Infinitelurker 5 points ago +5 / -0

I grew up in remote rural Alaska and this pretty much sums up childhood. We had an outhouse, no running water, no electricity. We had to be sure to keep an eye out for moose, bears and wolves. There were copious amounts of fishing and if you didn't kill it and drag it home, it was beans, rice and canned salted bacon for dinner. My first pocket knife was at 7, my first shotgun at 9, and an over-under rifle at 11. I was definitely a part of the get your ass beat crowd and never once had a "time out."

Infinitelurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's part of the replace yearly plan they start people into so everyone is paying upwards of a 1000 dollars on a phone, then replacing it at the year mark and starting over. They then require the old phone back, give a less ot at 10% discount on your next bill, and start you over on payments on your next over priced pocket computer. They then swap out a battery, resell the phone as refurbished and make extra profit from most folks not understanding how smaet phones really work. I think I remember Apple being accused of purposely installing malware to drain batteries at an excessive rate to increase the speed of consumer renewal and replacement. Android is no better. Best advice I ever received, though time consuming is: Uninstall as much bloat ware as possible, disable anything that is tracking your location when the app isn't in use. Remove all non essential apps from your home and secondary pages. Surprisingly, widgets and just the app icons suck a lot of battery. Limit notifications, turn on the put to sleep function for any app not used within what ever time frame you choose. Default I think is 30 days usually. Turn on power save mode when you are going to bed and don't charge it through the night. Over charging is actually bad for Lithium ion batteries. Refrain from unplugging your phone to do something if possible if it is charging and not full. Lithium ion is a great battery system, but is prone to damage from partial charging and gaining memory just like Ni-cad. Charge it when it is down to roughly 15 percent bit not less than 10 percent if you can help it. If you press and hold the power saving button, it should bring up a menu that gives you other options. Even at 30 percent, in the maximum power save mode, you'll get an entire 24 hours or more out of it. At 70ish to 80 percent, if nothing changes, you'll get roughly 6 days. Charge it when it is off completely, so there isn't an app running in the background at the same time as well if you can. Look in your settings and see what programs run all the time. If you can shut down a few, it greatly extends battery life and you'll get a few years out of the same phone. Unless you're really into the newest and greatest gadget, buy one of the cheaper and less fancy devices. It's the difference between 10 dollar installments vs. 40+ dollar installments. Turn your graphics down unless you are really into gaming. 4k and 120Hz is all gimmick advertising. You can't see in 4k and anything past 60Hz your brain can't track anyway. Run an experiment, look at 720i and 1080p. I bet most will only notice a marginal difference unless you're playing some type of fast paced game. Hope it helps.

Infinitelurker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds as if the storm may be worse than expected. Why else remind us of an oath? I gave an oath to God, Constitution and Country when I signed into the military, but never did I once take an oath getting out. It seems like a warning things will get worse before they get better, although I always knew my oath was for life. I'm curious about other anon's take on the 666 reference today. I can count the numbers and such, but is there an algorithmic or otherwise logical reason why the date or other happenings somehow significant? Q always struck me as steering away from 666 references and yet I'm reading comments tying it back to that number. I'm curious to hear from you all as to the reasons and I am interested in feedback as a logical, critical thinker, not as a blindly trusting drone.

Infinitelurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't seem to reset my password for my account so had to start a new one. The reset page comes up blank. Aside from that, I wanted to say thank you @purkiss80 for your efforts to bring high information posts with proper sources, I really appreciate your work. Keep it up, seems like things are finally starting to happen!

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