There are only Patriots and Traitors. Better choose a side. If your in the middle you will be considered a Traitor.
That's good. You have a skill you may need soon. How about hunting and trapping? Gardens etc.
Does anybody really think we have any rights under the Corporation? Nuremberg shmiremberg. It's called do as your told or no food for you. Wake up.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
The horses are getting thirsty now after the scare.
In my area it is the Moderna and Pfizer shots. I just tell my family and friends to wait and see as more information comes out.
I wanted to share it in case sombody wants to save it and use it.
It is scarry hunnyb. My mother in law goes for her 2nd dose April 7th.
Hell she went to her doctor that same day and he said...NO its not the vaccine. Wtf was it then. She is 45 and healthy as a horse...or whatever animal.
Hmm. I use duck and now it shut down the app. Idk.
They are the typical Mexican immigrants. Hard working and want to asymiliate into America. Good kids and yes they fell in the Dem trap.
Death by vent. I heard they have the pressure set too high on those and it's blowing out the lungs.
Lol. Just didn't want to use the correct spelling. You figured it out.
Her husband is on heart medication and gave her a pill. Probably saved her bacon.
That's OK Guiliani says he has back-up thumb drives.
More of our taxes to bail out the DS. Scuttle it and cut it up after the kids are saved.
Upside down. 66+96 1296 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/29/2018 11:17:29 ID:09b0d5 Archive Bread/Post Links: 1233188 / 1233553 Direct Link: 1233553
1233458 Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING. You are all Patriots. The hard part is coming to an end. The next phase will bring JUSTICE. Q+
Yea. On my phone I just see replys and not the whole string. Sorry friend.
Your post had the intials S.C. in it. What does it stand for. South Carolina? I see your an Iowaian so can't be that.
What does Bare Arms mean then? Open Carry. Hunting is open carry so No more hunting? Arms are not limited to hand guns or rifles either.
Portland is lost...Not Oregon. Antagonist stay in the areas where they are protected. Pdx/Salem. Notice they do not venture into the Red areas of Oregon. Too many bikers and Vets and Patriots in the other counties. Vote by mail scam since the late 80s has made it the way it is.