Now that we know Model, Surface Structure, and Deep Structure, we are going to go through the first example of ways that clients (the people we wish to help) impoverish their own model of the world via observing the surface structure.

Deletion Removal of nouns that are attached to the verb presented by the client.

Client: I am hungry. (Hungry is missing a noun connection) You: What are you hungry for?

Class 1 Deletion These are deletions associated to comparatives and superlatives.

Comparative: -er adjectives In this Deletion, one of the nouns being compared isn't being expressed by the client.

Ex: I think I'm better when it comes to math. (Who they are better than is missing) You: You think you are better than (who) at math?

Superlative: -est adjectives In this Deletion, one of the nouns being compared to isn't being expressed by the client.

Ex: I think I'm best when it comes to math. (Who they are better than is missing) You: (Who) do you think you are best in comparison to at math?

Class 2 Deletion These like the former class, except they are centered around -ly adjectives. (The missing material again is the noun to which the adjective is associated to.)

Client: obviously, my job is finished. You: (To whom) is it obvious that you have completed your job?

Class 3 Deletion In this class, we are to be observant of 2 different types.

Modal Operators of Necessity:

The parehthesis express the response question format for such deletions.

Ex: must, need,

Client: I must complete this paper by tonight. You: (What would happen if you didn't) complete it by tonight?

Modal Operators of Possibility:

Ex: can, can't, will, won't, do, don't

Client: I can't understand why Caleb won't talk to me. You: (What prevents you) from understanding why Caleb won't talk to you?

Job 25 (Lets observe how this applies in scripture)

Bildad chimes in after job has given another monologue and in verse 2 says:

"Dominion and fear are with him, he maketh peace in his high places."

(Where) are his places?

-Where is the noun attached to in.

Where are his high places?

I believe this method is no more than expanding our language interpretation to be better stewards of God's Word; which is written in our language.

It also paints a new picture in the Holy Ghost on just how cruel Job's friends truly were to him in his hours of suffering. Lots of generalizing and presuppositions (which will be learned later) on just how passive aggressive his friends were being. They were insulting and condemning him as a wicked man covertly via leaving out their own deep structure opinions of him and God with unspecified nouns via Deletion and generalization and distortion.

As we read I challenge us all in the Holy Spirit to consider what kind of friends we are to our own kin.

May God bless us all with the Holy Ghost unto understanding His Word better than we did yesterday. In Jesus name amen.

Here's a link to the original post if you need access to the vocabulary or the previous posts.



I will be adding to this list as i go through the NLP series the Structure of Magic so that all reading can return to this page for personal study as I go through the book in other posts which will have the hyperlink to this post. At the bottom I will link this post to my testimony post where everyone can access each section of the book that has been gone over on .win and prayer garden.

Model The limited scope by which a person views the world around them.

Surface Structure The literal surface of a person's speech which has a limited scope of that persons deep structure.

I.e "I'm scared." The nouns attatched to the verb as well as the reason for the fear of the missing noun is also missing.

Deep Structure The full representation of a person's model with the missing parts of that model manifested. (The missing parts are in parehthesis). The missing parts are what we are trying to summon out of the person we are trying to help.

Ex: i am scared (of you because you remind me of my father and he made me feel feelings of fear because he molested me when i was a child. )


Removal of nouns that are attached to the verb presented by the client.

Client: I am hungry. (Hungry is missing a noun connection) You: What are you hungry for?

Class 1 Deletion These are deletions associated to comparatives and superlatives.

Comparative: -er adjectives In this Deletion, one of the nouns being compared isn't being expressed by the client.

Ex: I think I'm better when it comes to math. (Who they are better than is missing) You: You think you are better than (who) at math?

Superlative: -est adjectives In this Deletion, one of the nouns being compared to isn't being expressed by the client.

Ex: I think I'm best when it comes to math. (Who they are better than is missing) You: (Who) do you think you are best in comparison to at math?

Class 2 Deletion These like the former class, except they are centered around -ly adjectives. (The missing material again is the noun to which the adjective is associated to.)

Client: obviously, my job is finished. You: (To whom) is it obvious that you have completed your job?

Class 3 Deletion In this class, we are to be observant of 2 different types.

Modal Operators of Necessity:

The parehthesis express the response question format for such deletions.

Ex: must, need,

Client: I must complete this paper by tonight. You: (What would happen if you didn't) complete it by tonight?

Modal Operators of Possibility:

Ex: can, can't, will, won't, do, don't

Client: I can't understand why Caleb won't talk to me. You: (What prevents you) from understanding why Caleb won't talk to you?


Nominalization (event nouns)

Typically these will manifest in the form of a noun that can be translated backwards into a verb. I.e a noun that SHOULD be a verb. This causes in someone an inability to move past an event in their life because they've made it a completed event that can't be changed as opposed to an ongoing action that can be adjusted.

(Decision, failure, confusion, etc.)


My divorce is painful.

Translates to:

My wife and I divorcing is painful.

Here is when you would proceed with Deletion diagnoses and assist with expanding their model.


Who is experiencing pain from you and your wife divorcing each other?

What about you and your wife divorcing each other is painful?

Link to testimony post with all the posts associated to the book as we have discussed so far.




Those in places of power and in the high places are seeking our end. We know that any thing that ever happens, You were in control over. Such the likes at the WEF have confessed we are useless eaters in their eyes. May Your Holy Ghost in us prove they are wrong. We are filled with the Holy Spirit and You love us and them. You love the whole World as Jesus told us in John 3:16. You want all of us to repent and come to You by and in the Son, Jesus Christ. We pray Your Holy Spirit falls on those You have predestined to adopt as Your own. Call them out of the wickedness just as you call us out of our own by Your Holy Ghost in the Word (Bible).

In Jesus name amen.

Please follow up on prayer garden with u/Slechta. He will be doing another prayer there.

God bless us all with the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name amen.


A concerned . Win sister in Jesus Christ reached out to me (per her request i will not be linking her to this but i also do not want false accolades so for the record this was not an idea the Holy Ghost gave directly to me) and wants us to pray for our enemies at the WEF summit.

I will keep mine short that way the comment section can be more involved in completing the prayer.

Father, we pray for these enemies, perhaps they don't know you, maybe they have met you and are afraid to stand against the evil plots, we do not know. You DO know their intentions for us the citizenry of the world. Father, we ask that their net prepared for us be the net that catches their own feet, if it is your will. That their plots come to nought, and their evil schemes, whatever they are. Nonetheless i end here that whatever You decide, Your Holy Ghost abounds in us that we respond as Jesus commands us to as Your plan for each of us unfolds; that we respond as Jesus commanded us: to pray for our enemies and bless them that despitefully use us and persecute us, that we may be children of the Father which is in heaven: for He makes the sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust. (Matthew 5:43-48) In Jesus name amen.


This will be the first of many posts i hope to share with all of you as i read a 6 book series on Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). I made a post prior on how the Holy Ghost led me to this book series. Please take the time to read it if you would like context to the posts I'll be making today and in the future.

In short; I believe God has revealed to me that Q's main tactic of disseminating info to us is via NLP. It is my humble opinion that all mankind has been affected by mkultra to some extent and its roots are in language barriers of those that are inhibited by mkultra and do not know it. I further believe that mkultra is the literal method by which satan manipulates believers and nonbelievers alike. By distorting, deleting, or generalizing the Truth. Look no further than genesis and ask yourselves if this is not the case.

It's the same format that is distorted to create mkultra slaves and post Cathy Obrien's testimony, i have found that the exact reverse frees minds. You are welcome to contest what i share and if the mods come to find an issue with this, please reach out to me if this belongs on another board. I will post this to the prayer garden as well because i am certain that these tactics existed and were first created and used by Jesus Christ the Son of God. So in conjunction with these posts i intend to leave it for open discussion and i will be adding Bible references to yield to and see the Holy Spirit glorify God in Jesus Christ. I'll be sharing terms and examples for anyone to look through and learn about this book series. I recommend buying the whole series which i will always link my original post at the bottom of each post for any new folk who wish to know what they are. I pray in Jesus name God gives me the Holy Ghost to properly covey this therapy book series and direct all glory back to God in the Bible. In Jesus name amen.

Anyways here is the first post:

Models: What is a model? A model is a representation by which an individual views the world they exist in. It's a representation of what they perceive; not what actually exists. Models define a large portion of why to one person a Bible is the most sacred book in comparison to any book ever written, whereas to the person who was abused by a molester who quoted verses to the victim while they were being abused has little to no love for the Bible, by the victims own admission.

If we look at the book of Job we can see the manifestation of this:

Job chapters 15-17

We see Eliphaz, who is one of Job's friends. Making cruel and judgemental statements toward Job, blaming him for the suffering he is enduring. Whereas from Job's perspective, his friends are being as he put it in chapter 16 "miserable comforts are ye all".

This is a representation on how 2 people look at the same thing but see 2 different scenarios. Now as the Bible believing Christian asserts via the scriptures; there is another model. But this one is the True model because it was made by the Modeler (God). Whom in chapter 1 asserts that Job IS perfect. So we have an issue where we see that Job's friends presumptuous statements about evil hypocrites suffering God's judgement, albeit biblically correct, are attributing it to Job. Job maintaining his stance that though he knows he's without fault, will not quarrel with God's judgements. Yet later in the Bible in the latter chapters of Job, even Job is reprimanded by God. Job didn't have the full picture and neither did his friends. God didn't tell Job about His bet that He made with satan. Which segways into the next vocabulary term.

Surface Structures: So when we hear any affected by impoverished surface structures speak, we are often given a general statement of their model.


"I am scared"

We have here a surface structure statement, but what it lacks is details that the questioner can ask to revive and enrich the model of the person who is scared.

Before going further try for yourselves to think of some questions to ask.

  1. Who or what are your scared of?
  2. What about that person or thing makes you have feelings of fear?

..To name a few.

Which leads into a deep structure.

Deep structures: Are expanded more detailed manifestations of the surface structure.


"I'm scared of you because you remind me of my father. "

Which we can go deeper and ask.

"What about me reminds you of your father?"

And they respond with, "I don't know; i think it's the way you look."

"What about the way i look reminds you of your father?"

(This is a process that can continually reach deeper into the client/ friend/ family to not only reveal missing details to you to better help them, but also for them to revive their model with more information and thereby reviving them of the povertous surface structure they were using to model their world before you challenged it. Now with the new information, they will have more linguistic tools at their OWN disposal to break out of that fear that they have believed they are bound to.

My fellow pedes; welcome to the introduction of NLP

Original post with links to other lessons and vocabulary list https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqKte9n7/testimony-of-a-purpose-and-direc/

Expect the next post this week.


So a couple years ago (right around the cusp of me finding this place via a family friend) i had a really strange dream:

"I was in a hidden camp in the woods with a community of people. When all of a sudden they were all taken in a Trance which controlled and bid them to go on a boat and ride out to sea to the ones that called them. I tried as i could because my fiance was on that boat. Unfortunately their boat was overencumbered and it sank while i was trying to board."

When i woke up the Holy Ghost gave me the word Trance. I had presumed that was Him telling me to write a novel on the dream He had given me. Further down the road though while scrolling through the pages of .win, one of you beautiful pedes was used by God to lead me to Cathy Obrien's testimony if mkultra. I watched the entire hour and 57 minutes and was blown away by it all. There was something more unsettling though that the LORD brought me to realize. The reason He told me trance was because He wanted me to read cathy and mark's book, Trance- Formation of America.

Fast forward to somewhere within the early chapters of reading Cathy's book, i had another dream:

"This time i was in a school and i saw my fiance in turmoil (she's a teacher in this dream). She was fretful and in fear curled up in fetal position. As i came to her i asked what's wrong. She replied that she didn't know what He (God) wanted her to do. I told her in the Holy Ghost, He wants her to slow down. So then i asked her to come watch back to the future with me. (Remember this, it will come back at the end of the post).

So I'm reading the book and watching Cathy's video over and over again to gain clarity on all that God had me consuming. Then it got me. They mentioned the techniques used to free cathy from her mkultra programming; i.e. Neurolinguistic Programming. However this wasn't just any run of the mill NLP. They were referring to the founders and discoverer of NLP; Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Who wrote a 8 book (and longer) series on NLP:

  1. The structure of magic
  2. The structure of magic II
  3. Patterns of the Hypnotic techniques of Milton H. Erickson M.D. I
  4. Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson II
  5. Frogs to princes
  6. Trance-Formatons
  7. Re- framing
  8. Using your brain for a change

It was then that God showed me why He led me to Cathy's book.it was hidden by her and Mark in the very title of their book Trance- Formation of America. They were giving a shout out to Richard bandler and John grinder for their work on NLP which regained cathy her programed mind. NLP deprogrammed her.

At the end of reading cathy and mark's book you find out that they fell in love. Mark coupled the cryptic speech of NLP from some of the latter books to loose her mind instead of bind it.

He quoted back to the future and showed up to pick her up in a DeLorean saying " Sometimes you have to remember where you've been to find out where you're going. "

Just as I offered to watch back to the future to my fiance. I think I'm going to use this series to rescue my future wife (maybe not to Cathy's extent) from the same mkultra programming. If not at the very least I plan to learn this to rescue any and all bound up by language inhibition that the LORD allows me to help.

Now for the conclusion:

I believe the whole world has suffered from the effects of this massive undertaking of mkultra insomuch that from only reading a portion of the 1st book (structure of magic) we can see with our own eyes how we've all been robbed of clear and plain thought.

It is linked to language and grammar itself.

I won't go in depth about it now. But i wanted to leave all that read this with this:

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Matthew 10:24-25

24The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. 25It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

If Jesus Christ our Lord Himself was Word, then that must mean we are nothing more than language ourselves, lest we presume to be more than our Lord Himself.

Our language directly links us to how our model of the world looks like (which is individualized). And the cabal robbed us from it at every level. From schools, to military, to movies, to music. That's why Jesus came as the Word of God. Word is how our models can be expanded, challenged, defined, and changed.

NLP is nothing more than a mirror image on how Jesus Christ came to us and spoke Words coupled with His actions to convince us of His identity as Son of God.

I am going to do a post series for each book where I'm gonna give brief summaries of all the topics Richard and John discuss coupled with bible verses. It will be a while because i wish to read the whole series before i share. But i will be posting again. I want you all to know of it as intimately as i will if not more. I truly believe God wants us to use this skill. NLP inverted for evil is exactly how people are mind controlled. The way they are freed is when it's used to expand the target person you are working with's mind or even your own.

God bless you all with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name amen.

Lesson Order(Structure of Magic)

1.) https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqiD2RfT/the-structure-of-magic-i/

2.) https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqwFtE6D/structure-of-magic-i-lesson-2/

Vocabulary List https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqrjTkZz/structure-of-magic-i-vocabulary-/


Holy Ghost, please lead my hand

2 Samuel 9

And he bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?

Father, what are we that You would look upon us?

Sinners, adulterers, greedy, murderers.

Yet You sent Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross and reconcile us to You. Therefore furthermore to fill us with Your Holy Spirit unto sanctification that we may obey in times past we could not.

Please bless this bread, the body of Jesus Christ, given for us. May we take and eat.

Please bless this wine, the blood of the new covenant, shed for many for the remission of sins. The blood of Jesus Christ. May we drink all of it.

May we be filled with the Holy Ghost to pray for our enemies and those in power that seek our destruction. That they too repent and can join us in the glory of Your Kingdom Come.

In Jesus name amen.

Holy Spirit, please lead my hand?

(Sorry it's been a while, all. Been a lot going on lately and it's been a struggle to do this at all)

1 Samuel 13

"Couldn't wait, could you?"

What if Saul had waited a few more minutes? What if he had paused a second and considered Your commands before offering a burnt offering as sacrifice. In fact so short a time from Samuel's arrival it would have been completely possible to wait.

How many times have I done that? Missed out on Your delivering providence in favor of instant gratification? How many times have I sold myself short by literally seconds?

I repent, Father. Of my lusts, my greed,my malice, my sins and please reveal and remove my iniquities in my heart and the rest of my brothers and sisters. May we all repent. May those that are over us in places of governance be convicted of the same if You will, Father.

Fill us with patience of the Holy Spirit to see beyond our instant desire. Maybe to even see the deliverance isn't that much further behind the instantly gratifying choice.

Please bless this bread, the body of Jesus Christ given for our frowardness and forwardness into sins.

Please bless this wine, the blood of the new covenant, shed for many for the remission of sins. The blood of Jesus Christ

In Jesus name amen

Holy Spirit, please lead my hand.

Joshua 19

Today Father, i ask that in our growth in You that you fill us with the Holy Spirit unto emotional temperance. Accidents happen, and I'm too often known for presuming them to be intentional before allowing council to judge the matter with wisdom instead of with reactions.

We repent of our quickness to judge. May we vbe more prudent and give space and time to yield our emotions up and to make room for accidents among others and to wise council before emotionally responding to things others do.

As Jesus even said; forgive them, Father, they know not what they do.

Let us consider this in light of those in the cabal and in this upper echelon of powers that be. We may not know the full extent of what led them to what they became; Hod forbid we had been in their place, who's to say we would not have made the same decisions.

Let us remember that grace in our lives today.

Please bless this bread, the body of Jesus Christ, given for us. May we eat it knowing our repentant need of it.

Please bless this wine, the blood of the new covenant of Jesus Christ. Shed for that remission of sins.

May the Holy Ghost renew us into loving consideration of our enemies and friends and family alike.

Mistakes do happen, even by our own hands. So let us be gracious this mothers day. Just as You were to us, unreservedly. In Jesus name, amen

Holy Ghost lead my hand please?

Joshua 6/ John 12

Father, we have sinned. We have spoken without Your permission. We've shouted without Your command. Words have proceeded out of our mouths You did not bid.

Your Son didn't do that. Only what You commanded, He spake.

Father we repent of every spoken word or shout that you gave us not utterance to speak of Your Holy Spirit's inspiration.

Please bless this bread, the body of Jesus Christ, the prefect lamb which was given for us whom was without disobedience of tongue or of any sin against you.

Please bless this wine, the blood of that same Jesus Christ, our Lord, whom of that blood shed for us the remssion of sins and the new covenant written in that blood.

May we eat and drink in repentance for all that we have failed to do that He accomplished.

Thank You, Father. For Jesus Christ giving us salvation and the Holy Ghost giving us the chance to obey You in Him. Please do the same for those in power that have lost sight of that ir have never known. Thank You for the love of a beloved sister (you know who you are) who came to me asking we pray for our corrupt leaders. In Jesus name amen.


My father got exposed in a welding gig and the class wasn't prpoerly protected. Osha seems to have known it was poisonous since '05.

I ask that please, would people pray for my dad. He is planning to sue the state of Va (he is a DOT employee). But if anyone has any known remedies please comment.

God bless you all with the Holy Ghost and thank you for any prayer and help. In Jesus name amen.


Holy, please lead my hand.

Deuteronomy 26 1 Corinthians 15

Just as the harvest of our land, Father. A tithe unto you of the firstfruits of our land, we give unto the levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow.

That 10th of our beginnings in the third year.

Just the same Jesus Himself. Gave of Himself all of Himself in the 3rd year of His ministry unto God for us.

As we take this bread, may we remember the brokenness of our Master, Jesus Christ. The destruction of His body given for us. Please bless it.

As we take this wine, may we repent of our sins, and forgive us, Father. We are unworthy of this new covenant You spiled in Your Son' blood. For the remission of sins we drink it all. The blood of Jesus Christ.

May those in place of power be converted, Father. May this world fall on its knees before You and repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. May Your Holy Spirit fall upon and indwell as many of us as You will and call.

In Jesus name amen.


So a week or so ago 2 naval planes were circling my job. So naturally i wanted to record and as a military buddy the model type and use. Surveillance planes. After i started recording the circled again even closer because i suspect they say me and wanted a closer look... maybe?

Anyways this morning my buddy pranked me with an illuminati call that said:

"A birdie told me you been talking about the illuminati.... now that birdie is dead. "

Fast forward a few moments later i read my local newspaper saying a naval Surveillance plane went down near our local beach.... right by our NASA base (Chincoteage Island)....

....a birdie died.....

I know this is gonna sound really odd but i feel the Holy Spirit of God ordained all this to warn us something happening on my inconspicuous 70 mile long by 15 mile wide peninsula.

Something important enough that ops are happening and they're being passed off as trainings.

Does anyone have good digs on the eastern shore of Virginia?

My grandad was a 33rd degree mason and contributed a lot to this peninsula and im highly suspicious that something very important to white hats and black hats exists here.

Even former gov ralph northam.... the potential pedo of my hometown grew up here.

Any help would be appreciated..

God bless us all with the Holy Ghost in Jesus name amen.


Holy Ghost please lead my hand.

Deuteronomy 12

The blood is the life. We eat not the blood with the flesh.....

Ironic that for the betrayer, Jesus dipped the blood and the flesh and intermingled them before giving them to Judas.

That is to say that the other disciples took not the communion as judas did.

Are we guilty of mingling the Life with death? The Holy Ghost says yes. We are guilty of defiling the Life. We have been betrayers too. We all are guilty of sin. We are all guilty of living 2 lives. One of life and one of sin. We have all fallen short. May we live into You, Father, obedient and not mingle the blood with the flesh that it may go well with us as You promised. May we live unto you righteous and repentant.

In your flesh is Your perfect sin offering for us, Jesus as we eat it may we know how it was mutilated for our healing.

The blood, the blood of the new covenant. The wine of sin remission may we drink it separate of that flesh. May we drink to know that in it is indeed Life. The life of Jesus Christ

We repent of our sin and iniquity, Father. Fill us with Your Holy Ghost unto sanctification. May the same be of those that lead our countries. May they repent as well. May the world, insomuch is Your will, repent and come unto Your Son, Jesus Christ.

In Jesus name amen.


Holy Ghost, please lead my hand.

Numbers 28

The continual offering of a Lamb. The same offering of Jesus Christ to come. His bread for His sacrifices made by fire, for a sweet savor unto Himself.

The same bread that Jesus said He is in John 6.

The Lamb of God and the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ.

Thank You for the best sacrifice and the Only Sacrifice worth something. It is the ONLY sacrifice of worth to you.

In this day I feel moved of the Holy Spirit to take communion, Father. Please by Your Spirit draw others to eat with me as they will.

Thank You for this bread that is the Bread of Life given for us. Jesus Christ's body.

Thank You for this wine which is His blood. The blood of the new covenant. Shed as a sacrifice for the remission of sins. The wine offering of old manifest unto us in the image of Jesus Christ. The new covenant of blood sprinkled on the tablet of our hearts by the Holy Ghost. May we drink it all unto repentance.

Thank You, Father.

For the greatest Gift we could ever receive; Jesus Christ. He is our portion that we do not deserve. For He is the greatest Portion like no other.

May those in power and high places come to recognize this of themselves too, Father. May they too repent.

In Jesus name amen


So I've been reading Cathy O'Brien and Marks Phillips book Trance thanks to you pedes. While reading i went back to their promo talk about it and mark mentioned a tactic used by the cia and feds to control us. The same tactics he used to FREE cathy from her mk ultra abuse; Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He recommended reading up on it for godly purposes and thus I've bought the book.

In listening to intro videos one could easily see in the Holy Spirit that this tactic is older than time itself. In fact Jesus used it plenty. The disciples. Paul even performs an example in Philippians 1. Romans 12 with the topic of renewing the mind. The beatitudes are a prime example of self practice. Blessed are ye when ye mourn, for ye shall be comforted. Hearing it enough and saying it enough when you mourn will override the subconscious to be comforted in a state of mourning by simply stating that verse as an anchor.

Self affirmations do the exact same thing.

Now with Q


Q posted this to tell us why they left signatures. But if these people really are in high levels of government. There was another more simple reason for this. We've been here for some time and can probably remember a msm outlet saying the calm before the storm and freaking out... because we had already been anchored to the phrase and it produced joy in us.

I don't think it was for manipulation. But rather for reinforcenent. To wake us up slowly...like mark did for Cathy. We've all been asleep for varying lengths. But none the less it is delicate work breaking mk ultra on people. And we've all veen brainwashed to some extent.

I think q was early on establishing positive anchors that when we'd hear them we'd be primed in our subconscious to open our eyes wider when we'd hear certain phrases in order to be more skeptical of the msm.

I think NCSWIS is not only an organization. But a positive anchor for us. A bypassing of the subconscious to not become discouraged when we see negative things. But also a reinforcement for when we see certain things play out we will think upon the anchor NCSWIC.

Be encouraged. We have more than we know.

God speed my fellow patriots. Let's take back our countries. One freed subconscious at a time.

May the Holy Ghost guide us must of all to reveal and share the Truth of Jesus Christ with everyone. In Jesus name amen.


MSM is hyping Russia committing crimes against humanity by the UN....interesting choice of words....



I'm getting the feeling that Putin has the evidence of Ukraine boo-boos... What better place to release it than during a charge against Russia for crimes against humanity then he drops the evidence. Just a theory but what if putin pulling this stunt was indeed to get information to be dropped in court against the 666?

Please give me commentary if I'm off the mark, frens.

God bless us all most of all with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name amen.


Holy Ghost please lead my hand.

Numbers 21

Just as Israel with the Amorites, so is it today with nations today; it didn't have to come to war and one nation spoiling and taking from another.

Israel asked to pass through the borders of a nation taking nothing, but then the Amorites refused and picked and unessesary fight with Israel where there was no quarrel. As a result You, LORD delivered the Amorites and everything they had into the hands of Israel.

May we also today take into consideration the same as we go into the world, Father. May we in the Holy Spirit be peacemakers and not be warmongering, Lest You deliver us into the hands of our enemies. May we first seek peace before war. In Jesus name amen.

As most martial art teachers even say

"Avoid fighting until you have no other option. "

Please join us for 1 minute of prayer 5 pm pdt.

Just as our Master did. He being King of War will wage a great War and spoil all His enemies at His return. The same Master who before this war to come, chose to give His life instead of preserve it that He may conquer death and sin. The Man returning is not laying His life down again but coming to destroy and spoil all His enemies.

As we eat this bread may we repent and eat His flesh in humility unto God that we be covered by His dying.

As we drink this wine the blood of Jesus Christ unto the new covenant for the remission of sins, shed for us; let's remember Him and His sealing of us in the Holy Spirit in His blood to rescue us from His judgement coming.

May we also pray for those in power, the stewards of this world who were given power to prepare the citizens beneath them for the coming Jesus Christ. May they repent before the LORD finds them drunk and beating us... and the same goes for us too. We repent LORD. sanctify us and grow us unto perfection and preparation for the Kingdom Coming. In Jesus name amen.


Holy Ghost, please lead my hand.

Numbers 3

You sealed a pattern of Jesus Christ in levi when You called Moses to take the Levites instead of the firstborns of Israel and Levi's cattle instead of Israel's.

Just the same. Our High Priest, Jesus Christ was taken from instead of us.

Father, as we take this bread and wine today, please lay we in Your Holy Spirit, come to rememberance that Jesus died for far more than we can ever realize. The losses we deserve continually, He bore. The affliction meant for us was excited on Him. The geief we own, He took from us. So as we go through the week. Bring us to remembrance. Jesus not only died on the cross for our sins, but furthermore He died on the cross in our stead.

John 6

Please bless this bread, the flesh of Jesus Christ the giving of life eternal. May we eat in gratitude.

Please bless this wine which is Your life giving blood which is for the remission of sins and of the new covenant with God. May we drink in repentance.

Please lead these blind leading blind leaders into repentance as well, Father. Turn this world, our communities, and our nations back to You. I know things must inevitably get worse, but in Your longsuffering, we beg for a little more time. There's still souls to be saved. Please do not relent from Your longsuffering. Nevertheless. Your will be done, Father.

May the Holy Spirit guide and teach and grow us all into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus name amen.


"I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius the surgeon, likewise Hygeia and Panacea, and call all the gods and goddesses to witness, that I will observe and keep this underwritten oath, to the utmost of my power and judgment. I will reverence my master who taught me the art. Equally with my parents, will I allow him things necessary for his support, and will consider his sons as brothers. I will teach them my art without reward or agreement; and I will impart all my acquirement, instructions, and whatever I know, to my master's children, as to my own; and likewise to all my pupils, who shall bind and tie themselves by a professional oath, but to none else. With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage. Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. Further, I will comport myself and use my knowledge in a godly manner. I will not cut for the stone, but will commit that affair entirely to the surgeons. Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient; and I will willingly refrain from doing any injury or wrong from falsehood, and (in an especial manner) from acts of an amorous nature, whatever may be the rank of those who it may be my duty to cure, whether mistress or servant, bond or free. Whatever, in the course of my practice, I may see or hear (even when not invited), whatever I may happen to obtain knowledge of, if it be not proper to repeat it, I will keep sacred and secret within my own breast. If I faithfully observe this oath, may I thrive and prosper in my fortune and profession, and live in the estimation of posterity; or on breach thereof, may the reverse be my fate!"

Paired with the book of Luke

Luke 10:25-37

25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?

27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

Holy Ghost please lead my hand.

Levitticus 16

Father, we are broken. We are tired. We are dejected, but most of all, Father. We are contrite. Look upon us, Your broken children. We are so lost and in need of Comfort. Give us Your Holy Spirit that we may see things from Your perfect perspective as opposed to our finite fallen one.

Glory to You, Father that You made Jesus our scapegoat that our sins could be castvas far from us to an uninhabited place away from God's sight. Forgive us as we confess and lay our hands upon Jesus Christ and begging to be forgiven as we repent of our sins which are many. Of my own: lust, greed, selfishness, unthankfulness, malice, wrath, gossip, and so many more iniquities i can't see. Reveal to me them that i may repent further, Father. Lead us all to perfection.

Please bless this bread, the body of Jesus Christ, given for us. Let us eat.

Please bless this wine that is the blood of the new covenant, the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for many for the remission of sins. May we drink every drop.

May we also be led to forgive and pray for the repentance of all the leaders and members of the world governments that have done such horrid things. May they too come to repentance unto Your Son, Jesus Christ in Your Holy Spirit. Bring us to holiness and sanctification, Father. Please make our will conform to Yours.

In Jesus name amen.


Siblings, forgive me in advance for not responding individually to you all. Your prayers in the Holy Spirit were so edifying to read this morning. It's with a heavy heart i must inform everyone that God indeed has other plans. My aunt fell asleep in Jesus Christ last night. Thank you allso much for the prayer and God bless you all so much for the laying on of hands, healing, and for all the Holy Ghost filled responses and encouragement. I believe God needed her to to; why, i don't know yet. Though i believe that i also know that her life was taken either by negligence/ intentionally. For that i pray forthe repentance of such one's that when this boils over and the mob demands their heads on stakes they can at least escape damnation. I forgive them for their monstrosity. I'm no better. None of us are. May we pray they repent and come to Jesus Christ soon. A reckoning is coming. One will be of the nob tearing them limb from limb. The other will be the return of Jesus Christ and the day of judgement. May the Holy Spirit fall on them and us into repentance. The winepress of wrath that Jesus will be stomping is not something i want to be even 10 feet near.

Revelation 19

Glowies, this is a message to you. Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. You may not be spared the noose of law, but you can be spared of hell. Repent and believe in Jesus Christ and turn from your wicked ways before it is too late. You have poked the Bear. And have been caught red handed in His cubs blood.

In Jesus name amen.

I love you all.


Holy Spirit, please lead my hand.

Everyone, my aunt is in the hospital with covid. Late at night (i have no doubt she was manipulated into thinking it was a good idea/ she was very angry vax) they put her on the vent via her request and she's only been going downhill since. I've urged all my family since the day they put her on it to get her off and make the doctors give her ivermectin. They competed disregarded me. There's holes in her lungs everywhere and they swear every client regardless of vax status has holes in their lungs. I am not foolish to pray contrary to God's will regarding my aunt; if God wants her who am I to protest. I still however want justice. These doctors, ignorantly or knowingly put her on that ventilator and i have no doubt that helped her decline. It's out of my hands and my cousins refuse to do anything else or fight the docs to get her off the vent. I want necks in nooses. I'm angry and i just need help brothers and sisters. My aunt is gonna die. I know only God decides when but i wish it didn't have to be by human negligence/ intentional evil. Please pray with me that these monsters repent for what they have done. Despite my desire for their necks in nooses, which i do believe those responsible deserve. I do also hope the Holy Ghost brings them to repentance so that they can come to Jesus Christ and at least escape damnation. God help us all. Please pray for my aunt. I don't doubt my aunt can be healed but given many weren't spared how dare i even ask more than God's will be done. Please let it be done, Father. No matter how much i protest. I don't wanna lose my aunt. But You are God. You will do what You say You will do regardless of my wants and You are God; You have every right as creator. Please give me and all those like me Your Holy Spirit to see Your will in this and not ours. In Jesus name amen.

Holy Ghost, please guide my hand.

Levitticus 5 Matthew 5

The Holy Spirit said to me:

"Here's a 5:5 that outmatches Q."

Father, we are guilty of the sin of swearing. Not as many interpret it as. Not the mention of asses or damnation or piss, the likes You even spake in Your scripture. Much worse: the sin of swearing an oath of evil OR good which we cannot guarantee. I.e.

We always swear by heaven, earth, and even our own heads. We own not heaven nor earth and have no right to make oaths upon them they are Yours. Our heads we cannot make the hair black or white.

Forgive us as we come before You in humility and repentance to take the communion of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Please bless this bread, the unleavened bread that is the body of Jesus Christ given for us.

Please bless this wine which is the blood of Jesus Christ poured out for us. Shed for many for the remission of sins. The new covenant. The perfect sin offering for our wretchedness.

May we eat and drink in contriteness and joy and let us be strengthened.

Contrite for being sinners Joy for being saved anyways Strengthened because Your Holy Spirit is alway sanctifying us.

In Jesus name amen.

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