I keep saying amen and awoman as a bad joke when I pray. Hope god enjoys the sense of humor...
Unfortunately unlike things pick up, this has had the opposite effect for me. God doesn’t always win...or kids wouldn’t be getting raped by the thousands.
Most normies don't know, don't care. I actually had someone genuinely respond "what rally in DC?" when talking about taking a half day off the day before. These people will only care about something if it infringes on their comfort zone.
Ignorance is bliss. I am not exactly experiencing bliss as of recently.
It’s definitely fishy, not doubting that. But if real, they sure didn’t give a crap.
They still operate with no restrictions on SM...?
I heard Zuck is building his own pedo island in Hawaii despite the protestations of the locals.
Yes! It’s another proof. Absolutely nuts. ?
That would be Abraham Lincoln...
Pray for us and we will pray that everyone gets to live like Americans without leaving their own homes. I believe it can be done.
Nah it’s normal for these psychopathic soulless shells of human DNA
I don’t really trust Bannon
Good to know we have some outside support.
Him and Zuck...
Jack likely did the thing with the kid and the gun
Everything does feel pretty unreal right about now
Pray for the kids these sickos hurt. That’s what scares me the most...that their nasty habits will be allowed to continue. Please, God, don’t allow this to happen!
It’s a reference to that stupid song someone mixed out of Alex Jones Rants...AJ would probably eat his neighbor. Personally I live next to an AirBNB Which is empty.
Thank you! I’m a bit distracted today.
I don’t even want to know those people anymore. I have fmr friends in @ntif@ and they’re just losers.
Just looks like a snake
The fly landing on him just like Obama should have told us what we needed to know ?
According to my husband the insurrection act requires the president to tell the people to disperse...
Marijuana and Mushrooms for me. I am not a “druggie” or an addict. Never touch meth, opiates, etc. I use drugs as a tool, not as an escape. I came to the realization of a lot of Q through meditation and critical thinking before I had ever even heard of it, that’s why I lean towards it being real.
Well, okay, sometimes pot is an escape but I should mention I rarely if ever drink (holidays), so I feel it balances out to normal.
Accurate but I am not full Jew so who knows. We shouldn’t be split into factions...the game doesn’t need to be zero sum if we work together.
I think we are going to find out that most if not all our pop culture heroes were plants. I literally do not trust a thing anymore. The struggle for happiness is real, and I definitely understand it because I definitely grew up “goth” in the 90s early 00’s. Now I look back and think about how happy I could have been doing art instead of binge watching Simpsons...my mom was right it was all satanic ????
Always have been ?