Hiddenpede77 2 points ago +2 / -0

I work in tv and make political ads on the side . If you need some one to help with propaganda . I am your man .

by gamepwn
Hiddenpede77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let’s dox her, complain to her superiors and get her fucking court marshaled . We have to play the game like these demons do .

Hiddenpede77 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I am in LA too. I have not been wearing my mask at Vons , and so far nobody has said shit. In fact once somebody saw me then took theirs off. My plan is to not wear one anywhere but plus one on when they ask. Just that little bit of resistance, make them ask . If everyone did this it would probably make at least alittle bit of a difference

by BQnita
Hiddenpede77 1 point ago +2 / -1

People really need to turn their phone sideways when they record video. I think that message needs to be pushed more. This vertical video with gross letterboxing looks awful on tv .

Hiddenpede77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time for civil disobedience. I am not wearing this shit a second time .

Hiddenpede77 4 points ago +4 / -0

I actually used to hook up with one of the grandkids. She was a hot mid twenties blonde and it was 2004. Went to a family dinner once with her , her parents , and her sister and her brother in law. I got creeped out after that, her sisters husband just seemed so henpecked and controlled. I bailed on her afterwards, and sometimes regret it, as I would be probably set for life. I doubt she knew about any of this. She and her family just seemed to be like blue bloods living in LA.

Hiddenpede77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey they are not all bad . I work in it . Just TV though . We are like a secret club. I try my best . I figure our movement can use allies in entertainment. Actually there are more based people in it then you think. The owner of my very very large company was and probably still is friends with Trump.