Right? I was pretty impressed reading the list of his certifications and fields of study. He's not a real Rockefeller trained (i.e., AMA) doctor. That's a good thing in my opinion. AMA and other mainstream healthcare types are the ones pushing the experimental jab known as Covid vaccinations.
Not sure that's the issue. I live in a summer resort area of my state and many restaurants are only open in summer. Most of their wait staff is composed of college kids, and the tip money is usually really good. Has always been like that here, and those jobs were always sought after. Most of them are having a tough time getting help, even the ones that have always been first choice for summer workers.
I live in a smallish resort area. Most of the stores now have signs "requesting" people to wear masks inside their establishments. The locals have just about totally ignored it. Now the summer tourists are here and mask compliance is about 70 percent. Previously it was about ten percent. Most of them visitors are from more "liberal" parts of this state and surrounding states.
That's disgusting. I live in one of those states and our asshole governor has blood on his hands. Hang 'em all. Even worse, healthy old people who could only see their loved ones from a freaking window! No in-person visiting allowed. Many became sick and depressed, but Murphy just sees them as stepping stones.
Good for him, as a well known person (not known by me, don't follow sports), but OTOH this is someone with money. Probably not concerned about feeding his family or paying rent. Much tougher take this stand when you're living paycheck to paycheck.
I really don't think a divide between sheep, and actual people who think for themselves is necessary. We've probably all self-sorted by now.