The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
I just get this error when trying to create a new account.
Has anyone else had any success?
I just got a PM from the mods, a warning that I'm no longer allowed to share research about the tribe or I'll be permanently ban-hammered and my entire comment history will be purged.
I've been warned by the mods not to discuss the tribe anymore... so you'll need to consider these questions about who benefits from middle eastern conflict and who sacrifices blood and treasure for yourself.
Reddit now bans anyone who supports President Trump as a "danger to the community".
I suspect 80% of the Reddit users are bots shilling at each other.
Be mindful that the Iranian government is totally controlled by Jews.
This isn't a conspiracy theory: it's a conspiracy fact.
I'm not convinced that (((Israel))) and (((Kerry))) and (((Iran))) aren't all working together to set the table for more needless war for shekels.
FYI: The House of Saud and the Bush family are also crypto-Jews.
The New World Order have far more power over the middle east than most people think.
No: I've listened to a lot of complaints. There was one "classic" post here from about two months ago which sourced most of my dot points.
A certain mod, who isn't even an American citizen, from this community became a meme on TDW / PW for his horrific censorship dog and pony show... the linked post that the mod created and stickied... had about 50% censored comments and a massive number of bans because of all the patriots who disagreed with him.
That's how I became aware of this community.
That said, did you have anything constructive to contribute?
I think most of the problems with the .win platform is the BanHammer strikes randomly and often, too often to trust new users to maintain new communities.
From what I've seen, TDW, PW and GAW have permanently banned people for:
supporting Q;
not supporting Q;
warning against attending the January 6 trap;
sharing research linking MOSSAD with Epstein Island;
disagreeing with Trump that we should all get the COVID shot and become New World Order GMO cattle;
posting official crime statistics that make the African-American crime culture look like a crime culture;
discussing civil war prepping "too often";
discussing how WW1 relates to modern politics;
discussing how WW2 relates to modern politics;
discussing how the Bolshevik Revolution relates to modern politics;
sharing research about who controls Iran;
sharing research about who the House of Saud truly are;
sharing research about who the House of Windsor truly are;
sharing research about who Bill Gates truly is;
sharing research about who the Bush family truly are;
discussing chem-trails;
researching the owners of all the mainstream media news agencies;
supporting Pence;
not supporting Pence;
leaving a comment stating "Oy vey!";
Imaginary implied racism that exists only in the mod's mind;
Explaining the origins of specific terms and memes.
WIN mods have forgotten the reason for their success was because Reddit was addicted to censorship... but .WIN mods have become so addicted to censorship that the BanHammer can kill anyone running a community at any time and for any reason. I've seen mods ban users for simply disagreeing with them and the ban reason was "you're a faggot".
Perhaps FrankSpeech will remind .WIN that truth never needs censorship to protect it?
Sounds like a great idea, although if FrankSpeech offers a freer speech alternative, perhaps our candidate should support FrankSpeech instead?
Q did send us to Voat to do our research, so ABSOLUTE free speech seems more important to our movement than political correctness and protecting the tribe.
User registration is still broken.
But when it's functional, I'll support it 100000%!!!
You posted this three times.
Please stop spamming /new
Ah ha!
I think Q was being clever with that question because a little research would show that the Nazi flag colors of red, white and black were chosen to mock common communist flags because the German nationalists were fighting to prevent the Bolshevik coup from being successful.
Sadly, we didn't fight and our Bolshevik coup of January 21 2021 was successful.
The German people were rightfully terrified of Bolshevik communist Jews and I think Q wanted people to understand that German Christians was fighting the same New World Order banking goblins that Russia fought in 1917 and that we are fighting now.
If that video exposes the truth about the Luciferian New World Order then why hasn't YouTube CEO (((Susan Wojcicki))) already banned it, given they purge all "hate facts" about the tribe?
Yes, I've started watching the video and he's just now starting to make baseless claims that he can't support. I'll hold out as long as I can in the hope this has value beyond just another euphemism for the Jews or just another scapegoat for the Jews.
The German National Socialist's greatest enemy was communism. The reason the German Christians colored the Nazi flag red, black and white was to mock communism.
German Christians were terrified of Jewish Bolshevik communists because only 13 years prior, the same Bolsheviks massacred ten million Christians during the Bolshevik Revolution... and the Bolsheviks were setting the table to do the same thing to the German Christians.
Q himself strangely also drew a comparison between the Nazi symbol and Antifa symbol.
I don't recall that. I only recall Q repeatedly posting this image of the modern Antifa flag compared with the 1930s version... and I suspect Q did this because he wanted people to learn about the (((German Communist Party))) who created Antifa in 1930... which leads to a LOT of info that liberal academics don't want people to know about what really happened between 1930 and 1947, including "Eisenhower's Holocaust".
Yes I think the star of Remphan would be an appropriate shape to represent the full spectrum of evil.
No! Speaking like that is one major reason why 80% of black Californian children are functionally illiterate.
It takes so little effort to speak clearly, yet these people can't even do that without fucking everything up.
Be warned that nameless, faceless Luciferians seem to be used largely as a scapegoat, especially when it relates to explaining why Jews have infiltrated many our critical Institutions are are working together to kill America from within, like a cancer.
Trump being reinstated would be a wasteful outcome because he'll spend years of his 2nd term in the courts trying to win back Congressional seats that were stolen.
Most of Trump's second term would be derailed by Democrats in stolen seats voting against Trump's mandate.
For this to work, the 2020 election must be declared illegitimate and therefore Biden will be declared illegitimate and hopefully everything would be rolled-back to January 21 2021.
Then we could have another election, but this time perhaps the military could run it to ensure the Bolsheviks don't steal it again.
I like it.
Some cultures also made people convicted of treason wear a shape / symbol on their clothing as a warning to everyone that this person must not be trusted and will conspire to kill your nation from within, like a cancer.
We should reintroduce this too. I think yellow is a bright, visible color that would work well.
I understand this is not a creative writing forum and all you have presented is your assumptions and imaginings. Your "Luciferians" are so nameless and faceless and timeless and without structure or history or substance that they may as well be a force of nature or the human condition rather than the druids in black robes that you likely imagine.
Discussing your baseless imaginings is not research.
Your entire argument has deflated into something so abstract that you should have just said, "some people do bad things" or "Satan is responsible for bad things in the world" and left it at that because you can't substantiate or articulate anything else.
Ebonics is a disease.
They almost certainly wrote the Talmud.
The Jewish Talmud has defined Jewish law, culture and belief for 3,500 years.
If you believe Luciferians wrote the Jewish Talmud then Judaism is built on a foundation of Luciferianism and your claim that Judaism was infiltrated is meaningless.
If you believe Luciferians infiltrated the Jews and it happened so long ago that you can't even estimate when it happened, how do you know Judaism wasn't a Luciferian religion from day #1?
Why does your "fake Jew" scapegoat only get wheeled out whenever a Jew is caught with his pants down?
Why did your "real Jews" remain silent for more than two thousand years while your "fake Jews" ruined their reputations and made Jews become the most exiled people in human history?
Why aren't "real Jews" running massive community service education programs to warn everyone about your "fake Jew" imposters?
What makes you think that your "fake Jews" aren't just acting on the horrors within the pages of the Orthodox Jewish Talmud or making Talmudic-style interpretations of the Jewish Torah?
She just raped the English language.
Are these people proud that they speak like little children?
I'll keep trying and make a post when I'm successful to let everyone else know.