Honestus 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've deployed multiple times, I flew commercial until I made it to BWI then I took a contracted plane. I've also flown commercial all the way when I went to PACOM.

Honestus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont think wood is the best option for getting info out, he doesn't have a massive following on Twitter, not even a million. That's not getting out to the masses.

Honestus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or hes not on the plane ATM. its only AF2 when he's on it.

Honestus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guess you know better than the USSF and NSA/CSS... Space Force falls 100% under the Deprtmrnt of the Air Force (just like the Marines fall under Department of the Navy) https://www.spaceforce.mil/About-Us/About-Space-Force/History/

NSA is not military, they're a DOD combat support agency/IC partner (duel hated), but not military itself.


I'm not trashing you or trying to be a dick, just educate you so you know more and can have more valid and convincing discussions in the future.

Honestus 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're wrong, Space Force took over space ops from the AF. However Space Force still falls under the Department of the Air Force like the Marines fall under the Department of the Navy.

Space Force does have Cyber ops but so does AF and just about all military branches to different degrees. They have different missions and roles.

NSA is not a part of the military and they are the kings of Cyber ops. All branches of the military work with NSA though as theres roles for military intel that overlap with NSA.

Honestus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn! Coming in hot with some art history.

Honestus 3 points ago +3 / -0

DEW are not in the visible light spectrum. See the electromagnetic spectrum and what wavelengths are visible and where DEWs live

Honestus 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, im explaining what you're seeing and providing actual facts based on my years of experience and probably hundreds of missile strikes, 12 years of actual combat operations (not time in service actual combat), dealing with IED's, artillery, bombs etc.

Then you legit bring some covid BS into it like im out here trying to get one over on anyone. You're attacking my character because you see what you want and dismissed anything I stated without fact, thought, or even consideration because it doesn't fit what you want it to. Good day to you, Im not arguing this.

Honestus 2 points ago +3 / -1

Are you fucking retarded? Did I ever give you 1 piece of advice on what to do with your life, how to think, or act? I gave solid analysis based on years of experiance. Can I be wrong, of course. But its 1000 times more plausible than your dumb ass rant about covid and other bullshit.

I said, and I quote "this dude and others are unknowledgable and speculating on things they don't understand".

Want to understand? Do actual fucking research, not a couple of YouTube videos which feeds into confirmation bias.

You aren't using common sense, you're being a whiny cunt because I said something you don't like.

Honestus 1 point ago +1 / -0

That makes 1000% more sense than these other theories.

Honestus 1 point ago +3 / -2

You have no clue what you're talking about.

Honestus 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, just no. There would be massive sonic booms heard for miles. There was a metioriod shower with smaller than a telephone poll sized debris in Southern Canada about 2 weeks ago. It was heard in Pennsylvania.

Honestus 9 points ago +10 / -1

First I'll address his claim of source: fire will show on cameras, blast will not always show. This was a big explosion (my guess is some type of fuel based bomb). You will see blast damage at the source (eg no fire), incidiary (fire) further from source, and frag further from that. He's trying to talk about shit he doesn't understand. If all you watch is movies and think an explosion equals fire this makes sense. If you've done anything with bombs and missiles you can tell this dude knows all of jack and shit.

As for the "missile theory" That angle would be all wrong for a missile, the smoke also burns out too fast on a missile.

To have a missile hit in between buildings youd need a LOAL-H (high impact angle) otherwise it wouldn't make it into the target area and you risk the podium effect if lazer guided or loss of link if guided by GPS.

If there was ignition of a missile you'd see it in the video, you can see them on an overcast day from very high up with the naked eye.

The most common motor for missiles the the M120, the actual burn time of those is seconds, typical times of flight for a missile at altitude is tens of seconds. So for the smoke to appear yiud have ignition where that smoke comes off, think mini explosion in the sky, you can see these from miles away with the naked eye.

missiles move beyond supersonic, eg- really fucking fast. Did that smoke appear to move at over 761 MPH? Do you hear a sonic boom of the "missile" 2-4 seconds before the explosion? Let's say its a subsonic missile, could be, but they still move 600mph + did thay smoke move that fast? Also youd still see a flash from rocket motor ignition.

This video shows something but its not a missile. Also not a DEW, most DEW are RF-microwave spectrums. You can't see either.

My opinion, this dude and others are unknowledgable and speculating on things they don't understand

Honestus 11 points ago +11 / -0

5x5 is i understand you perfectly or loud and clear