I understand he's just one of us. You have to understand that all he posts are videos like these and memes. He rarely makes calls on things, and has only made predictions on about four things since "Inauguration."
- This is a movie, Biden is an actor (Could be true, likely)
- He pushed the Patriot Party (Wrong)
- End of the Corporation, return to the Republic (Time will tell)
- New elections in March (Time will tell)
Maybe we're picking the fly shit out of the pepper, but I have to ask how many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
I know everyone hates Ghost Ezra, but he’s posted a ton of videos like this one on his Gab. One where Bidan’s forehead is smooth on one half and wrinkly on the other, and his eye is drooping with something black underneath.
Another where some guy pieces together that video from reporters standing in the “Rose Garden.” He turns his phone for a panoramic shot before going into the “Oval Office.” The buildings that surround it are not in DC, but actually from Amazon Studios (yes owned by Amazon). This was uncovered a day or two before Bezos announced his resignation.
I am in the camp that believes what we are witnessing does not align with reality. These things are not normal. Pro-Iranians are being bombed by Bidan/black hats? Really? Cabala was outraged over this and asked pedo to consult her beforehand. Then we have Nancy and Cabala asking for the nuclear codes. Why? Does pedo even have them? We saw POTUS fly away with them...
Edit: Found the links
I expect Cuomo to resign by the end of the week. They’re mounting these “sexual assault/harassment” cases to force him out, whether they are legit or not. They’re using it as an out to cover up his mass murder of old folks.
I've been thinking about this lately... If we really are back to being the Republic as opposed to the Corporation, March 4th is the original Inauguration Day. The military would be forced to step in on the 4th (or later) because we would NOT have a duly elected President. They would step in and set up new elections, not just for President but down-ballot as well. Perhaps even have special elections to replace those that have been arrested.
Don't forget about down ballot races as well. We have pretty much no idea how any of these played out. And if the military ends up arresting a majority of Congress, who would replace them? We would likely need new elections across the board for both state and federal offices.
POTUS drained the swamp on November 3rd (Pence referenced this on November 2nd as well), now we need to clean out the swamp creatures that remain.
They could never, EVER let Trump win the first time around. It allowed him to build up the military and wake people up to how bad our country was being ran up to that point. The first election sealed their fate from that moment on. NCSWIC.
I got a few downvotes for mentioning GhostEzra in the live CPAC thread. He's been saying for several months now that the military would be holding new elections in March/April. With the President's speech today, it seems more and more likely. POTUS is playing it by the book imo. Whether it's through the courts, legislatures, or even a new fair election, he wants it to be done right.
He calls into some radio show on Wednesdays. He sounds like a guy in his fifties with a southern accent. He's also tweeted about how hot 50 some year old women are.
My mom thought catturd was a girl as well. She was pretty upset too when she found out catturd was some old dude