"I highly doubt you have ever told a normie hanks is a pedo..."
--I posted about it to Facebook last summer, and somehow got away with it. Mentioned Isaac Kappy and linked MouthyBuddha video.
"I find it very interesting that you think this is common knowledge in normie land."
--It's easy enough for them to imagine that every other priest and minister is a pedo. It's even easier than that for them to get all squinty-eyed over celebrity weirdos, especially after the Corey Feldman whistleblowing.
"So you think Trump getting the jab is more red pilling than..."
No. Watching him submit to a sequence of events (hospital > recover > share pizza) that was a code I'd seen earlier in the summer of 2020 is the red-pill. The "recovery" and pizza-sharing are what's important, not the manner of recovery. The code is so obscure that 90% of the people here don't know it.
Trump's control-file changing hands is what made the last ill-fitting puzzle-piece* finally clink solidly into place. (*Why the Cabal media gave Trump a billion dollars worth of free publicity in 2015 instead of cold-shouldering him to a 4% finish in New Hampshire. Cabal had no reason to do that if Trump were a known enemy as opposed to someone they thought they had in their back-pocket. Nobody gets anywhere in Washington without being Cabal; the entire system as designed is a neverending obstacle-course of loyalty-tests. You don't win your rigged primaries if you're not a team-player.)
Hanks is Hollywood; learning he's a pedo is learning nothing new.
A Cabal minion is having his name stricken off a monument.
"...Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg (January 24, 1899 – April 2, 1954) was a United States Air Force general. He served as the second Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and the second Director of Central Intelligence...."
Yes, that's gotta be it. NOT the talk about the fucking aliens thawing in Antarctica, or Frazzledrop Hillary eating babies and wearing their faces, long-haired friends of Jesus in chartreuse microbuses, or the daily brain-dead stock and crypto pump-and-dumping that is tolerated here for some oddball reason. Oh no, the thing that'll really get the admonishing fingers wagging is pointing out that Trump has a body-double (just like Biden), because gosh sake that one guy on the golf-course is totally not fifty pounds heavier than the other one speaking in Texas a couple days later.
Dig that driving bassline. Hasta la vista.
Trump is a controlled asset fronting the white-hats. It is rather doubtful that he wrote or submitted any of those tweets (who timing and content had to be incredibly precise for "proof" purposes), or any other material for that matter.
If you are watching a movie, then you watching actors.
Oh please don't be lying.
But on the off chance you just can't ever refrain from attempting to have the last word, I'll ask you straight up: Do you honestly believe that the picture on the right is an actual photograph of Biden? Really?
You posted the same Illuminati card again here, and added a "Shitpost" flair to it that time.
And you really should have visited the link in the last sentence of my previous comment; it would have avoided those ASSumptions.
You shouldn't go calling other people retards when you can't be bothered to capitalize your sentences. It makes you look like a addlepated millennial occupant of Planet Dunning-Kruger.
And by all means, examine the username here before making further ASSumptions.
One of the least pleasant aspects of posting here is continually dealing with marginal intellects incapable of seeing bigger pictures. They think they're at a football game where mindless cheering is what is expected of them. But no, that is not what is expected. You are expected to analyze information, to be that "Rainman" autist who sees the 246 toothpicks (although preferably without being Tom Hanks, of course).
How various celebrities and politicians contracted and resolved covid (i.e., the bullshit common cold) was code to how they were being handled by the white-hats. If you went to the hospital for covid, made a recovery, and then shared pizza with your supporters, that meant that you were cooperating, and were to be given a good legacy in the popular press.
When Trump did exactly that shortly prior to the election, is when everything really gelled. Before then, conservative Q-followers weren't awake yet. They were just cheering. They only thought they were awake, because they didn't know how deep the rabbit-hole actually went.
Even on a place like this, the "Covid Results Code" (note: you probably won't find anything searching for that exact phrase) is one of the hardest things to find on the 'net, generally only appearing on a few websites that track celebrity deaths.
"He can't be connected to the Q movement."
Well, it's not that he can't be, it's just that that's the tactic currently being employed by his controllers (Q white-hats).
Trump is an actor (and then there is the thinner Trump, and at least one body-double, the "fat" golfer usually seen in hat and sunglasses, or riding in a motorcade behind tinted windows). His role is "President Trump". He does not his write his tweets, nor post them. (The timing of those to perfectly "proof" Q-drops requires machine precision.)
For the moment, we assume that one of them is the real Trump (i.e., as opposed to Joe, whose original copy seems to be missing).
I played the game in the 90s. The card does not imply that the imposter is wearing a mask: he's just a look-alike. The irregularly-bordered color change under his jaw is supposed to represent shadow. (People today tend to forget how few color choices where available for printing at the time. The color scheme in this game's printing used a process called "dithering", or the dot patterns frequently seen in old-timey comic-books.) Gaming was not that profitable of a hobby then, and artists were hired for on their ability to get shit done by deadline, not turn out the prettiest possible imagery.)
It must be the part of the movie where Magneto breaks out of plastic prison.
There are no matches on Tineye for the clip on the right (and Tineye is pretty good at finding larger images for which a portion was submitted). That implies that whomever made this meme futsed with it so much that it's no longer recognizable. Probably because Biden's head has been crudely Photoshopped over the top of a darker-necked individual, and the clothing didn't line up well enough for Tineye to pull a Biden match. (I don't think Biden has ever worn a pin-striped shirt with an open collar.) That, and the resolution is utter shat quality.
This is sucker-bait that you're supposed to share, and then be made a fool of, and then no one will trust you when you relay the good stuff.
Democracy is only a facade; if it is maintained, then the illusion still exists.
"The military is the only way".