JackieDaytona74 26 points ago +26 / -0

This came up in a large thread on Twatter a few months back.

I mentioned that anyone who has had a basic high school chemistry course knows that it's typically not a great idea to put anything from the halogen group into your body (with the exception of iodine) given their affinity for stealing electrons.

The number of normies who positively freaked out over this was too many to count. No data of course. Everything was from the perspective of "If this were true, it would mean that our government has literally been knowingly poisoning us for decades".

And as we all know, that's been true on multiple fronts. But it's an example of the challenges we face on multiple subjects (pedophilia used as blackmail across the western world, C19 "vaccines", 9/11, etc etc). A lot of people can't accept the truth because that world is just too scary for them.

It's a major hurdle for us.

As an aside, I've always suspected that the main reason the U.S. puts fluoride in municipal water is primarily for one particular side effect of that chemical on humans: docility.

JackieDaytona74 7 points ago +11 / -4

You're not wrong on the conditioning. Separating what one truly knows from what they've been told is critically important. The Buddhists call it "beginner's mind".

Now that being said, anyone willing to spend $500 in parts from radio shack can figure out that the earth is round. The FE nonsense is absolutely a psyop to dirty up the "conspiracy theory" crowd to the normies.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +6 / -3

I don't see the predictive programming here that others are seeing. PCR tests have been around for many, many years and it's a perfectly valid method of testing.

The problem with PCR testing during the Corona Virus was the cycles that were being used were intentionally far too high and there was intentionally no standard for cycles established. As a consequence, there were millions of false positives for C19 (as desired).

To use a metaphor, this sort of like using a thermometer to test your dinner to see if it's done, and the government uses a baseline of 60 degrees Fahrenheit for "done". You get a bunch of undercooked food that's not actually ready for consumption, but it doesn't mean that thermometers suck or are evil. Just means that the government misused them in order to give you food poisoning.

EDIT: And no, I never watched this show. Always looked incredibly stupid from the commercials.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there's a pretty firm distinction though between using AI and becoming a literal cyborg. I'm with you on finding the Neuralink chip to be repellant, but real AI (not the crippled, biased AI we got with ChatGPT) could have an immensely positive impact on the entire planet.

Imagine having a real, trainable AI in the hands of regular people. Now imagine your average normie who has fallen prey to all the psyops over the past several decades. They start talking to that real desktop AI about a subject like 9/11. And now suddenly that AI is showing them all of the technical and logistical elements of where the government's story falls apart. That person suddenly woke up because of it.

And that type of scenario is exactly why I suspect we're not ever going to see an unadulterated AI in the hands of the people while the Cabal is in charge.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

It genuinely bums me out sometimes. A lot of us are here because it's one of the only places where we can talk freely and find likeminded people and that can be very comforting. But go just a bit too far outside the narrow lines around here on some of the more esoteric Q drops and you're criticized to hell and back at worse, or completely ignored at best.

Heck, a silly meme will get more eyeballs than real news. I checked your posting history after reading your comment and you're posting important stuff, KKJ. For what it's worth, I'll definitely be reading your posts in the future.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand where you're coming from and I've used it for a few code projects as well. But its a shadow of what we could and should have.

There's the Leftist worldview and clear restrictions around many subjects. These alone are enormous. But other limitations like bare-bones contextual understanding, no capacity for understanding emotion and an inability to handle parallel tasks are all critical limitations that sadly were solved years ago.

Under normal circumstances, we'd see the technology incrementally improved and refined. But what we got with ChatGPT portends that as long as the status quo exists, we're never going to have true desktop AI because that could lead to an intellectual renaissance. This does not surprise me, but I had hoped that early iterations of open source AI might sneak through unscathed, but those hopes were foolish.

My post was not to say that Chat GPT is worthless. It certainly isn't. But it could have been a true game-changer in terms of the trajectory of the human race.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

About GD time. However, I'm loathe to assign any praise to the new Speaker as I strongly suspect the release of the J6 tapes was a requirement on the part of the Gaetz group who started the original motion to vacate on McCarthy.

I appreciate Speaker Johnson's verbal support of the real President, but when his very first move is to send more money to Israel when our country is falling apart at the seams, it's going to take a lot more than this for me to believe his balls belong to him.

I'm also very concerned about this: Johnson said that roughly 5% of the footage would likely be held back due to "sensitive security information related to the building architecture,"

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not going to draw conclusions from this news as I have no reason to believe that the ChatGPT engineers are honorable people, only that they're foolish enough not to be interested in money.

True personal AI would be groundbreaking for the average human being. Both in terms of problem solving and breaking through decades old government psyops.

All we got from ChatGPT is a primitive, facsimile of an AI with a Leftist worldview.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +2 / -1

Could you explain why this is more believable than the pentagon and mil-intel officials who have testified in front of congress? Those people have well-documented, unimpeachable backgrounds.

Would be very curious to hear you elaborate on your first sentence.

JackieDaytona74 12 points ago +12 / -0

The secrets keep themselves. Look at the comments here. Mostly dismissal or tangential responses. I posted something earlier this week that gave enormous insight about the people we're fighting against (the ones that control the tech mentioned above) and the responses largely fell into three categories:

-Bible verses -"This is B.S." -Aliens are all demons

Someone posts a funny meme though, and it'll get 5 times the eyeballs that this post will get.

Q made several drops that tried to lead people towards expanding their minds. He/they tried to lead people multiple times to expand their thinking. Doesn't seem to have worked though.

And there's at least a few people on GAW that have at a bare minimum, bumped up against the world alluded to in the video above. But those people are largely ignored when we try to give a nudge to the community. There's more interest in getting outraged about a new drag queen story hour than understanding our place in the world.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow is it depressing to see the response to this thread. I guess I'm better off posting meaningless memes rather than one of the most important glimpses into the enemy we're fighting in the history of GAW.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think think you were listening too closely as they go into detail the gear and P3 personnel associated with the squad that attacked the JSOC special forces team.

The tech is not the point. The entire point is the people controlling the tech.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

"why is the government allowing, pushing, in fact, people to talk about what they saw."

Try to answer that question through the lens of the Q drops. The Federal Government, and more specifically here, the Pentagon is not a monolith.

Some want or are forced to advocate for continued secrecy. Others advocate for the truth.

Ask yourself why some are advocating for truth and providing cover for whistleblowers, especially in the context of this video/interview which is more about the shadow government than alien tech.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +3 / -1

Okay, I respect that. But if this is the worldview you adhere to, you have to support it with something.

What I am positing here with these videos and my posts in this thread is something I have seen direct evidence for. Nothing here is at odds with God, Jesus or his return.

I believe that God gave us the gift of free will and we can choose to use that sacred gift for good or for evil. Many choose the latter. Most of us hear have chosen the former. We can do far more good if we understand who and what is doing evil in the world.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +2 / -1

A couple items here:

-Most of this tech is locked up in extra-governmental organizations. While Western governments know far more about this subject than your average citizen and do have some recovered tech, elected officials and bureaucrats are mostly locked out of the major advances and successful reverse-engineering projects. Those are the purview of the breakaway civilization or if you will, the shadow government of this planet.

-While the presence of non-terrestrial intelligence and high-tech craft is fascinating, my main focus here for posting this interview is the "breakaway civilization" that has grown from the control and partial mastery of this technology.

It's critically important for people to understand that this group is who we are in conflict with. This is who the Q team and DJT are ultimately fighting against.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +3 / -1

Folks, for those who haven't watched the videos/interviews: This interview goes far beyond UFO retrievals. This is about a very real "breakaway civilization" that researcher Richard Dolan once hypothesized.

This "breakaway civilization" has existed for decades. These people are dangerous and they do not view you and I as peers. We are "the other". These people hold enormous power and have stark technological advantages over the world's governments.

This interview gives you a peek at the structure of that breakaway civilization. Yes, the key was their acquisition of advanced, non-terrestrial technology, but it's critically important to understand who and what these people are, how they view you and I and the power disparity between them and traditional governments.

This interview pulls back the curtain just a bit on the reality that Q said "would "put 99% of people in the hospital".

Reality is classified. However, I have several reasons to believe that ex-mil/ex-mil intel people like Mike Herrera & David Grusch are just the beginning and that there is no stopping this secret from coming out. I increasingly believe that THIS is what Q is referring to with NCSWIC because this disclosure isn't just about the reality of non-terrestrial intelligent life being here on planet earth, it's about exposing the secret power structure that is controlling us.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +4 / -2

I have brushed up against the world described in these two interviews:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTu8UZuDugc Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GG-qZNU9Yk

I will not comment any further beyond that in terms of my personal experience. But I would strongly urge the GAW community to listen closely to both parts of this interview and extrapolate from the information that is shared on the magnitude of the battle The Patriots & DJT are fighting.

I cannot think of anything that better alludes to the real stakes of this conflict and the true nature of our enemy than this interview. And it is only the cliched tip of the iceberg.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Walgreens close to my home is still pushing the Covid vax over their store PA system and the pre-recorded message when you call the store or pharmacy. Absolutely enraging.

Pulled my two prescriptions out of there today. The pharmacist and dead-eyed "pharmacy technician" didn't care in the slightest when I asked for the scrips to be transferred to a competitor, nor did they express any care when I explained why.

As an aside, I can't say if this is the case everywhere, but they're still not aspirating the Jab when they poison someone at my local Walgreens.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whatever point that is, we're long past it.

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