We don’t have vaccines on the unit, they come up from pharmacy and since everything is about money, pharmacy can’t dispatch anything without a scan seal to charge the patient. Vaccines aren’t free, they have government funding or through your insurance. It would be on your itemized list from hospitalization. If caught giving a secret vaccine you can kiss your nursing license goodbye and I’ve never heard of a nurse caring that much if you are vaccinated or not, not to risk their job and whole life.
I do know people who had fevers, but nothing substantial after that. I have seen some strange infections without reason in the hospital but they are all older people. Not having medical care because of the lockdowns and busy healthcare pace can also make a difference in outcomes.
Yep they switched to medical model of mental health, but they are also responsible for taking care of the people who call the cops on those mentally ill. You’re at the grocery store and some guy acts stupid and tries to get to know you, in the face of obvious rejection you realize something is wrong and call the cops. Cops have to take them to the hospital where those clinicians must take care of them so imagine your business being forced to do something by law. Of course it’s terrible care and I stuck up for the patients and they hated that and eventually was forced out.
People who want to help them should help, otherwise they just make things up to cover themselves as if they care or want to do it. These people care about emergency medicine and want to practice that but they can’t. Government forces them by laws which should be dismantled. Private business should not be required to hand societies problems. Local governments should address these issues and find people that have solutions not people trying to get out from under it.
Since medicine is s private business people think they must provide the care you want. They provide a service for fee, like holistic practitioners, no one is complaining about the poor outcomes of a holistic doctor to perform heart surgery. Same shit. Don’t go if it’s terrible care I don’t.
I do everything in my power to avoid the hospitals and I don’t see people doing that. Most are overweight, diabetic as they age and treating themselves like shit. Part of the bad outcomes are Americans shitty ass health. When I’m eating a salad and laughed at at work because I refuse to eat the donuts brought in, I guess my choices don’t prompt me to criticize their care. It’s a service I don’t depend on. I fix my own problems and I don’t whine when someone can’t fix the enormous messes I made.
Cycling the cells over with hot and cold treatments will also dumps toxins in the lymph. You get hot and it causes toxin exchange in the cells and lymph. Once you leave the hot after drinking loads of dandelion tea, you can use a fan or convection to lay on the bed and cool down. In fifteen minutes you’ll have to pee like crazy as you dump. Take activated charcoal after to clean up gut toxins and straighten out the gut.
This treatment is a natural treatment for cancer. It causes rapid cell turnover and renewing the body.
Other helpful things: French green clay, green tea but not too much, carrot juice and loads of vitamin C to battle the microbes building up. Age is just the slow take over of a clean sterile body from the womb from fungi, yeast, viruses and bacteria, parasites. Remove them aggressively and watch your body age less. We all die eventually from this slow surrendering so it’s important to get the gut right so you aren’t harboring bad microbes. You will cycle out any bioweapon they are programming inside you because treating with anti parasite meds kills them but it’s like killing any infestation but not removing them, they build up!
It’s possible the vaccine has some efficacy but what my position is, is that it does actually reduce other immune function but I can’t pin what yet. The last time I got crazy here explaining it I think it wasn’t understood so I’m not going to bother. Antibodies are specific and it’s like money, once it’s pinned to a certain microbe that’s it, it’s spent. But not forever, your white cells cycle and every 7 years you have new cells everywhere. Doing the hot sauna then cold treatments will cause the body to do something called apoptosis in cells that have become senescent. After any infection or vaccine the immune cells are primed and they have one job in identifying and attacking the specific cells it’s primed for. Possibly these unknown infections that are acting very strangely in the vaxxed are from the immune system only being primed to covid but not much else. This isn’t ADE because it was “another, unknown reaction” in the ferret studies. Definitely for those who are vaxxed you want to heat your body up and cool it down right after to cause this rapid cell turn over. Anyone vaxxed or not should do this, it will keep rapid aging in check. I do this and I look ten years or more younger and according to my holistic doctor also. Vaccine can benefit specific immunity toward covid in my opinion but causes too much specificity in the immune function toward covid and not other things. Possibly more bioweapons are floating around in my opinion because we had two vaxxed with very strange symptoms of infection without anything lining up. My goal is to illuminate and not be swayed by popular opinion. The truth doesn’t rest there. Vaccines like other medicine are tricks toward the body but we can’t know the consequences. It’s possible that some will have worse reactions like the elderly who may have these reactions I saw last night.
I’m still investigating this.
This was a smaller town and rural hospital so there’s a chance that a higher unvaxxed population exists there. I also see a few in with bizarre infections that aren’t covid and they ARE vaxxed. Because I’m the one who called out the TH2 reactions in the ferret trials you can expect me to be completely impartial and open minded in looking at why. I even investigated the vaxxed with these unknown issues so I’m not saying anyone is wrong. Just reporting the facts.
I worked with covid patients last night. Our head nurse gave vaccine exemptions! She’s against them I think she might have one. However I do know the doctors were talking about our five patients with covid all being unvaxxed and now refusing remdesivir. I know they are because I talked to them personally about their feelings on it. I support the patients however they choose and I see my unit doing the same, against the hospitals actually. However I’m not gonna lie about the fact all of them are not vaxxed. No one is really bothering them either. They refuse most meds but are there for the oxygen because they can’t breathe. A guy lost his sister while in the hospital of covid, I sat and supported him because of the no visitor thing, he cried a lot and my manager told me it was so kind of me to spend my hours in there with him.
I wonder why they didn’t cheat this time. I’m hoping this doesn’t make them double their efforts for midterms. They clearly weren’t held accountable, the election in AZ did nothing to stop replacing Dominion machines. I smell tomfuckery here. Maybe they allowed some losses but will engage again midterms. I guess we’ll see!
Three of the six patients I had tonight are on alcohol protocols. If I took a handful of people who work in those hospitals many of us have rarely used them and try extremely hard, are working toward our health to avoid them. No one should go to a hospital unless you have a terrible disease, the problem with the boomer crowd was they didn’t have the activity level their parents did and sit down meals, healthy culture.
When kids eat meals at the dime store because their parents are working we see this total breakdown in cultural health.
In the 80s we saw people try and get to a gym but it wasn’t until a decade ago that people embraced natural medicine and health and despite working in a hospital I could show you my medicine cabinet that’s full of supplements, high end nutrition and herbal medicine. I’m the first person to scream about never going to a hospital and when I did home care my practice was teaching prevention.
My boss never had anything to do with my patients but one year I decided to go on vacation and during report she couldn’t believe many were still alive and none of my patients had returned to the hospital in years. (We get them because they are in and out so they send us to prevent that).
You can’t say that I’ve at least failed in this area, I have nurses ask me my methods and it’s all about my experience in psychology, having a dad as a therapist. If you want someone to quit smoking you don’t pressure them, same thing with food. If they feel bad tell them to smoke or eat until they hear it enough that no one wants to shame them and that it should always feel good to learn new ways of coping and then giving them those tools.
Some of us are learning brave new ways to approach health but it definitely doesn’t help the same way it doesn’t help to shame others about habits, to shame medical providers about their challenges. Give feedback and show support with expectations. And hold to it. But beating a dead horse.. yep that’s the place we are at right now.
I can sincerely say not all hospitals are like this but it’s very true that some hospitals and possibly each hospital is dangerous when short or understaffed. The hospitals themselves are saying this and are trying to send people home earlier and devising systems like virtual care with support. Private pay hospital at home models are popping up because of iatrogenic diseases like C diff and MRSA. We will not have inpatient hospitals in 2035 period. It’s a slow phase out but because of covid they were thrown off course but still projected by the 2024 Medicare cuts to hospitals. What’s tough is these models simply don’t work today and there’s a million reasons why.
The people who work in those hospitals are sincerely great people. Things got really bad with Obamacare penalties. That and just this general decline of the US.
Check this shit out.
Covid shots are positively charged!
That means if you have a low diet in greens, fruits and veggies or have an acidic body which causes cancer anyway, you’re way more likely to increase the acidity of your cells.
I bet people with a horrible diet will have the worst outcomes but that’s an assumption. I drink negatively charged water for health and eat mostly organic produce, fish, nuts and seeds. That with my supplements.
Highly recommend that people who are worried about their family that will take for job reasons, they get their bodies to an alkaline state!!
Harm reduction is my thing.
Also if you really want to hit back at them, mention the lentiviral vector failures and throw their own words in their faces.
Posting from Natural News or known antivaxxer doctors gives them an edge because they often make assumptions that go overboard. If the study says 3 people died that’s not all people. They will tune you out so bring it up they somehow find three dead children acceptable.
Below there’s another good article to throw at anyone.
Stay calm and don’t make assumptions. Just give the details that they are saying already. It’s one thing to want to prevent your family from getting the vaccine and another to make broad statements that just seem overboard.
People tune that out.
Here are the own concerns they are saying themselves. Blow those words up and give it to your lawmakers. Ultimately we need to fight for a choice with good reasoning. Some of those antivaxxers are paid to make rational people look stupid or to get people to parrot things that will get shut down.
Although I don’t know how they can refute saying it causes cancer when at the same time articles like this come out.
I’m staying skeptical of both sides right now. I believe there’s a risk but it aligns with whatever these studies are saying and not everyone. That’s why I’m taking an aggressive approach to my health because even those disinfectants they use on everything are toxic and if I wasn’t extremely on this path or organic food and boosting my diet I’d probably freak out lol.
*doesn’t completely change the genes
They have not yet been able to achieve permanence but are working on it. To note there’s this possibility in a one time dose that completely alters the genes but for now they have to keep giving it.
Yes, fevers and death can happen and it’s highly dangerous. But the effects still wear off. If a person gets vaccinated the risk is immediate. Or so they say as I’ve been following the studies.
This makes sense because I see it in a patient on MRNA and he still has the disease, it just helps make it less severe but he has to keep getting treatments. One is not enough to take away the genetic alteration he has.
“Even though gene therapies have demonstrated a long-term therapeutic benefit, these therapies are still relatively new—approved only in the last few years—and the promise of being a cure has not yet been realized.“
I’m plugging David Sinclair because Joe follows him, he is an expert on genetics. https://podcastnotes.org/joe-rogan-experience/1670-david-sinclair-joe-rogan-experience/
Also genetic medicine is tested and they give it to children with terrible genetic diseases that will make them incapacitated.
I have a young patiemt on it and it doesn’t take away the disease, the effects of MRNA wear off and you can’t give it to adults their genetics are ingrained.
With kids they must get monthly or weekly shots for it to be sustained because it wears off.
This was the thinking with using it as a vaccine because the body is resistant. Just like exercise if you exercise for six months it changes your genes, you lose weight and your health improves but guess what, if you stop exercising all those changes revert. You must keep applying the stimulus.
Same with MRNA medicine. It only works if you start as toddlers and does completely change the genes it only works to improve the condition. If you stop taking the MRNA your body will revert back to its original programming. I can cite all of this.
And this is the doctor who worked with the Army who now has the recipe to make old mice young. He says he can’t give this secret away because just like Tesla, the government will tell you either you work with them or you don’t work.
He’s gone over this in many appearances but says he gives clues to the research. If you google David Sinclair you can peruse his methods and the things he can give away. I’m happy to post links if people are interested or just look up his name on google.
I follow his methods and I’ve done body age testing and I’m a decade younger than my age. I’m happy to post photos, lol.
His name again is David Sinclair and Joe Rogan has him on as a guest because he follows him.
Here’s another helpful article and site about metformin.
They give metformin to diabetics but it doesn’t lower your blood sugar it stabilizes it. Sugar is leading cause for cancer and this is why alcohol can cause greater cancer than even smoking, it’s the sugars.
So the studies show people with diabetes who took metformin, had longer lives and less cancer than others! Smart doctors who work on anti-aging are completing more studies but it only five cents a pill.
That’s not enough money for most to prescribe it. But aging doctors do and you can order online.
Metformin is made from French lilac.
Here’s the history:
Metformin is now prescribed to combat aging and it’s greatest action is by reducing high blood sugars, remember it doesn’t lower it it just prevents it from going too high. You can take metformin to prevent diabetes and it helps you live longer because it prevents cancer.
“Multiple studies have shown metformin to be effective against various cancers, including lung, breast, and colorectal cancer. Metformin delayed the first tumor onset by 22% and 25% respectively in female mice at the age of 3 and 9 months.”
French lilac has that blue pigment!! Discussed this on another post I made to this thread.
High dosages are a problem and this study outlines it.
What doctors prescribe for anti-aging and benefits of improving cognition are 500 mg a day. Many take 1500 mg a day for diabetes. Taking that one pill is a small enough dose to lower risk for cancer and Alzheimer’s.
Toxicity can happen in any product introduced to the body, even water!
So the same high standards in studying medicine will outline the parameters where a drug is effective but not toxic. And 500 mg per day is recommended.
I can post online pharmacies you can get for 5 cents a day if people would like a link.
French lilac can cause upset tummy or loose stills when you first start taking it but those symptoms go away with a day or week. Starting at a quarter pill for a week or so then when those symptoms resolve upping to a half or tolerable dose is helpful. All new substances will have some unpleasant effects but increasing lifespan and lowering cancer and Alzheimer’s risk is worth it. I’ve been having my doctor prescribe now for 15 years, he’s open minded and an endocrinologist.
I am 49 but look 35. I go out with my daughter and people think we’re friends, lol. It does work at low dosage for people who have diabetes in their family.
All of my aunts and uncles had it in their 50s and not overweight. Doctors say it’s just genetic, now my cousins and sister are prediabetic but guess whose A1C is 4.5? Me! And I’m the oldest cousin!
My endocrinologist says it must be the metformin. Have no signs of insulin resistance.
I work with covid patients. It is its own disease apart from influenza and bird influenza is different. Dogs are all dogs but breed wise some have a heavier bite and more body weight. Not all virus breeds are the same. The loss of taste and smell is unique and that dry cough. At least OP was smart and addressed the dry cough with a mucous producing med called mucinex. Mucous lifts the virus out mechanically by cough so when cough is impaired it’s a problem. Humidifiers are amazing so is cleaning your mouth with H2O2 and water. Got to get the virus out of the body.