:) oh I can’t wait until tomorrow. Maybe Biden will start crying again like he did today.
It was a cover. They weren’t vetting them for Biden...they were vetting them to deputize them as US Marshalls.
Already been done. They are under martial law in DC. They don’t have to announce it. The Pentagon sent active duty troops which can not be done unless the insurrection act or martial law is in affect.
It is going down. And the left knows it.
This Administration has imposed sanctions against Maduro and his regime, and I have recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, as the interim president of the country.
2nd paragraph...
Holy shit...you’re right. He has activated it. And we didn’t even know.
If nothing happens by the 20th, then this was all bullshit and we are only left with 1 other option. Plain and simple. And thinking otherwise really be detrimental.
I totally came here to say they are weekend warriors and could absolutely see OPSEC like the at getting out. You know they are actually talking among themselves about this shit.
I came here to say this. She is literally on trial for helping facilitate a massive sex trafficking operation to the “global elites.”
“Listeners shared bizarre conspiracies about global child sex trafficking.”
It’s not the shills I’m talking about. I found this site because of TDW. The negativity there lately got so annoying that I primarily switched. I just back and forth but it is doomer galore over there.
It is a scary path no matter what happens. All eyes are on America right now. Trump has spent his entire life preparing for this moment. He has videos from the 80’s and 90’s of what he would do if he was president and 30 years later, he did just those things. He is a planner and a billionaire. He ran because he knew all their secrets and he hated it. This is his time.
I still browse there. But the negativity got annoying. From people only talking about winning and refusing to give up, to being downvoted and tons of shit talking in any positive post.
Hahaha. Not quite. There is still one last option.
your comment is pretty entertaining and pretty ironic but alright.
I was not a Q follower at all...I have followed r/thedonald and the the .win site but always thought Q was insane. I’ve always believed in a plan since the election though but only because of everything trump set up. His EOs, and all the evidence presented...and him, guliani, powell, and most importantly for me General Flynn, have all promised and guaranteed 100% he would win.
I do not believe these people would put their careers on the line unless they knew. There is a plan...now it just needs to be executed.
This was in 2017 and the validity of it is questionable at best unfortunately.
Governments dropping like flies, Trump appointing people like Chris Miller AFTER the election. Chris miller then makes all special forces units answer directly to him and now appoints the NSA top lawyer for them. One of the executive orders even gave an exact breakdown of who replaces who in case of an emergency.
Haven't seen anything happen? Have you not seen the 25,000 troops in DC? The 2,000 that were just deputized by the US Marshalls? The Executive Orders that have been put into place? Come on man!! This shit is going down!! And if it doesn't, well then...fuck it....war. lol!
Drugs are a hell of a thing...
The irony is astounding considering you guys have bitched and moaned for 4 years about "NOT MY PRESIDENT!" and spent 41 million tax payer dollars on a bullshit investigation, only for us to find out that it was actually the democrats that worked with a foreign entity.
I am very familiar with at TDY. A temporary duty station does not does not give military the ability to be an authority figure over US civilians. Sending active duty military to stand guard in a civilian setting is not a TDY.
Well, it is completely different things. A transition OF military power implies they are transitioning to a new commander and chief. A transition TO military power implies the military is taking over.
Is is extremely ironic that you are saying "the elections were over months ago" when for the past 4 years, all we have heard is "not my president."
As for the declassification, they declassified the FISA warrant investigation AKA Obamagate. You should look into it because it completely disproves exactly what you just said about everything being a hoax. Plane and simple, they hired a foreign entity to gather false information from a foreign country and then released the information to the media to count it as corroboration. Then, they took that fake information to gain a FISA warrant to illegally spy on a political opponent.
Ridiculous pedophilia allegations....have you seen what is going on in Hollywood? And yes, we know the republicans are in on it. We don't justify the Republicans either! They all need to go! But to continue with this, there are tons and tons of pictures of Biden sniffing, touching, and pinching little girls. And now there are pictures of his son that have been leaked of him passed out with drugs and having sex with minors.
Just because the media refuses to tell you these things and you immediately believe them when they say "deboonkeeeddd" doesn't mean they have actually been "debunked." And that is the major issue. It is on BOTH sides, not just one. Just because one party does it does not justify the other.
Yeah this is not true at all. You do not have to be sworn in to be convicted of treason. Working with a foreign entity to even ATTEMPT to rig an election is treason. To say they have to actually be sworn in beforehand is just crazy.
People always ask me constantly as well...considering I have a few thousand on the line for this in bets...I happily oblige lol.
Nah. Not a lefty at all. I just don't judge people by the color of their skin, but by their actions.
The EO does reaffirm it. This is a very strange EO to do on the way out is my point. And yes, he did do it before, that is definitely my fault. But if I wasn’t aware of this info, then I’m sure a lot of others weren’t as well.