I really don't think this is about an actual technology at all. Look at the most common "nuclear" weapons and energy sources. Most of them are based nuclear Fission, or spliting atoms in simple terms. The energy source referred to here is based on FUSION reactions, or unification of atoms. If Symbols is right, and "nuclear" weapons are used for comms to refer to blackmail material that would spark violent public outrage, then could this be looked at from a somewhat opposite direction?
Are we 100% certain that Page wasn't a male all along?
Anyone who finds this story interesting should read this thread, including comments: https://greatawakening.win/p/15K6qL39Jx/first-attempt-at-pelosi-hammer-d/
This is a really big story.
"From this angle, the event reads as the following message: we (cabal) are experiencing major interference to out election ops, that leaves us crippled without centralised control of operations, but narrowly will succeed."
This is EXACTLY my sense of the messaging right now as well. To further support your interpretation, a NASCAR race this weekend apparently had a ridiculous finish, where Ross Chastain went full speed into the final turns, literally running his car into the wall, skidding along the radius of the wall to pass a couple cars and finish high enough to continue his pursuit of a championship. He didn't win the race, but had he not made the ridiculous move, he would have finished too far back, and would have been eliminated from championship contention. Says he got the idea from an old video game! LOL! Bonus points for him from me, because his car says "MOOSE" across the hood, with "Be A MOOSE.ORG" along the side. Pretty clear messaging. Anyhow, I immediately took the story to be instructions from the cabal to do whatever it takes to win in the upcoming elections, even be willing to "drive the car into the wall."
Also, back to the Pelosi story, I found it interesting that some versions of the story involve TWO hammers. Redundant systems? Each side has managed to control one system? Twitter vs Facebook? Mr_A pointed out that Pelosi was "still in the hospital" so they were not sure they'd won. There was at least one story briefly posted that said Pelosi had died, although that may have just been a media signal to let that specific story "die." I can't wait to see where this goes, because considering that Bolsonaro is very often called the "Brazilian Trump," this Brazil election is clearly a dry run for both our midterm and the 2024 election. What happens if they cheat like they did in 2020 and the voices of the folks at Twitter who dig into it are algo promoted instead of banned?
On sort of a side note, I have always felt that Fetterman in the PA senate race was a poison pill for the Cabal. I mean it's right there in his name; Fetter - to shackle or confine; to restrain from motion or progress. VERY likely Dr. Oz was contolled Op anyway. Symbols continues to say that Biden is a Trump puppet, there was a story last week about Fetterman "flying on a plane" with Biden to a rally, etc. I guess what I am saying is, don't panic when absurd Dem candidates win a lot of races where they are trailing in the polls next week. Instead, be ready to go out and beat the drum to expose the cheating. This time our voices might be amplified instead of censored. The real goal isn't really to win elections anyway, its to move toward a critical mass of public awareness, right?
I very much enjoyed this post. The tool analogy works so well to illustrate the variety of skills and talents individuals possess. Thank you for writing this, I am surprised it has not gotten more comments.
This is one of your best posts ever. Such a tough concept, and potentially incredibly difficult navigate due to emotions. Beautiful explaination!
Blood Clot = collection of members from the Elite Blood lines? They gave her a beating that left her with a concussion so bad she had double vision? Or are the glasses reply comms from her that she knows she screwed up, but can now "see clearly?"
De-Vine maybe could be taken to mean "separated from the vine?" (Sorta like depower, etc.) DeWine has been a RINO in the past, but now he is perhaps cut off from whatever support he used to have?
Always interesting, I appreciate your perspective on stuff. I do not doubt you are correct in their intent, but I have a hard time seeing a gender war gain too much traction. Basic biology (Hormones) are really difficult to overcome. That said, I think about how much the basic family structure has changed over the last 50-60 years and that supports your conclusion. These people think really long term.
On the subject of the power grid, EU vs Russia over natural gas has been big news, and I think I have a handle on what they are talking about when they reference coal vs nuclear vs hydroelectric, etc. I try to pay attention to stories about the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant in Ukraine, or Chernobyl, but I never seem to be able to completely understand the resolution. (those two in particular, sounds like they are shut down, IE no longer producing "Nuclear waste," but they are "contained" so I read that as no DECLAS coming?)
The next big story that appears to be brewing here in the US seems to be a potential Rail strike. Coal fired power plants get the coal delivered by rail, so it will have a big power grid impact. So I should read this as the network that handles the exchange of dirty info that keeps our "power structure" intact is going to go "on strike" and cease functioning?
Personally, I think you should have that conversation right here, because there are sure to be some others (like myself) that would likely find the subject matter interesting.
Also, not to derail your thread, but in addition to your "Climate Change" observation, I think there is also hidden meaning in another liberal hotbutton issue, "Women's Health" and "Reproductive rights" and even "Roe vs Wade." (Row vs Wade?) This ties into the Transgender crap also. I believe the Cabal's use of "women" refers to any Cabal member capable of autonomous action. The Managers, squad leaders, whatever. The ones that are capable of "giving birth" to activities that benefit the Cabal. "Transgenders" are folks that are moving into or out of managing Cabal activities. Thoughts?
The outfit 100% means something, as does the bruise. Put them together and she is a school girl who got her hand slapped (maybe with a "ruler") as a punishment? edit Symbols on GAB made a great case that the Terri Schiavo feeding tube saga was actually comms for the debate over foreign aid paid to Israel. The Ferguson lady in the story suggests the bruise is possibly from removal of a "drip." As LoneWulf points out she is wearing Balmoral plaid, which according to the link he gave, is "quite possibly the most restricted of all tartans." The photo also shows her reaching out to Liz Truss. Put it all together, it seems the Queen lost some support (money, authority, something else?), but maintains some level of power, as evidenced by her wearing the highly restricted plaid pattern. I don't know anything about Liz Truss (great name, hah) but whoever/whatever she represents is who the Queen is reaching out to next.
The key is to point out Corporatism where it exists (our present day economy) and harp on the fact that Capitalism is simply as system to maximize a societies efficiency, by allowing every individual to focus on what they are good at (entrepreneurialism?) and then allowing said individuals to swap what they are good at creating for what they require to feed their families. Capitalism is why everyone does not own milk cows and a hen house. Capitalism is not inherently evil or selfish. We are all in agreement on concepts it seems, but for me, it would be simpler to salvage "capitalism" while clearly marking where capitalism stops and corporatism starts, and rightfully condemning corporatism.