Alcoholic here, got sober in 2017. I’ve taken a B-Complex twice a day since quitting. I’m around alcohol all the time and never have a thought of drinking. AA was still essential in the beginning to understand what I was doing to myself and others.
Can’t wait to see Trump’s first tweet.
5+ years sober here. Listen to this guy. It’s important to support him, but he’s gotta walk that path with his own feet. He’s gotta be willing to open up with himself and others that understand where he’s been, why he’s been there, and why he’s gotta stay outta there. Have him try to shoot for a minimum of 5 meetings a week for the first 60 days. There’s a reason the AA community recommends the 90 meetings in 90 days method too.
Done. Please, don’t forget to look after yourself as well. Alcoholics too often choose to sink themselves, those that care must remember not to let themselves sink as well.