Hakuna9matata 1 point ago +1 / -0


Total population: 331,449,281 (Increase 7.4%) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_census

Total US population multiplied by 5 percent (.O5) = 16572474.

“We’ll need a lot of body bags, ALOT”

Hakuna9matata 3 points ago +3 / -0



Project Veritas:

April 2020 page 4, bottom of paragraph 3. Both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were curative firs sars cov


u/#q4290 u/#q4137

“POTUS daily ingest HCQ prevent COVID-19? Pre announcement: tools [source(s), data, COV-1 v COV-2 analysis, etc.] provided to factually ‘challenge’ narrative? (Q4282) u/#q4114

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Virol J. 2005; 2: 69. Published online 2005 Aug 22. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/


Full attack v HCQ by media [D]s?”(Q4282)

u/#q4305 u/#q3918 u/#q4104

Hakuna9matata 1 point ago +1 / -0

Covid-19 the pandemic that never was: more in pos/thread/link comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvx6PuT/

“He warned that the world would be forced to contend with “films of innocent children pleading for their lives while people are butchering them.” MJ12 “IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE VIRUS AND ALWAYS ABOUT THE ELECTION” Q . more in post/thread/link comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17sP1qFYus/he-warned-that-the-world-would/c/

Hakuna9matata 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had forwarded the info to a coworker of mine who is married to a probation officer that refused (both of them) the jab. The probation officer was terminated for doing so, but last time I talked to them - now employed in our local sheriff’s office.

Hope the information gives an extra motivation to act on it, and I’d be more than willing to work with like minded people.

WW1WGA 🐸🐸🐸💪💪💪💪💪💪

Hakuna9matata 7 points ago +7 / -0

We all play a role in this life. They’ve played theirs, and I’m still playing mine and you are too.

I’m trying to rally/jumpstart the “We The People” as lawfully loud as possible to work together at the grassroots level.

The “platformed” people such as Gen. M. Flynn, CIC DJT, et all are doing their parts. It’s time we do ours.

I don’t mind being in the “digital battlefield” but it’s time for visible physical action.

Also, I was hoping that someone(you or another anon) can get the

“ list and evidence to arrest Fauci and +350 individuals in our government” from this post by another anon


and someone (me included) can convert to a QR code printable on paper and/or scanned that I (or anybody) will personally distribute to the streets to “kick start” this process if nobody has done it yet, or join forces with those that has had the ball rolling already.

Hakuna9matata 3 points ago +3 / -0

I totally agree ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

I was hoping that someone can get the

“ list and evidence to arrest Fauci and +350 individuals in our government” from this post by another anon


and convert to a QR code printable on paper and/or scanned that I (or anybody) will personally distribute to the streets to “kick start” this process if nobody has done it yet, or join forces with those that has had the ball rolling already.

Hakuna9matata 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think that’s really him? Compare recent to older pics.

Joe Biden- C’mon man https://youtu.be/YQm8gxbeY04

u/#q461 u/#q4095


In the meantime:

Arrest Fauci, et al NOW movement. “We The People” need to do our part. Fauci, et al murdered my brother and classmate. more in comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKsBS8xv/arrest-fauci-et-al-now-movement-/c/

Hakuna9matata 3 points ago +3 / -0

Arrest Fauci, et al NOW movement. “We The People” need to do our part. Fauci, et al murdered my brother and classmate. more in comment


Hakuna9matata 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything was “faked” including the mass deaths involving “crisis actors”(info available in the internet). The “real” dead people were “murdered” with treatment protocols (Remdescivir, Midazolam, etc).

Whatever “test” that was used on you was first and foremost NOT an actual test for the organism itself. “It is a process” Kary Mullis. TPTB abused this process and used as a test.

Secondly, if you test positive for an organism it doesn’t necessarily mean it is the actual illness. CDC is explicit in this information that I included in the meme.

Thirdly, one of the rtPCR “test” kit cross reacted with 56 other non related organisms.

Fourtly, the Ugandan President tested the “test kit” and was positive for a goat and paw paw (fruit)

Fifthly, it also tested positive to Coca Cola and ice cream

Lastly, the whole pandemic was/is a scam/fraud.

Loss of taste as a symptom is NOT specific to a certain illness/organism.

Hakuna9matata 9 points ago +9 / -0

I have more than enough evidence in the comment of the post/thread/link below to have Fauci et al arrested for the murder of my sibling and classmate.

“Covid-19 the pandemic that never was” https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvx6PuT/

I also would have picketed outside of Fauci’s house by myself if I knew where he “really” lives and if he was actually living there.

I didn’t do it then publicly and in person as I knew the justice system and the media were “stacked” against dissenters and whistleblowers even with the facts of truth right smack in the front of their faces.

With the call to action posted in this post

“The White Hats Need Our Help to Arrest Fauci+. THE TIME IS RIPE NOW. GET INVOLVED TODAY! LET'S GOOO! NCSWIC” https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnf1qAC/the-white-hats-need-our-help-to-/

It is way overdue that “We The People” truly unite and have our collective voice and consciousness be as one.


“We The People” need to do our part too.

Anybody, please convert the “list and evidence to arrest Fauci and +350 individuals in our government” to a QR code that can be printed on paper and/or scanned that I will personally distribute on a “grassroots” level wearing this shirt:

Great T - Shirt... 👉 'TRUMP' Stands for................ https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnf1YaD/great-t--shirt--trump-stands-for/c/

u/#q2442 u/#q4642




Are you guys waiting for the American people to be more active and demanding change?

Basically 100th effect?


Be as lawfully loud as possible.

Demand the truth.

It must come from the masses.

Not from within.


What methods of communication should the masses be using to express their desire for transparency?

I ask because EVERYONE I speak with is mad as hell and wants to know the TRUTH NOW.


Paper pamphlets willingly offered in public areas with concise; evidence based claims, and guidance going forward.

Do not lecture.

Only open the door.

They must choose to know.

u/#q3724 u/#q1105

Q: Is there sealed indictments for people involved with vaccines?

A: They have committed other crimes. Collateral damage from fallouts will clean things up.

“The world is watching” (22 Q posts https://qalerts.app/?q=THE+WORLD+IS+WATCHING)




“Japanese People Hold Massive Protest Against WHO, Deadly Covid Vaccines”👁😳🤔Humanity please wake-up. Americans when are we going to take the leading role? Savior(s) of mankind”Q https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnYE0o5/japanese-people-hold-massive-pro/


Additional information below Courtesy of: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKsCaGN7/as-a-member-of-the-national-diet/c/

World's Biggest Protest against the WHO starts in Japan with Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and current House of Representative Kazuhiro Haraguchi kicking it off! https://x.com/_aussie17/status/1796452598800851279

Hakuna9matata 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excerpt from my posts:

“My professional dilemma now is “I don’t know what a virus is anymore”. With my very limited knowledge now of “gain of function” research and bio weapons being used almost in the same breath and sentence for malevolent purposes that aside from being real, manufactured and/or hybridized as the cause of illnesses due to microorganisms my new and personal conspiracy theory is that “ALL” so-called pathogenic microorganisms were/are being used as the “boogeyman” for the cause of a lot of diseases/illnesses to hide and obfuscate the “REAL” cause of our unhealthy living, chronic illnesses leading to premature aging and death. Alone and/or combination of toxins (fluoride, aluminum, etc) and genetic manipulation (gmo, CRISPR, etc) in our medicines, food, water, air, environment, etc being the true cause(s) +/- “ze bugs”.”

Add the “bad” EMF’s, etc.

Most of the times people don’t just “die suddenly” from diseases/illnesses even those with underlying health issues.

Those that “die suddenly” from a medical intervention(s) such as an anaphylactic reaction to meds/jabs, medical procedures gone really bad, etc are rather uncommon until post Covid-19 jabs where “died suddenly” were “normalized” by MSM.

As far as “frequency” (EMF, Sound, light, X-ray, etc) sudden deaths are also uncommon unless you were directly hit or within a certain range of the A bombs, etc. Even then “acute radiation” victims don’t just “die suddenly”. Apply that to EMF including bad 5G?

Hakuna9matata 2 points ago +2 / -0





Are you guys waiting for the American people to be more active and demanding change?

Basically 100th effect?


Be as lawfully loud as possible.

Demand the truth.

It must come from the masses.

Not from within.


What methods of communication should the masses be using to express their desire for transparency?

I ask because EVERYONE I speak with is mad as hell and wants to know the TRUTH NOW.


Paper pamphlets willingly offered in public areas with concise; evidence based claims, and guidance going forward.

Do not lecture.

Only open the door.

They must choose to know.

u/#q3724 u/#q1105

Q: Is there sealed indictments for people involved with vaccines?

A: They have committed other crimes. Collateral damage from fallouts will clean things up.

“The world is watching” (22 Q posts https://qalerts.app/?q=THE+WORLD+IS+WATCHING)


Hakuna9matata 1 point ago +1 / -0


I do NOT have Q and/or Majestic 12 clearance, “high level inside intel”to provide ANY tangible evidence to provide original blueprints, schematics, manuscripts, etc on materials in the post which are copy and posted from the links/sources provided and available in the internet (open source). NOTHING has been produced by myself.

“Think multiple MEANINGs”Q. Use discernment. I do not promote neither any "line" in particular,  nor any movement, doctrine, education or political thought. I am like all of you, Truth Seekers... Nothing more, nothing less.

MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files

Source unless otherwise specified:

https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf https://files.catbox.moe/ja65mf.pdf

We engage in this open forum as a means to help enLIGHTen those who seek the truth. We do not give you truth. We give you direction.

Truth resonates from within.


Question. Can you confirm all of these people are members?

Donald J Trump

General Flynn

Joseph Dunford

James Mattis

William Barr

Patrick Shanahan

Paul Selva

Answer. 3 on that list are MJ12.





Reply. !(not) PS.

COMMENT. !(not)PS = JD or JM

Reply Check their pasts and then ask your question again to yourself. You know the answer.

COMMENT. I do. Yet disinformation is...

Reply. This member is obvious. No disinformation needed. Its common knowledge to our adversaries.


Correct. https://t.co/0rJhau1PmE

Mattis is clean.

Mattis is on MJ-12.

Majestic Flynn.


The Majestic 12 run the United States.

The Majestic 12 operates ABOVE Gov for the purposes of planetary defense pertaining to extraterrestrial life.

The Majestic 12 are not aliens. The Majestic 12 run the United States. We control the Intelligence Community and the Defense Department. Some members of the Majestic 12 are extraterrestrial in origin but have promised allegiance to Earth.

Q is an NSA/D.I.A. operation. MJ12 is above Q in secrecy mostly because MJ12's base of operations is not on planet Earth. MJ12

The MJ12 are at the pleasure to the POTUS because he is the enemy of C322. We only disclose what is already COMMON KNOWLEDGE AMONG THY CONSCIOUSNESS.

Majestic 12 is a conscious arm of POTUS's direct commands. CoC wise MJ12 is a peer to Q Anon.

Majestic 12 has active operations ongoing in the United States from DIA assets using social media tools, like Anonymous Official, and this account to disclose vital information about the MAJESTIC reality that exists. - This account is a conduit to three members' operations. Q Anon is a separate NSA operation. But where there's 1 there's 100. All for different purposes. All playing hyperdimensional chess.

Q mission is unaffiliated to MJ12 mission, though actions and events are not mutually exclusive.

We have our own objectives that are not mutually exclusive to Q's objectives.

We are aware of Majestic 12 disclosure processes currently operating in conjunction with the Q operation.

It has been the efforts of Q, including MJ12, to help assist in the Great Awakening by acting on a paradox.

Hakuna9matata 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not being facetious but In the posts below (first post included in previous comment) choose the diseases and illnesses you think you might have had and the accompanying symptoms and “guess” what the cause was. KEK. Even as a former M.D. your guess is as good as mine.

My former professional life post(rant) is embedded in the first link. Caution - long posts⚠️🎗☢️

Potpourri: DISEASES CREATEd by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb). more in post/thread/link including comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKe9kIcO/potpourri--diseases-created-by-f/

5g https://greatawakening.win/p/17sP1p6clQ/antartica-in-the-news-a-beautifu/c/

Hakuna9matata 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your welcome. 🐸🐸🐸

I am not here (personal posts and comments) for “the clicks” and/or ANY “upvotes”, but the “downvotes” are probably from: u/#q3029

Although I only became aware of the Q drops at least a year after the last drops in 2020 I “took the oath” and be a “modern midnight rider” and continue to do so.

u/#q4880 u/#q4638 u/#q4510

Hakuna9matata 2 points ago +2 / -0

In agreement with the last part of your comment another “collection” of information I had previously posted on Trump being removed at all cost by the DS - “win by any means necessary”Q. The rest of your comments speak for itself and can be used as “I told you so” moments.

“He warned that the world would be forced to contend with “films of innocent children pleading for their lives while people are butchering them.” MJ12 “IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE VIRUS AND ALWAYS ABOUT THE ELECTION” Q . more in post/thread/link comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17sP1qFYus/he-warned-that-the-world-would/c/


The global domination agenda has been ongoing, for a long time (I wasn’t awake to it early on ) but the fear porn generated by the scamdemic was so blatant (to me) that I knew a jab was coming which going to be mandated, then digital ID’s, CBDC, 15 minute smart cities and so on.

Hakuna9matata 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Nothing can stop what is coming.


Slow DRIP > Flood” Q

Hakuna9matata 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sir/ma’am, would you like plant (hemp) Kevlar, metal wire, etc with the material for hanging?

A collection of information regarding your statements on the post/thread/link comment below, and I concur.

I knew even before the scamdemic was officially declared March 11, 2020 and a few days after the first stateside case in WA Jan. 15,2020 that it was a fraud/scam plandemic. I warned/told people but >95% fell for Heil Fauci among my family and friends (majority employed by medical industrial complex) and subsequently took the toxic jab concoction in their bodies. The really sad and frustrating part now is most (almost all) are still in denial and/or cognitive dissonance🤬😤😡

Covid-19 the pandemic that never was https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvx6PuT/

Hakuna9matata 2 points ago +2 / -0

u/#q3815 🪢🏝🏴‍☠️ u/#q1105



Q: Is there sealed indictments for people involved with vaccines?

A: They have committed other crimes. Collateral damage from fallouts will clean things up.


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