What you said has more merit than others are giving you credit for. If the military wouldn’t give resident Xiden snipers until now, is it possible they are there for a reason other than his “protection”.
It sure would be useful having them on the roof when the storm comes...
No problem. Donaldjtrump.com is also good, it redirects to the same site. Remember, if you aren’t donating through the “contribute” button there, but rather through some internet ad, there’s a good the RNC will get the money.
This is a really good analysis. Catholic clergy are historically anti political, only speaking out if the left forces their hand (cough James Martin cough) or if there is an existential threat against the church. The Nuns, Vigineo, now even the Bishops Conference is speaking out. It’s bigger than politics.
This is the pretex for what is coming!