Since when does Jack fucking Dorsey tell the president what to do?
If I were POTUS I would say and do nothing.
Yo Jack! You or your aids read this shit? Your days as a tech power player are fucking numbered you feckless shit fuck.
Read that. Going to delete this post if it lets me. I don’t like spreading false info. Thank you anon.
So now we look for secret service then CASTLE_ROCK.
I_HOPE_SO From 4 Jun 2020 Wish they included that in the graphic
FAFFF Fake as fuck false flag
Ya I’m showing “this tweet is no longer available” on the last 2. On your logged in version you might be seeing a cached copy.
Either way, fuckery is afoot.
Depends where in the neck. If it was the carotid you are correct. Since there wasn’t “that much” blood, she might be lucky and survive.
But the injury does not look fake to me. Not everything is a ruse to fool us. Horrible shit does really happen. I pray she is lucky and survives to sue the ignorant fuck that shot her, obviously not posing a threat to life and limb to deserve this use of force.
The shot heard round the world?
I have downloaded both. Contact me if they take it down, I’ll repost it somewhere.
This is a good case study of why the .win sites should have a down vote. No offense to the OP- it’s not personal you saw it and believed it and were wrong. No big deal. We’ve all can do that sometimes.
But the down vote serves as a way to filter out the fake news and shills. Not saying you are one OP. I’ve made errant posts before on voat and got down voated quickly. It made me reconsider and delete my post before I got more negatives.
Not IMO. It was a great opportunity to put us in a bad light and make all of us look like crazy idiots. That’s worth a day of delay for them in my book. Plus they are useful idiots- they didn’t have inside information that the delay was going to happen.
As for this idiot commenter, I’m still on idiot book. You should see the virtue signaling faux aghast posts out there about what crazies Trump supporters are. It was a good move for them from their perspective.
Nice digs anon
I have none. Where did I say I had proof?
Fresh unwashed Q Trust the plan shirt like he bought it yesterday. Stupid grin like he was glad for the photo opp. Is that a Pepe hat on the other guy?
Looks too manufactured to look like a “Q crazy” if you ask me.
DW has since taken down this article last I checked.
I think we are better off just making odds and placing “bets” because none of us really know. So far I’m at:
2 to 1: nothing unusual happens today and we’re left frustrated and angry again
3 to 1: something big happens today but have to wait to see if anything comes from it
5 to 1: something really big happens today and none of us predicted it AT ALL
10 to 1: Pence is a traitor
I’ve always preferred sensible long shots, my money is on the 5 to 1.
And to kick things off at the top of the list is this:
Joseph Rosati (named in MOAB #1 tonight) is now dead as of Jan. 6, 2021
needs confirmation. ICYMY, Rosati is this: (CM later confirms he typo'd the last name, should be Rosati, not Risoti.
Also its the only poster without "2020"
Don’t listen to the haters here anon. Good spelling and grammar are important. This is the space where we formulate our thoughts into words. These words become what we use to make memes, send texts to friends, post on other social media. So it is important we make sure the words are correct before we broadcast them to the rest of the world.
To anyone that takes offense to grammar and spell checking, you really should not take it as a personal attack. It is akin to walking around with your fly open and a friend simply telling you of the mishap in order to be a good friend and help you, and in turn help us.
The video is 2:10 long. (On twitter version it says 2:10 until you play it, they add a second).
Anyway 2 10, think mirror 10 2, think Mickey.
Also posted at 8:32 (eastern).
A demonstration was made today in front of the WH.
It showed they can control ‘innocents’.
It was a direct THREAT.
This is not a game.
The MSM is creating emotional conflict.
This destabilizes certain minds to become suspectable to outside control.
What you SEE is 2%.
The WAR is REAL.
These people are SICK.
Watch the news this week.
Didn’t know that. Thanks anon.
I can look the other way at a typo or 2, but its as though this write had the spell checker on but kept using the wrong words, lol:
- the Decelerations of War
- Our Four Fathers
- the Bill of Wrights
- 2 years to wright
- We got our buts kicked
I gave up after that. To those that think this is "snobby", it is not. Your words matter and repeatedly using the wrong ones makes the speaker look uncredible. And that is a kind assessment.
Came out last year. Good info though. Every press conference/phone recording available here.
Catching a lot of flak here, mainly from people who do not understand what I am saying. Let me try to clarify:
"WE" does not mean "YOU" necessarily. "WE" means the collective "WE. all of America". I am not saying "YOU" deserve to fall under communist rule. I am saying that our country does IF: a) WE DO NOT FIGHT and b) Trump did NOT have a plan. It would mean we did not start this battle early enough. It would mean we mean we did not convince enough people about the horrors of communism It would mean we did not catch and stop them infiltrating our education system, legal system, media, entertainment and sports early enough.
Please stop taking things personal. I do not think anyone here on GA "deserves" to fall under communist rule. But I have to believe Trump had a plan to catch these evil communists - because any leader that did not have a plan for this is simply not deserving of winning a 2nd term. Which in turn would mean we voted for the wrong guy in 2016.
Now, I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT, and I will gladly sacrifice my life on the alter of freedom to prevent communists from ruining our lives. I have been outspoken on these matters for over 20 years. Have you? What I am saying in my OP is that the only alternative to a plan in place is that we will fall under communist rule and have to shoot our way out of it.
Do you not see the point of the post was demonstrate the necessity and accuracy of our beliefs by looking at its opposite? It is merely a thought exercise, not an indictment of anyone personally.
Get it? Please stop with that hating. I am solidly on the side of freedom for my entire adult life and I do not intend to stop fighting for it until the day I die.
If he said anything different he would be impeached quickly. His hand is forced. Give him a break. He’s just playing the hand he was dealt. If another card is revealed, then the next move might be different.