How is bitcoin not the only solution to this? Seriously how else could we solve this, gold has been confiscated and even then, what am i going to do endanger myself with a backpack full of fucking gold like a video game target?
Is this from today???
Cultivate your relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. That’s the last one. Nothing else matters. Realize this is the Fallen Earth, the rabbit hole is infinite and will destroy all. Do not let the void stare back at you.
We see through a glass, dimly. Don’t put too much weight on anything other than Christ and Pray for our nation, and the world.
BRO! IS HE Q? How long has he known Trump!
Bingo. As it heats up it will become more and more like Tom and Jerry playing with radios
Not everything is comms. Trump was paining the drug kingpins as evil describing how he went to take risks to lower prescription drug prices.
After 2017 I don’t know how u can be a Trump supporter without loving Q.
I’ll be honest with you all here it’s almost become cliche here in my red state literally all of the Facebook boomers use Q talking points and some of them are like fully plugged into the movement.
Then there’s the Christian crowd we are also plugged into Q via the prophesy leaders.
Plus the #SaveourChildren crowd are like a Q adjacent because they are previously plugged into largely Christian Support organizations for victims etc.
We’re going to win so big, many will not be able to comprehend it and will use it as an excuse for more burning looting and murdering.
The stage is set.
Yes once we get this baby cooking we will soar to new heights.
Wait so your telling me the link between all of the false flag coordination is Save Our Children vs Save The Children?
I feel like the movement in general will always be bigger than us, by nature. There’s simply going to be more normies who don’t need all the details, when someone they trust just says jay pizzagate is real my church is doing a march against these people etc.
We don’t “own” exposing child trafficking keep that in mind. Stay vigilant. Trust but verify. They are literally playing into our hand if this does go the best way it could, God willing.
Dude what did I just was I couldn’t get past the 9/11 spot these people want hell
Cloaked left facing ghoul
Bro holy shit ahahah VIBES
Having been here since the beginning, this is insane Ahahaha what a timeline
how is printing liquid not devalueing all liquid assets and raising marketplace assets? The people who set this up and do this have 100% of their wealth in assets in marketplace. Do you have any cash? How much will never go to 30+y/y 7% assets? If real yield after inflation is -10% even a 7-10% Stock year is only holding its value and any cash is now -10% against market assets because of the additional liquidity.