Isolated_Patriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

You mean the one that was being spammed incessantly by Chinese bots for months? Or a different coin that just made you look like one of the Chinese bots that had been spamming the site for months?

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a dream to see a few thousand police/firefighters standing on the front line against the DC mafia. Doubt that I will see it, but it would do wonders to restore faith in the non-corrupt officers of our nation.

Just imagine the psychological effect that would have on the bootlickers in DC, facing down not just "protestors" but other blues from around the country.

Unfortunately a dream I don't expect to happen.

Isolated_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like how some of these mind readers seem to think that Trump is so ignorant he doesn't know what 60%+ of the base are planning to do in DC, even as they are pulling into DC.

Because if he does know, and it's not what he wants, then he would have said something to stop it a week ago. A single tweet could have calmed everyone down, two words and everyone would leave their guns at home.

Now I agree that Trump very likely has a plan that does not involve actual violence, but it may very well involve thousands of armed supporters.

After all we have a very, very long track record of peaceful armed protests without a shot fired. We aren't pantifags. There is no reason for Trump to even be concerned about us bringing weapons if things are supposed to go off without a hitch.

Isolated_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

People are 100% ready to popoff if something does not happen on the 6th. They Have to release on or by the 6th. There is no more room to wait.

Isolated_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was doing so well too, maintaining my calm the last couple of days.

If people don't start getting arrested soon, they are going to start dying.

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +3 / -1

They just expanded the mod team and specifically called out COININTEL techniques. The site has definitely grown and they definitely needed more help, but the vetting process took time. It's also under siege at levels I don't think we or they have even seen before.

A few months ago shills were really obvious and easy to spot, but the brigading going on now is much more professional. You have to examine entire posting history now to spot some of them. And because they have been successful, and there are new users who've only arrived after the election, there are a lot of accounts that have merely been propagandized by the shills into thinking things like "pedos == Q-bs".

Isolated_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't doubt it, you can't astroturf without embedded accounts.

TD.win has to be the brightest internet target in the world right now. They've got control of everything else and just successfully killed voat. There's been dedicated campaigns against every person on Trump's side since the election. The same people bashing Lin now were lashing on Rudy and Sydney just a few weeks ago.

The mods have even directly called out the manipulation methods used and the majority of the users still haven't caught on.

Isolated_Patriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

Also, while this board saw a marked uptick in activity and dare I say quality following the demise of voat, it was quite the opposite on thedonald.

But really, the moment Lin Wood mentioned Epstien the board went into astroturfing overdrive.

Isolated_Patriot 25 points ago +25 / -0

The userbase of thedonald has doubled, and possibly tripled since Nov 4th. It's simply not the same people anymore. There is a hardcore campaign to discredit all pedo related information as "qanon nonsense" and it's working on the new users who've never seen a single podesta email before.

Older users who I recognize are starting to ask "when did we suddenly start doubting that the DS is full of pedos?" and newer users are being redpilled in the comment sections. Slowly.

So the statement TD has been infiltrated is very accurate, it's kind of a battle ground right now. But it's far from lost, and I would not say it's even the majority.

Isolated_Patriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Only because the $B dead baby parts industry will pay them to believe that.

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am pretty sure mote implies "made" as in "so I made it be."

from Old English mōtan (“to be allowed, be able to, have the opportunity to, be compelled to, may, must”)

The occult connotation is the "be compelled to" part.

It's very much a bastardization and blasphemous variation of "so be it," which implies it is and was always willed by God. The occult version is willed by the caster.

Isolated_Patriot 9 points ago +9 / -0

I would say TD is actually pretty heavily in the Lin Wood camp, there has just been a huge astroturfing campaign since he mentioned Epstein.

Sure there are people who somehow don't think pizzagate is a real thing, and are now freaking out about Lin posting about it, but I have a very hard time believing any of those accounts are more than a few months old.

TD does seem to have doubled or even tripled it's user base since Nov 4th. So there may be a lot of users who simple don't know about the Podesta emails, etc. But I still think it's mostly astroturfing.

It's true that very few people seem to be willing to buy anything he has said about Pence. And I fully understand that, because I find it hard to buy myself.

There has been a very successful campaign against Qanon that has turned from "believing that Q is actual inside info is crazy, it's just a larp" to now completely flipped "believing all of the massive amounts of evidence of a pedo blackmail cult is crazy Qtard stuff."

I'm not sure how it could have been so successful except to believe that most of the people saying it are brand new redpills and/or astroturfing. Because "pizzagate is real" was an uncontested majority opinion on TD just two-three months ago.

Isolated_Patriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

The only thing I know is that there was a theory floating around that Trump helped Rudy and the Feds to take down the mob in NY. It was supported by a document from the feds that an unnamed real estate mogul aided them as an informant.

If this group includes some of those Feds, and/or Rudy himself, then the connection seems plausible to me. More so now than it did back in 2016.

Isolated_Patriot 17 points ago +17 / -0

One of these guys creates an account, starts dropping cryptic hints, maybe doesn't even expect it to go anywhere or get any traction. Only, it does. Account gets bumped up the chain of command, becomes a direct line under control of one of the big wigs. The tone changes a little bit.

Primary purpose? Getting the followers to question things and getting the corruption out there for the world to see.

Secondary purpose? Pointing civilians in the right direction to help the actual white hats cover their own tracks.

Tertiary purpose? Disinformation once the DS starts paying attention. Lots of random trails not directly related to current operations.

I've been a proponent of the "Military recruited Trump" theory for a long time. Maybe it was this group. Hell they probably have active connection to the military anyway. A second deep state at war with the corrupt one has always had problems, but an ex-state working to entrap the DS...

That's not only possible i's downright plausible. I've really been questioning what all these retired patriots have been up to. 0bama didn't kill them off, there is no way they just quietly let the country fall to our enemies.

Isolated_Patriot 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is exactly the kind of network that would have had to exist for much of the last four years to happen the way it did.

It's always bugged me with the number of people 0bama fired, where did they go? They didn't just go home, sit down and shut up, did they?

Well, if there is any truth to this story it seems they did not.

And if this group had been monitoring two years worth of corruption, they would have needed to get someone in office they could trust to do something about it.

And maybe one of them had an idea to recruit civilians without risking Opsec.

I mean, I'm pretty far outside the bubble of Q stuff, only really watching this .win since it was first announced on thedonald, but this would fill a lot of gaps for me.

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of what is obvious is as you said the lighting, and the green screen. I can be 100% sure that background is not where she was sitting. That alone doesn't mean it's a deep fake, but if it WAS a deep fake, the lighting and bad masking make it harder to detect.

Layering other imperfections on top of a deep fake is a really good way to hide it. That's what VFX artists do when using it to make films. It doesn't matter if it 'looks fake' as long as it looks fake in all the ways people are used to watching.

Isolated_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

What' funny is how they seem to playing both sides of the isle on it. They aren't just going to claim that evidence against them is a deep fake, they are also priming people to accept their own deep fakes like the Biden jeep video. They will keep doing it with otherwise innocuous speeches because the immediate counter argument of "why would they fake that?" is actually valid. The only answer to why, is a much more difficult to explain "conspiracy."

What generally makes a deep fake truly obvious is the one thing that makes them work, close on head and facial shots. Once we get into faking low resolution security footage of people from a distance, or faking video meetings over web cameras (and 2020 has just provided a HUGE block of video data from all the web conferencing in business and politics) it's going to be much easier to hide them in plain sight.

Isolated_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Forgive my lack of edits, they never seem to propagate to the server for me.

Isolated_Patriot 8 points ago +9 / -1

It involves computer graphics design, I've followed the ins and outs of neural networking since it came on the scene. I've even set up and run some myself for image manipulation.

About a year ago I watched a video produced by an amateur VFX artist that looked kinda like crap (but he used it to look fake and holgramy on purpose) and it scared the hell out of me because it came from an amateur using open source tech. It was around this time the media first started hyping it up, like they were getting ready to frame someone. Frazzle? A few months later I discovered https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/

That website alone is terrifying. The amount of propaganda that is possible with that tech just for making stills, scary stuff.

I've been steadily watching the growth in professional use and hobbyist use ever since. The open sourced ones aren't as advanced as they could easily be with access to certain closed source servers and information. A neural network is really only as good as the amount, and quality of information put into it, and the amount of computation time given for the network to learn. That amateur video I watched used random youtube videos of popular stars. Not the best data source.

For example, AiDungeon is a google project creating a text adventure as you type. It responds to what you type. It's creepy/impressive/ridiculous and stupid all at the same time. But then you find out that the "source" information is Fan Fiction forums... So yea, it produces fan fiction level writing. Due to copywrite concerns it only uses such freely available information, if it was given access to only quality writing, there is no doubt it would perform infinitely better.

There is absolutely no reason the above video could not be made with today's deepfake tech, especially since it is a face on video looking directly into the camera with very little head movement. Given a dataset of widely available speeches from Joe Biden also looking directly into the camera with very little head on movement... It could easily be made.

As someone else pointed out recently, compare his apparent age in that video to post debate videos. He looks 2018 young.

Isolated_Patriot 8 points ago +9 / -1


In my professional opinion the entire video is a deep fake. Some of those smiles are obvious, but the mouth blur and uncanny movements are consistent through the whole video. His jaw does not move correctly, and the teeth keep changing shape.

This is the tech we've all been expecting, and biden may be dead.

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