Green screen shadow doesn't continue to road.
I saw a photo that was sent to a local business man from his nephew who was deployed to dc. He was loading M4s on a truck. He is freaking out and I told him a long time ago what was going on and they laughed at me. Now they are sending me messages daily asking questions. This was last week FYI.
When were told they are stupid. This really puts the truth in those words.
Moving goal posts.
He didn't stand up when it was necessary but now he is a hero? All optics in my book still a scum bag.
I do keep speaking. They all look at me like and am the little boy who cried wolf. I am no longer going to cry wolf. The normies can suffer. I won't explain or talk to anyone any more about anything. I will burn my city to the ground if it comes to it.
Im 20 minutes in and this is really really good.