. It isn't. And it's not gonna happen with a 2024 Presidential announcement either. That will end MAGA and further cement the conspiracies that Trump really was THEIR guy the whole time... And I'm sorry to bring more light onto it, but that potential still exists... I hope and pray that's not the case, but if this IS the Judao-Christian Biblical end times event, then it sounds to me like MAGA could really have been a giant sting from the bad guys to expose all of US... That would align more correctly with an apocalypse type event from Babylon the Great fooling one half of the population to take a poison shot and the other half to follow conspiracies around that have some intricate military precision. I mean I wanna believe in the white hats and I wanna believe in the plan, but consider how fractured things are? And look how bad things are... fuck I think we ARE at the precipice... like I see no alternatives here: either the veil comes off or we've all been had or the white hats lost...
But again... even IF the Pubs won, would anything change? Would the plans that we want to see take place ACTUALLY come to fruition?
Of course... if Trump really WAS some giant lure... why would they give the people a taste of a better economy... the Obama economy was on track to slowly make us all poorer and poorer... why give the peasants some wealth back only to take it almost immediately which would ABSOFUCKINLUTLY piss us all off...
I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what is going on or how this ends and I am a bit scared now. I was hoping for a Republican sweep, the normies demand audits, we agree and then slowly and PEACEFULLY their eyes would open... but now I just don't see that. Now I see a more violent resolution even if Trump announces the white hats were in control...
Final possibility... NO ONE is in control. The Dems are just as desperate and erratic as Trump. Neither side is actually sane and is just on a blind power grabbing rage...
But then why did Trump peacefully step down... why, if he was a tyrant didn't he behave like one... why go along with it...
Still... at the end of this particular journey we are still left with my original point which still stands. Unless reductions of influence and power take place, unless the federal reserve is smashed... the federal reserve... oh no... maybe we are headed into two more years of darkness. If the economy collapses with Joe Pedo in the white house and a Republican House and Senate... that will make 2024 tricky and realistically... impossible... it HAS to be this way...
I'm sorry, guys... but we aren't at all near the finish line... the population needs to feel discomfort, but we also gotta break the chains of the Fed in the process. So... let them "win"... let them be in "control" when it all comes crashing into the ground...
Regardless of how this plays out... nothing can stop what is coming... might as well make the best of the good times while we still have them.
Let's get all this data compiled into one post. Every seat, Federal, State and county. ALL of them. Let's get the current, mostly final tally that we have consolidated into one post. One easy to reference post with the REAL red wave. I can eaither update this post, create a new one or if someone else inspired by this wants to make a better one, great. But all we need are the facts by the numbers. THEN we can start countering the narrative with the irrefutable truth.
I will be honest. I am fucking LIVID by these "results". I expected more counter measures and better preventions of theft just like in 2016... If you live in one of those blue states and did everything you could to make a difference, my condolences. You every right to be upset and shouldn't be silenced for airing your grievances.
But realistically... nothing changes for me. I have my provisions. I have my plans in place should the feddie bois come kicking down my door and I sure as FUCK won't be the reason the MSM gets it's MAGA nuke story by doing anything monumentally stupid... so... I am choosing to remain in standby and return to 40,000 feet.
I can't realistically make any difference. Can you? Exactly. We don't have a lot of options and all we can do is make sure that our families are ready for the worst. And also, I really REALLY don't want a hot war. Oh I'll fucking give it to them if needs be. Absolutely.
But I'm also not rolling on this. I am at my precipice. I know what comes if the fake and gay government is allowed to continue. I don't need any more pain. I get it: never vote for the lesser of two evils again even if the TV insists it's hopeless and we should just accept it. Nope. Fuck that shit. I'm voting for candidates I believe in regardless of party affiliation or "realistic chances of winning". The two party scam is false. Always has been. Always will be.
We'll see how this plays out. I'll still show up for work and keep on living my best life. We all should. I'm tired of this shit, but let's be real... until the dollar collapses, there isn't gonna be much change anyway. At least we can look forward to gridlock which is better than them having any other control...
They know they can't realistically "win" anything without it looking obviously suspicious, so what's the next best thing? Let the Republicans take a simple majority while also cheating the people in you want to retain and control.
But why? Why concede the midterms and make it harder for your agenda? So your steal doesn't get brought to light.
Think about it for a second. They can control the narrative and when Republicans that got cheated are "whining" they can try and make us look like the bad guys for demanding audits. "Oh... it's not enough you got a majority? You guys are sore losers!!!" Then for the next two years it's all about the ungrateful Republicans and painting them as the bad guys while they shut down the government and let all the economic problems happen while they have a simple, do nothing majority...
I said before... I will say it again... anything less than a MAGA landslide is UNACCEPTABLE. Fuck their narratives. Fuck optics. Demand audits on ALL of these elections ESPECIALLY the ones where MAGA won. DO NOT SETTLE FOR THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
It's no secret that if they steal it again, that I'm done playing nice. We ALL should be ready to do what needs to be done in the event the worst case scenario plays out.
That said... I think the reason we are seeing the same talking points is because... we're watching a movie. Has the DNC really lost it to the point where where they're running a LITERAL RETARD in PA against another... well... retard and their talking points are sympathetic feel bad for the retard and let the retard run our government? Well considering Biden, yeah that might be the case.
But really consider the situation. What happened after election night 2016? People arrogantly protested the will of the people. They started their colour revolution right out of the gate. We know what they will try to do if tonight is indeed a MAGA landslide (and it will be).
BUT... what if enough of them buy the narrative. They assume everything is safe and secure for them. They think, "nah it doesn't matter. It's the Red mirage. We'll have the real results in a week." In a week, they go back to their lives. In two weeks they'll continue their lives not paying attention because they actually don't care that much. They've just been programmed to. I mean we all have. But normies aren't people of conviction. They're trendies. By the time three weeks goes by and some of them start to realize that the Red Mirage wasn't a Mirage most of them won't even care anymore...
So by all means, keep calling out the MSM on their bullshit, but don't engage any nromies promoting the idea. Don't argue with them. Let the babies think they've won. And if some of them start demanding audits, simply agree with them and continue on... This very easily could go down as the most anti-climactic almost civil war that ever was and you know what? I'm perfectly okay with that... Let the situation deescalate peacefully.
If there's a steal, we'll have those discussions later. Today is about informing the globalist faggots that we aren't giving up. We aren't rolling over and their games are over.
The night before election 2016 I did the same thing. Even though I was unsure of Trump at the time and thought he was indeed Clinton's insurance ticket, I still chose to take a stand. I prayed, I meditated, I faced demonic entities in the spiritual plain and told them plainly, "You are NOT taking my country".
I failed to do this in 2018 and 2020. Do I think my prayers and spiritual warfare made a difference in 2016? To be perfectly honest, I have no clue. I'd like to think so and at this point, what have I got to lose from trying again?
I'd like to ask fellow mystic types to join me at no particular time, just in the evening or night. However you feel you need to approach this is your decision. There's no manuals for spiritual warfare. I believe channeling energy can make the difference and even with some degree of certainty, we NEED to rid the world of the pedophile elite and I personally would rather keep the fighting on a spiritual plain.
The best is... About to begin.