‘I give a shit about child rape but not really’
Why follow at all
Then howd he win 16? Makes no sense
Link to the laughing dad? Havent seen that in ages
Jfk was killed by the driver the film was digitally altered.They had the technology then.
How to prove?
This is so well written
It was scripted imo
Has every hallmark of what we have scrutinized in Sandy Hook/Vegas etc
I dont think you know what youre talking about at this point god speed
Ready for what?
He places Himself in our lives individually and collectively it seems to learn and love. We dont have to take that option.
Christ stands ready to accept all if they accept Him. They have to initiate and pray. You make it seem like its guaranteed or destined. Humans intervene and cause problems for His perfect plan continually. The crux of life
Not all events pass through the filter of Gods acceptance
Thats free will. Eve chose the apple. God didnt allow for her to eat it as you state. Thats why we need Jesus Blood.
If Gods plan is Heaven on earth which it is, what has been standing in the way? Himself?
You gotta learn to read better bud
Oh man whats that uh part with the stones and the glass houses?
Firstly Christ is my savior but I get the energy
Secondly Christ gives us the ability to make these decisions to reflect His image. Not all do that. Thats the free will therefore its not down to what God allows. God allows murders that are committed by those deciding to do so. Not because of His decision making.
You’re an example why so many dislike Christians. You claim to follow Jesus but your high horse is your idol
Careful now
Retard answer
Not if they ordered the hit
So there is no free will?
Eve was forced?
Proven now it was the left
Who almost gets killed for real and then has the wherewithal to find the hard camera?
Love Trump but lets be real here
Flirting w idol worship many are
He bladed on the ground
Photos can be doctored just like it was proven with Sandy Hook how they can doctor up people like victims and shooters
The WHs used a dirty trick against the DS thwy didnt expect
If Trump almost really did get killed by a DS agent it wouldnt be half scrubbed already
His private security wouldn’t allow a real threat
Pops were blanks
Remember how Sandy Hook used people that didnt exist and had families that didnt exist ‘verify’?
This was a reverse False Flag to bolster Trumps actions via public optics. He has full reign now
At a trump rally only one guy watches another guy bleed out from the head?
If they got hit by a bullet what happens they just bleed out and nobody says anything
Looked real
You ever watch pro wrestling
Why didnt someone in the crowd drop behind him w all those shots?
He looks directly to camera before leaving stage
What do you expect in war?