NOTHING is beneath these people. NOTHING. But at this point, I am doubtful that JUSTICE will ever be served....Still waiting for Clinton, Obama and Rice to be held accountable for Benghazi.....what about the about Lois Lerner? all gets swept aside and forgotten, no matter if Republicans hold House, Senate AND Presidency....justice against the evil left is never ever gonna happen.
I find this shocking....and I would think that POTUS Trump would as well....I assumed DeSantis was totally against these things.....unless somehow this short section is taken out of context somehow? I don't know how much more upside down the world can get. If, like Q said, "you're watching a movie"....I'm more than ready for the movie to be OVER.
Wonder why 2:20 and not, say, 2:30....and why would a backup date be necessary?
Can a doctor be sued for refusing to TREAT someone with COVID? From what I gather, they do nothing when there ARE treatments available. My doctor absolutely will not write a script for Hydroxy. (she'd probably get fired for it).
Soon they'll jus start taking away his number of views....then he's really going to get pissed. They do it all the time. I don't know who those others in the top 10 are...looks like all rappers to me. I don't mind rappers, but the message has to be worthwhile, not the usual garbage.
I know they've been messing with Tom and he's pissed about it. Like someone told me, yes, he can be cancelled.....just like Trump was. No platform is safe for us to count on anymore. But...if you check the 'trending' list it doesn't always match with the number of views...if it did, BTS, who has hundreds of millions of views for almost all of their songs, would always be at the top of the 'trending' list...i.e., they have a song from 9 months ago, 'Dynamite' with 1.1 BILLION views and growing. Crazy weird taste I have...they are the two I listen to the most...along with Disturbed. Tom's getting noticed, he's over the target, prayers for his safety.
I have NEVER seen it this dark. Even when the WH isn't lit, the Monument always is.
"What if No FDA approval prevented [D]]S]] Authority to push the schedule vaccines as 'mandatory'?"
Could be, but there are other ways to coerce people into getting the vaccine without making it mandatory. I still don't get Trump's trusting of big pharma when he's well aware that they hate him. I also don't understand his trusting of Fauci and Brix. I'm 100% pro Trump and I'm not getting it. By the way, he, Melania, and Barron all had 'the virus'...did they get the vaxx as well? Why?
There are 17 drops with +++ , 3 pluses or more in them. Check
More disturbing was that he was CONSTANTLY berated by his father over his looks, no matter how many times he tried to look different, he seemed to only hear his father's voice.....he and his brothers, perhaps the sisters too, were victims of both mental and physical abuse. The mother did nothing to stop it....and Michael always said he loved them both in spite of it all.
IMHO, he was always a victim (father, family, & cabal), in life and in death, and while I believe it did affect him, never did I believe he was a pedophile and my feelings on the subject, as I watched the daily coverage of the trial, were validate by 'not guilty' on all 12 counts. I would have had no problem letting my children go to Neverland.
Ahhhhh I forgot it was FRIDAY!!! Gotta go listen......luv Tom and Nova!!
Update: It was spot on, as always. Only thing I didn't know and learned is that the girl in the video is a conservative trans activist....maybe like a young Jenner. I'll have to check him/her out?
I'm thinking Barron, but I've always thought he was #TEAMQ
Personally, I don't know if the VaXX narrative is going to be enough to distract from the voting fraud. I expect they will use the UFO stories to grab the nations attention while refusing to acknowledge the fraud. WE THE PEOPLE are going to have to push back
I wouldn't waste my breath. I seriously believe that the liberal mindset is a type of mental illness that can't be changed easily and is not worth the effort. I don't discuss politics with liberals, incl. family even if they try to goad me into it. I always say I agree to disagree, period.
So true and I love the Tom MacDonald song "Fake Woke"
Never. At least not one that hasn't been edited. I'm still waiting to see the Lord and Taylor video from across the street at the Boston Bombing. Instead we got a very well-doctored collection of videos all spliced together....videos that were collected from bystanders at the behest of the FBI who needed our help identifying the suspects whose identities they ALREADY knew.
Agree. There MUST be a way to beat them at their own game!! Fact is.....the focus should be on the criminal investigation of the Biden mafia....but Congress and the media are going to cover it all with 1/6 and more investigation into Trump. It just INFURIATES me that we NEVER get the upperhand.
on a side....Why is he off OAN...anybody know?
Sorry, I updated my post to clarify that I can now see the flag. Once I enlarged the video I could see it! But I still can't see anyone on the roof....yet :)
8 of the New York Yankees came down with positive COVID tests.....ALL of them were already vaccinated. Does the vaccine even work?
I can't see what you're talking about.....BUT, what I do see is the FLAG IS MISSING from the flag pole. Shouldn't there be one on top of the White House? Also weird, I receive a form 'letter' from Biden letting me know I would be receiving a stimulus check, but it's odd that the letter head has NO just reads WHITE HOUSE with WASHINGTON underneath...not Washington, DC.... nothing official looking about it at all. Biden's signature is part of the print in the closing, but somebody used an ink pen to scratch initials that look like JRG next to it. The back of the letter is the same thing in Spanish. Clearly it's been long enough that Biden would have official letterhead with an embossed seal on it's from the White House only because the words are typed on there. Edit to add: I need new glasses, now I see the flag
He implies that Trump is a FreeMason by showing a handshake. After I posted this video somewhere, it was brought to my attention that Trump also makes a triangle with his hands while sitting and I was shown a photo in a video of Trump doing the 666 circle around the eyes. Q warned us about FreeMasons a LONG time ago, I find it hard to believe Trump would be involved unless he wants enemies to think he is. Thoughts? (Same goes with the vaccine....I'm still stumped on why he's pushing it.)
Weren't WE participating and funding the Gain of Function testing at Wuhan?
I don't understand why anyone would want to continue to live in a world like that.