JackOfDiamonds -10 points ago +1 / -11

Remember when the media was going around desperately trying to find every single instance of a person younger than 70 that wasn't obese dying from COVID so they could hype the hell out of the story and imply that it is representative? Yeah, let's be better than that. People die every day. When 100M+ people have gotten a vaccine dose, a few of them are statistically going to die shortly after. You aren't clever with this.

JackOfDiamonds -1 points ago +2 / -3

What's really funny and appropriate is that q looks just like 9 and in Japanese 9 is pronounced "kyuu." There is definitely an opportunity for a play on words here.

JackOfDiamonds -3 points ago +1 / -4

What good does it do? I don't think I ever saw one of his TV ads last year. It's like we sent money into a vaccum and he barely campaigned.

JackOfDiamonds 0 points ago +3 / -3

If local news would have spent the last year reporting on anything other than the fake fucking pandemic all day, every day, I would have watched more of it. Literally 30 minutes of "Here's how many people in our city died from COVID-19 yesterday, and here's a segment with a nurse reminding us how bad COVID-19 is, and here's an interview with an expert telling you what you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and here's..."

FUCK OFF. I am entitled to turn this shit off and read and go hiking and not think about this bullshit.

JackOfDiamonds 1 point ago +4 / -3

He's almost certainly counting a DDOS attack as "clicks" with this absurd of a traffic number.

JackOfDiamonds 0 points ago +3 / -3

There's no fucking way 2 billion people are trying to sign up. This is a typo, or he's interpreting a DDOS attack as actual unique visitors.

JackOfDiamonds 0 points ago +2 / -2

The chimps literally do not care. They are going to throw a shit fit every single time a jogger gets put down by a cop. Literally doesn't even matter at this point if he was in the active process of committing a mass shooting. Cop kills a jogger? That's a riot. 200 riots per year. Book it.

JackOfDiamonds 0 points ago +3 / -3

Virologically it's actually closer to a weird, slightly more severe version of the common cold. Rhinovirus is a coronavirus.

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