HighQueenRhapsody 3 points ago +3 / -0

Something needs to break soon because people are each other‘s throat‘s.

Andy Ngo posted a video of a family being harassed by antifa where the kids were crying in fear, and people in the comments were all like well “what did the family do to deserve it?” As if anything justifies that.

People are now openly supporting the harassment of children on the street. This needs to end real soon.

HighQueenRhapsody 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good luck with that. I have no idea what to do with the LeftScum living in cartoon universes in their heads. I visited their message boards. I saw people who actually thought actually Trump was rounding up LGBTOMG people and disappearing them. Right now they’re celebrating like they’re post war France liberated from the Nazis. These people have been destroyed by the media and the adults in their lives when they were younger. They are completely disassociated from reality

And what is done about the media? There needs to be some kind of new or restructured libel laws. Look at how they spun the whole Charlottesville hoax. Trump and his lawyers should have been able to sue them for endless billions of dollars for those lies. You can’t have a “news media“ able to just spew false propaganda 24/7. That can’t go on.

HighQueenRhapsody 4 points ago +4 / -0

Or Trump simply picked them because of their history

HighQueenRhapsody 8 points ago +8 / -0

I feel like Trump needs to win 538 to 0. The Democrats need to be completely curb stomped. At the very least Biden can’t get out of the double digits. The repudiation of the left must be thorough and overwhelming.

HighQueenRhapsody 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of them don’t have a comment sections anymore. even some conservative sites got rid of them because they had to kneel and lick the boots of Google advertising dollars.

The biggest flaw in The Plan is that it seems to have completely ignored the enemy propaganda industrial complex which is now worse than even. Drudge turned. Fox News mostly compromised. Etc.

HighQueenRhapsody 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well then there needed to be more of a counter to the main stream media.

Yeah, they’re wildly unpopular now, but way too many people still believe it. A coworker who is a Trump supporter can’t convince his wife. His own wife won’t believe him about how many lies there are in the news because it’s such a constant overwhelming assault. She’s simply can’t conceive of these “news professionals” would just tell lies.

i’ve managed to wake up a lot of people but I’ve hit a wall, and that wall is caused by the constant, relentless assault by the MSM.

HighQueenRhapsody 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or, you know, 0.0666007254

The Approximation Of The Beast, I guess. ?

HighQueenRhapsody 8 points ago +10 / -2

Well, OK, it’s nice to hear him address it, but if the Dems take control, it’s over. That’s what people are worried about. Things seem to be spiraling out of control. The damage being done to our society is becoming irreversible in some areas. My family doesn’t have a federal security staff. Antifa has moved from burning police stations to entire forests. This is not sustainable.

HighQueenRhapsody 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve never thought it was just one person

HighQueenRhapsody 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, forgot that third angle. “It’s right wing arsonists!” ?

HighQueenRhapsody 4 points ago +4 / -0

Based millennial gal, married to wonderful based man, one new daughter. Aerospace engineer. Was active on TD.win, but, meh... too many post implying the news media lies out of ignorance and not malice. Lot of Q hate there. Also on Gab (@MommaRhapsody) and avid reader of the Anonymous Conservative and Instapundit.

Been following Q since 8chan. I have strong criticisms of the Plan, but all i can do is see what happens. I aspire to be the first High Queen of the United States ???, but I’m currently just a nobody ?.